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  2. bayouredd

    Empty Bottle Suport Group 2024

    At least the final pour is a healthy one...
  3. Returned to my Redwood Empire for last nights pour. Not CS just the regular octane but it’s a pleasant little pour. Nothing special but nothing off either. Good early week dram.
  4. I was hoping she'd get an ER...but she wanted HER own Blanton's...so it's whatever.
  5. Double C's

    What did you purchase this Spring? (2024)

    I stopped by the same store after work yesterday, but it was to pick up a bottle of EC toasted that they had for the best price I've seen. It was cheap enough to finally get me to buy one to try. The employee said the blanton's and ER lasted about an hour after that email went out. I would not pay that price for blanton's anyway. I may have been tempted if they still had ER left, as that price was pretty close to msrp.
  6. The new thing here is the distillate. It is 100% their own, and they bumped the proof to 93
  7. Skinsfan1311

    What did you purchase this Spring? (2024)

    Thanks! I can only get on base with Mom and since she's in VA Beach, my choices are Norfolk, Little Creek and the Coast Guard PX,(which has a surprisingly good selection for a small store). Shopping at the PX is like a scavenger hunt, because they're not limited by the state distribution system, so they seem to have bottles that aren't readily available on the economy.
  8. A healthy pour of MM. A couple of pours of HH7 BIB.
  9. bassman

    What happened with SAOS

    Ed Bleys recent Old Stubborn wheated bourbon says distilled in WV, which I hear most say is SA. 12 yr old pot distilled. I cracked my bottle of it. Pretty flavorful, rich and viscous.
  10. Having the last of a W12 bottle (see empty bottle thread) and a couple "kickers". Vacation starts tomorrow...flight leaves at 5:35am! As soon as these are done I'm showering and going to bed.
  11. Clueby

    Empty Bottle Suport Group 2024

    Adios. This was a very good bottle.
  12. A local had a special where if you bought a bottle of their Blue Note Juke Joint store pick you got to buy a Blanton's or ER10 at "retail-ish". Mrs. Clueby was off work today so I texted her and she made the run. She picked Blanton's. She also picked up a Blue Note Crossroads. It's finished in toasted French oak. Not sure I'm gonna like that one. I've had some BN store picks that have been great and at least one that was downright awful. We shall see.
  13. Harry in WashDC

    What did you purchase this Spring? (2024)

    I've not been to the Little Creek PX. FWIW, Joint Base Myer Henderson Hall in Arlington has both a Class 6 for Ft. Myer and "The Vineyard" on Marine Corps Base Henderson. Their selections - wine and spirits - do overlap but do not duplicate entirely. The MCX Vineyard has a better bourbon selection but NEVER carries OGD like Myer does. Myer also has a better bottom and mid-shelf scotch selection while the MCX has a better top shelf and, sometimes, limited bourbon drops that Ft. Myer never gets.
  14. I do like Sagamore's bottles. Art Deco throwback sorta. Tasteful, and the whiskey ain't bad either.
  15. Yesterday
  16. It was finally sunny and HOT (over 90 degrees) today in New England - a perfect day for the first Freezer Bourbon of the Year! P.S. - The new deck umbrella is also up - a new Four Roses black one. Now all I need is a step stool to be able to unfold it and insert the pin to hold it open. I don't think even Brent could do it without a ladder . . . .
  17. Today I bought the new "regular" bottle from sagamore.
  18. Clueby

    Bourbon MEME's

  19. I know ECBP A124 has gotten meh reviews and I also passed on it as a result. But, last week my son brought over a fresh bottle which we opened after dinner. I have to say, it's a delicious whiskey with a great, cotton candy nose. The criticism has mostly been that it's off profile for ECBP, which it is; but that doesn't make it a bad whiskey. IMO, it's worth a buy if you see it at msrp.
  20. Yesterday was KC 9, Weller 12 and a night cap of OF Statesman. Good, Best, Better!!
  21. Was never in the service(s)...but thank you to those of you who were/are!! I WAS at Little Creek about 5 years ago for work, however.
  22. JD SB BP with a couple drops of water last night. Not traditionally a Jack fan but this stuff is good. I still get the banana candy on the nose but don't really taste it. Too much other stuff going on. It's a bold and tasty one!
  23. Skinsfan1311

    What Bourbon Did You Pass On 2024

    Nice! Dad was in the Navy for 38 years...
  24. fishnbowljoe

    What Bourbon Did You Pass On 2024

    I was in the Army. I was stationed in Little Creek for training from October 74-April 75.
  25. b1gcountry

    Empty Bottle Suport Group 2024

    I killed off the apple brandy with a jack rose. I tried lime juice instead of lemon and I decided the lemon is better. The glenrothes bottle actually had the last of my handle of old Fitz BIB that a friend picked up for me as a housewarming gift right before COVID. RIP Tom.
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