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  1. Past hour
  2. Mama in her kerchief, I in my nightcap. Layed down for a long late Spring night's nap. When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter. I was too tired to give a s...t for that matter. When what to my wondering eyes did appear? Nothing. I was already asleep. Nice pour as a night cap!
  3. Actually, I am doing the same. WT101 and Olympic Swim Trials. Except, I just made a changeover to OWA107 circa 2013. I decided it was time to open this bottle since it is Father's Day.
  4. Some WT101 from my just replenished while watching the Olympic swim trials.
  5. Ha! Nooooo. Get a nice rocks glass with OF86 and then do whatever you need to.
  6. Yesterday
  7. SFTB? Straight from the Bottle?
  8. Thanks for taking it out the paper bag so we could see what it is.
  9. Sky Club well bourbon is OF86 so I always start with one of those. No need for paper cups!
  10. markandrex

    What’s on the menu????

    A tomahawk steak(Pittsburgh rare), baked potatoe and cucumber/vidallia onion salad for Father’s Day!
  11. Another article about the WT RR 15 yr. https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/foodnews/taste-test-russell-s-reserve-s-15-year-old-is-one-of-wild-turkey-s-best-bourbons/ar-BB1okDnY?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=e0ffaec7c6a74f8cb1b81210a4d80f77&ei=19
  12. I like that one a lot as well. Much more than anything else I've had from them. I periodically get them for about $35 on Unicorn auctions. Worth every last little nickel. Mine were bought about 9 months ago.
  13. Flying back to PR. I have learned to bring along the little 2 oz bottles. SFTB 131.9 today. I think the people in the Delta Lounge were getting suspicious when the little paper espresso cup started to dissolve....
  14. I'm on my last bottle too
  15. I tried a little last night and didn't love it.
  16. Personally I didn't care for it. I found it had a musty hay note which I found off putting. Plus it drank very young to me. But I've heard others like the roulette a lot, I do suppose it's worth a try. It is quite inexpensive.
  17. Yes it's a good price here as well. It was on sale ... normally Booker's is around $100 to 110. That said, $85 is still $30 to $40 more than I paid for all the other Booker's in my bunker, so it's still a hard pass for me.
  18. Kepler

    Knob Creek Bourbon X Rye

    I'm glad you posted it. Someone will surely be interested that didn't know about it otherwise (I, for one, was not even aware of it). I hope whoever tries one will post their thoughts on here for the rest of us to find out whether we want to try a bottle.
  19. I've also seen Roulette rye on my local shelves but didn't pick up. I have plenty of MGP rye already (mostly several bottles of Redemption 10 yr BP that I bunkered at sale price)... now you are making me wonder if I need to try Roulette. The price is right so I wouldn't be out much investment either way.
  20. Special Reserve

    What bottle did you open today? - 2024

    Damn That's an oldy but a goody!
  21. Special Reserve

    What did you purchase this Spring? (2024)

    And here I thought "got lucky" meant something else. (Haha.)
  22. MyBrainOnWhiskey

    What bottle did you open today? - 2024

    Starlight Double Oaked 6-year (finished in American Oak), 111.5 proof The other day I tried the Starlight Double Oaked 7-year (finished in French Oak) and it was fabulous, so today I picked up (and have opened) the 6-year offering finished in American Oak. I'm normally not a big fan of double oaked or finishes in general , but I decided to get out of my comfort zone and experiment a little. Glad I did! The 6-year offering finished in American Oak is more in the neighborhood of what I expect from a double oaked product (rich oak, chocolate, tart cherry jam, vanilla) whereas the 7-year finished in French Oak is a fruit bomb that drinks like a high-rye bourbon or a barely legal rye whiskey.
  23. Yes 1 liter. The drawing that I picked up the W12 had all the high end stuff gone by the time my number was drawn. I had only ETL, Blanton's and the 750 & 1L sized Weller 12 bottles left to choose from. For me it was an easy choice, it's the best drinker and an economy sized to boot.
  24. I'm guessing my 7 year old had a little help with her father's day gift this year.
  25. Thomm

    Knob Creek Bourbon X Rye

    I stopped in to take a closer look at the beast. The label says 30 percent 9 year old bourbon and 70 percent 7 year old rye. I know I said I would buy a bottle to try, and the price was near what I expected ($43), but I looked at the regular KC 9 nearby and the regular KC rye, 7 years old, on the other side and just didn't feel as if I would get much more out of this than if I had bought the two and mixed them. And this may not even be the whiskey's fault, but instead a case of untrained, non- discerning palate. So, long story short, I'm sorry I brought it up. Perhaps someone else will give it a go.
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