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  2. Harry in WashDC

    What bourbon are you drinking this Spring - 2024

    Thx. Saw one of these but passed. Now, I feel better at passing.
  3. Harry in WashDC

    What bourbon are you drinking this Spring - 2024

    Holy house repair, Batman! Second floor shower in our 80+ year old Wash DC classic colonial is LEAKING onto the kitchen ceiling. How to cope??? Plumbers cut a hole in the ceiling, used sledges to break up the old cast iron, are cutting pvc to fit. Started VOB 100 at 10:20 am local time. Plumber is cutting the edges to smooth the original iron drain pipes as you read this. Sparks all over! Sometimes, NOTHING but the sweet smooth caramel of this sometimes too sweet bourbon satisfies. Maybe a classic Phillie cheesesteak or a Cuban sandwich from my local deli comes close. But, you can’t drink those.
  4. The UCUF did little for me. A Willetty aftertaste. The flavor to burn ratio was not good. For me, it has not improved for being open for a year or more - unlike many bottles which change enough to inspire a Kafka novel. But. I know others who love it, palates differ. I liked their Small Batch way better.
  5. A Father’s Day gift from one of my fabulous kids. Just one bottle in this picture opened so far. I’ll get around to opening the others sooner or later.
  6. Long week, long day. Probably more of the same for the coming week. Basically a BT ladder this evening with BT, Weller SR, ER, and EH Taylor SmB. Please stay tuned.
  7. The minty note of the Old Fitz made me want some more minty spiciness. On my way to reach for the 4R OBSF, my eyes came across the lonely looking '17 4RSmBLE bottle. It spoke to me. The OBSF will have to wait.
  8. Good to know. I also have their Uncut unfiltered bottle I purchased at the same time as the small batch but I haven't opened yet. I'll have to crack open the UU soon to compare them.
  9. It's great to see this old familiar bottle show up again.
  10. make them last ... but be sure to enjoy them when the time is right and the palate is singing!
  11. I have an old tax stamped 1.75 of Old Forester BIB in my bunker. after my Old Fitz is gone, it will be my last tax stamped dusty.
  12. I have one of those OF 1.75's stored away as well. After seeing this post it might not be so safe! Opened this tonight. Haven't had one of those in quite some time.
  13. I'm on vacation starting this week. Funny, my official vacation started on Friday evening, but since it was a regular weekend, it didn't really feel like vacation yet. Here on Sunday night, watching a delayed recording of the last leg of the 24 Hours of Le Mans, it feels great that I don't have to go to work tomorrow. So I can have a couple of pours with no guilt. First pour was 2005 Pure Kentucky XO. I've really come to appreciate this bottle, and as it gets close to the bottom I realize I'm going to miss it. Think I'll archive off a few ounces in a sample bottle for future comparisons. It has a unique varnish note that only dusty bourbons can provide. That sounds strange, but it's a unique and pleasurable flavor. My second pour is Old Fitz Bonded old school bottling ... as inspired by @0895 and the other fellas over in the 'What bottle did you open" thread. Good call -- good stuff!
  14. Me Four! (however I still have an unopened 1.75ml stored safely in the bunker )
  15. I’m always accepting donations. 101 rye is fantastic as a neat sipper. It has a delicate creaminess to it that I don’t find in any other bottles.
  16. I took my 2nd hit of WRDO (a full shot, neat, in a Glenn Carin glass). I actually liked it... perhaps even better than regular WR. Certainly different than BT, but just as enjoyable. I'm starting to get the aromas down, but we'll keep at it.
  17. Always a solid pour, cheers everyone and happy Father's Day to all the good fathers out there!
  18. And Happy Father's Day to you good sir! That's a very nice pour.
  19. Mama in her kerchief, I in my nightcap. Layed down for a long late Spring night's nap. When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter. I was too tired to give a s...t for that matter. When what to my wondering eyes did appear? Nothing. I was already asleep. Nice pour as a night cap!
  20. Actually, I am doing the same. WT101 and Olympic Swim Trials. Except, I just made a changeover to OWA107 circa 2013. I decided it was time to open this bottle since it is Father's Day.
  21. Some WT101 from my just replenished while watching the Olympic swim trials.
  22. Ha! Nooooo. Get a nice rocks glass with OF86 and then do whatever you need to.
  23. Yesterday
  24. SFTB? Straight from the Bottle?
  25. Thanks for taking it out the paper bag so we could see what it is.
  26. Sky Club well bourbon is OF86 so I always start with one of those. No need for paper cups!
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