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  1. Past hour
  2. flahute

    What Beer Are You Drinking In 2025

    Circling back on this because it was late when I responded last night and I wanted to make sure I remembered this correctly. As I recall from back when I used to go to Bend and visit the brewery, the reason they have been slow to expand is due to water quality. In order to get into distribution markets in the middle of the country and further out they want to set up brewing facilities in or closer to those markets. To stay true to the flavors in the beer they look for water supplies that either have the same mineral makeup as the water in Bend or water that is close enough that they can modify. I guess that's a bit of a process which is why distribution is not yet nationwide.
  3. BT ladder last night. EH Taylor SmB ER BT
  4. flahute

    What Beer Are You Drinking In 2025

    I still like Mirror Pond. I drank a LOT of Red Hook back in the day. When we bought our house here I was delighted that the actual Red Hook brewery was only 8 miles away. Had a lot of meals in the brew pub on site before my tastes shifted to all the IPAs that were plentiful in so many small breweries around here.
  5. fishnbowljoe

    More stuff, part deux…

    I received a belated Xmas present in the mail today.
  6. Today
  7. I was bored today with no football to watch, so I decided to do something I haven't done in a long while. I went out searching for a bottle at a few different stores. My little excursion proved unsuccessful for the bottle I was hunting (WT 70 Anniversary), but I did pick up a few anyway.
  8. Spent last night sipping side by side a1792 BIB (a single barrel store pick) and WTKS. Having also been dipping into an excellent bottle of Calumet Farms 8 year small batch lately. The bottom line is that, for me right now, the best bourbon in America is coming from Bartons. When it comes to classic old school bourbon, heavy on the leather and tobacco notes rather than the fruity, coppery stuff, Barton is killing it these days.
  9. I had a good one yesterday - Point Amber Lager. It's along the lines of an Oktoberfest or mild Bock beer. Malt and hops flavors perfectly in balance, very easy going for a darker beer.
  10. I'm a fan of the ET BIB. Since that brand got sold to Sazerac, it's gone missing around here. From what I see online, at a glance, one can tell the newer bottles have a metal cap. My understanding is whiskey went with the purchase of the brand. Given it's BIB, label will indicate when DSP 12 or DSP 113 gets switched over. It would be great if the new owners kept the original ET recipe. Consider with a little more age, that goes or went into brands that sell for $$$.
  11. Whenever I see @smokinjoe bring up BBP in the deep recesses of my brain thoughts of Mirror Pond, Red Hook ESB, Mac and Jack’s African Amber, and Alaskan Amber leak out. These handful of beers are what we drank in the PNW in the late 90s/early 00s. Then the IPAs came for us.
  12. JakeySnakes

    What Bourbon Did You Pass On 2025?

    I probably would have started the negotiation with MSRP ~$150 - just to see the look on his face.
  13. I have bought a few bottles of JB SB 108 and it can be hit or miss; a few have been really good. I don't mind taking a flyer on it if the price is right, in the hopes that it's a tasty barrel.
  14. flahute

    What Beer Are You Drinking In 2025

    The farther east you go the harder it is to find or it's nonexistant. Used to be only west coast. They have been slow to expand their reach.
  15. Kepler


    Good luck. The tater locusts have already scoured far and wide, and have cleared the inventory.
  16. Enjoying M10 Rye. From the beginning, I have really liked this bottle. Form me, it is different than any other rye, I have tasted. Not only different, but very good. I regret passing previous versions of M10R that I had opportunity to pick up. Oh well, lesson learned. Happy FRyeDay SB’rs
  17. This jumped out at me and said, "You're kind of Beamish at times. Why not give me a go?" My first impressions; a little on the hot side, and very sweet. Further research is necessary, but on another night.
  18. Well after the PC10, I just had to pour some of the PC18 yr. Oh man, this stuff is just marvelous.
  19. Back to the Port Charlotte 10 tonight. After eschewing peated scotch for years, I think I finally get it.
  20. Is Deschutes hard to find some places? We have it. Sometimes I buy the Jubeale for Christmas
  21. fishnbowljoe

    What Beer Are You Drinking In 2025

    Fish fry at the Legion. Coors Light afterwards while listening to karaoke.
  22. I'm two pours in, but at the moment............... Penelope Architect.
  23. 0895

    Cocktail Hour - 2025

    fRYEday manhattan with some 12y Lot 40 CS. Seems like nobody talks about this rye much anymore. Maybe everyone drank it all, already. Anyway, it’s good!
  24. smokinjoe

    So, whatcha smokin?

    I gots me a bourbon in my glass. I gots me a roarin’ fire in the outside fireplace. I gots me a Don Pepin to smoke. This past week at the plastic factory can kiss my ass…
  25. Opening this Spec's pick Signatory bottling of a Linkwood 15 yr CS. First sip tastes good. Cheers
  26. Yesterday
  27. Kepler

    Empty Bottle Support Group 2025

    Clearing out some low bottles. I really liked this one and will miss it. Overpriced at $99 for 6 year whiskey, but being a blend of their straight wheat whiskey and their wheated bourbon, I suppose it's unique enough to almost justify the price. I would buy it again if the price dropped to $70.
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