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What bourbon did you purchase today? (Spring 2017)

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7 hours ago, HoustonNit said:


I love this post did you buy one, liked went back and got more?



Yeah. The first store had a bottle open to taste in store. It was good so I bought the 750. The second store wouldn't let me taste in store for off-premise laws, so I bought the 375 to open in the parking lot.  Loved it and came back in to buy the three family sized bottles. 

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On 6/12/2017 at 1:57 PM, Seths said:

Picked up this Stagg Jr today. Also, saw the 3 ECBP sitting there next to the register at check out. I've already got 3 at home so I left them for someone else. 




Leaving something highly desired behind for someone else to find/enjoy when you already have enough - my hat is off to you sir!!  Well done!

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On 6/11/2017 at 7:42 PM, NDN98 said:




Not bad at all on the prices! I was fortunate to find a Weller 12yr in NC last week for $29. First one I have seen in a long time. Wish I could find some Elmer T Lee. 

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12 hours ago, Charlutz said:

I got a blast email that a store in Baltimore had a barrel of ER. I stopped at another on the way and discovered they had a barrel of ER also. I ended up with a 375 @ $20, a 750 @ $35 and two 1.75s @ $60 each, plus a third 1.75 for a friend.  My research included opening the 375 in the car and sipping because the store wouldn't allow a taste in the store. They were really nice about it though when I told them I was going to drink in their parking lot, provided the cup, offered water and ice and said they'd take the bottle back if I didn't like it. I got some good whiskey at good prices and am happy. 




I like!

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I bought a few bottles last night.  The Rhetoric 23 was a hard choice, since it costs a lot more than the Rhetoric 22 I found last year.  I'm guessing the 24 year old will be even an bigger jump, so I think I'll stop with just the pair.


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10 minutes ago, Kyjd75 said:

Well, picked this up this morning at P&M in Elizabethtown:





That's awesome that you got a bottle.  

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One bottle of Blanton's, and one bottle of EH Taylor Small Batch (my favorite sipper).

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Hit eight stores to try and find some more W12 for the bunker but no dice at any of them.  Must've sold out last night or first thing this morning.  I did find an ECBP and Blanton's as consolation prizes, though.  Also picked up a Barterhouse for my dad for his bday in August. 

Edited by dcbt
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I bought a lot of bourbon this week. Today I grabbed an 8+ yo or so ECPS that I tasted and really liked for $28. I found an old style OWA for $30. And then I paid a steep $90 for W12. It's the second bottle I've ever owned, a favorite of mine and I've previously gotten my mind ok with paying high prices for stuff I love and cannot otherwise find. I won't clear the shelves at that price but if it's a choice of paying a high price or going without, sometimes I'll treat myself and drink it without a bit of conscience. Marylanders will well know the store where I got it. There is a strange dichotomy where the owner marks up stuff she knows is in demand but sells other desirable beer, wine and spirits near cost because she has no clue. I'll just need to score some other things at near cost to bring my average price premium down. I'm happy. 


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4 hours ago, NDN98 said:

That's awesome that you got a bottle.  


Thanks.  I was hopeful that I might be able to score a bottle but wasn't sure.  Now I just have to find the right moment to open this baby.

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I love RRSiB, RRSmB, and WT101, but this is my first bottle of Rare Breed Barrell Proof. The handle of EC12 was a nice surprise. 


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Spec's has them, here in DFW, but I know from a buddy in Houston area that you guys got some too.  Most of the stores are limiting them to 1 per customer, so I had to go to 4 different stores.

Thank you so much for the tip they are allocating like a mofo but was able snag a bottle at main Spec's here.

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Thanks for the heads up on the WB store pick buffalo trace HoustonNit.... found them in San Antonio today, no weller found anywhere but I did run into this EHTBP


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Thanks for the heads up on the WB store pick buffalo trace HoustonNit.... found them in San Antonio today, no weller found anywhere but I did run into this EHTBP

Very cool glad I could help ND helped with W12 for and I was to help you with this one.

Nice pick up on BP CEHT.
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I unexpectedly encountered a stash of WSR handles for $34.99, so a couple of those ended up following me home. 

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Picked up a few Fathers Day gifts for myself earlier today - hope you all have a good one as well.



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10 hours ago, GSOPirate said:

I was fortunate to find a Weller 12yr in NC last week for $29. First one I have seen in a long time.


What town did you buy this in?

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8 hours ago, Kyjd75 said:

Well, picked this up this morning at P&M in Elizabethtown:


Any one of those four recipes, at their ages, on their own, would make a fine bottle.  Quite the nice looking blend.  Congrats.





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11 hours ago, GSOPirate said:


Not bad at all on the prices! I was fortunate to find a Weller 12yr in NC last week for $29. First one I have seen in a long time. Wish I could find some Elmer T Lee. 


Ouch - you guys made of money or what?????   :wacko:


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9 hours ago, Kyjd75 said:

Well, picked this up this morning at P&M in Elizabethtown:





You are in for a treat. 

This is a beautiful whiskey that holds its own with the best 4R LE's. 

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What town did you buy this in?

ABC next to Sams Club in Greenville, NC.

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

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While not as fortunate as some (W12 where art thou???), I have recently scored a couple WSR handles @ $34 ea, couple 1792 225th @ $32--36 ea,  couple RY10yr @ $60 ea, and a Pikesville Rye for $39, mostly on spur-of-the-moment stops.  Now if I could just stumble on the elusive W12 (at retail) - the bunkered OWAs would like some company....

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