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What Bourbon Are You Drinking, Fall 2010

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I'm kicking off Thanksgiving and what better way to celebrate the bountiful harvest but to open up a very bountiful George T Stagg.

I choose the 2007 at 144.8prf, sipping it neat and it's loaded with hot praline.

I'm going to use the calculator and cut it down to 125 and 115, maybe I'll also cut one down to 101 and do a side-by-side with it's kid brother Eagle Rare 101.

Ya know it's like Christmas, I have a new toy to play with.

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I guess-ti-mate with a 4oz glass that has ml's and oz's marked on it.

I just poured 40ml of the Stagg and added 10ml water, that brings it down to 120prf if my math is right.

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I guess-ti-mate with a 4oz glass that has ml's and oz's marked on it.

I just poured 40ml of the Stagg and added 10ml water, that brings it down to 120prf if my math is right.

So i need a beaker :grin:. Yay! Something else I can buy on the internet. Any suggestions? I might as well get a nice one. Or two, I'm great at breaking glass.

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I knew about the calculator, I just never had a good way to apply it. If I'm going to "guess-ti-mate", I might as well skip any sort of measuring device.

Let me add that I'm One Hell Of A Guess-Ti-Mator.

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Having a pour of OFBB 2002...good god this in definitely the best of the Birthday Bourbon's that I've ever had.

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Started with Lot B .It was showing real well tonight.Followed by some WLW 2010.I can not get enough of the WLW. Now I want all my wheaters to taste like WLW.What is a bourbon drinker to do?:smiley_acbt:


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Here of late, I've been sampling many that I've not sampled before. To be perfectly frank, many of these recent purchases were made in the spirit of "Okay, I'll buy a fifth of that stuff just to be able to say that I've tried it, and there's better bourbon to be had for less.".

One, however, stands out from the pack, and with flying colors.

I finally took a long overdue tour of Buffalo Trace. Not the hardhat tour. Just the regular tour. It was fun. Lovely place. I've been to Heaven Hill. Want to visit Barton's too. But I finally hit Buffalo Trace.

Next day, I'm at Liquor Barn in Lexington, and the antique collection is being featured. I buy a bottle of George T. Stagg. I mean, what the hell, it's a once-a-year thing. The HAZMAT of bourbons @143 proof. But that's not the story.

I also bought a bottle of Old Rip Van Winkle. Ten years old. 107 proof. Kids, this is IT. I have not tasted a single bourbon at ANY PRICE that has impressed me this much. I went back for four more bottles. At $31/fifth, this is liquid gold. Such a deal. Never should have let that other guy take the last two bottles. I should have grabbed them TOO. I AM in love. I don't even have words to describe it yet. This is the finest bourbon I've ever tasted. Hands down.

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Bowling night tonight. 2010 WLW and VSOF at bowling. 2010 WLW when I got home. :grin: Joe

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Took a bottle of WT Rare Breed to poker, last night. It was sensational, and leaves me wondering why it's not a regular in my line-up.

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While playing poker yesterday at the local poker room, I enjoyed a few WT 101 & Mountain Dew's. Not a bad combination.

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I also bought a bottle of Old Rip Van Winkle. Ten years old. 107 proof. Kids, this is IT. I have not tasted a single bourbon at ANY PRICE that has impressed me this much.

Welcome to the club. Have you tried the 15?

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I bought my first bottle of Pappy 15 monday and understand. It is amazing. Each liquor store here got one bottle each.

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A little nip of Old Charter 10 after my wife poured 3 ounces for the sweet potato casserole. This is our favorite cooking bourbon with its high corn mash bill and a few bottles in the bunker at a $12.99 price.

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Gathered up the flock to make the trip to a friends house for our feast. Wishing everyone a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!:toast:


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A bit of EC 12 and more than my share of Toms Foolery applejack so far today.

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Today I've had '07 Stagg, '01 WTKS & WLW Centennial, but it didn't drown out the fact that I have to work tomorrow, so Good Night all and Happy Thanksgiving.

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