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  1. Past hour
  2. Clueby

    What’s on the menu????

    I had never heard of "City Chicken" before so hopped over to the Googles! Sounds pretty good. Might have to try it.
  3. Today
  4. This isn't amazing, but it's nicely distilled and aged 5 year Bourbon finished in Spanish wine barrels in Indiana. I picked up the bottle last year and just came back to it last night. I've like most of the starlight stuff I've tried.
  5. fishnbowljoe

    What did you purchase this Spring? (2024)

    Not purchased. A gift. One of the guys in our bourbon and cigar group is very generous.
  6. Bourbon and cigar night. We enjoyed BT, Traveller Whiskey, Benchmark Full Proof (125 proof), and……. wait for it….. wait for it….. 2013 GTS 138.1 proof! Yes, it was a great night.
  7. When you get those small bubbles that cling around the surface inside the glass and don't pop right away, the Bourbon is said to be "beady". That's a good sign. The DSP 31 distilled JW Dant was like that.
  8. PaulO

    Bourbon MEME's

    Mr. Spock needs to advise him, Distiller's Cut, not the white label.
  9. Had my last small pour from a 4-ounce 'sample' bottle I made up years ago of Parker's Heritage Blend of Mashbills. I think this is from 2012? Anyway, I didn't kill it off. I poured off the top 1/2 ounce or so to remind myself what a wonderful Bourbon it is. I'm gifting the remaining 3.5 ounces to a friend who likely will never have a chance to taste this whiskey otherwise. I wish I could see his face when he savors the first pour from it. Alas, I'll just have to imagine that pleasure. I only see this man infrequently. ...Only when I need hand surgery of a cortisone injection in my shoulder. Tomorrow's the shoulder.
  10. A glass of RHF in preparation for The Derby.
  11. Yesterday
  12. GeeTen

    Bourbon MEME's

    Say it really, really fast!
  13. Patrick_OKC

    Empty Bottle Suport Group 2024

    Well, that sucks. (couldn't resist)
  14. markandrex

    Empty Bottle Suport Group 2024

    As predicted last night, this one emptied after doing some vacuuming today.
  15. Grabbed this the other day. I think that I need to be done buying for the spring. Of course summer is pretty close. The JEP a full proof point above the my 1st JEP purchase. We'll see...
  16. Yesterday saw me thinking yesteryear. I went to my oldest bottle opened for pert near 25 years. Pouring created oodles of bubbles & I was afraid it was bad. Not so; you could taste the dust in it, but it was excellent... Started today with a Shenk's 2023, remembered it was wheater Wednesday, so followed with a BBC Origin wheater. Really nice...
  17. I was recently there for a meeting. There was a sales pitch to buy stock. Their margins were incredible, I was tempted. Take so-so sourced stuff, drop a bit of oak in, create some finishes, cheap. Excellent distribution. In could not drink any of it straight, including the award winners (The cabernet finished one & the honey-wheat if memory serves). Quietly poured some in the bathroom when it was empty and went for cocktails. More bitterness than election losers on either side of the aisle. I do not understand the appeal. The novelty? Yes. The numbers? Sure. The taste. No.
  18. Another one You People turned me on to. $50 in Denver and KL. Great stuff.
  19. You People are the ones who turned me on to the JD's. What a deal they are, both the TN whiskey and the rye. I burn a little incense candle for you all in tribute for the knowledge.
  20. I love BBC. The Discs and the Origin in particular. Had the Origin SFTB via barrel thief tour - delicious. And I echo the sentiments on the restaurants. Very good food.
  21. Double C's

    What Bourbon Did You Pass On 2024

    while I did make some purchases yesterday, I passed on Larceny BP C921, ECPB A124, HM 10, Woodford Masters Collection, KC 18yr.
  22. Double C's

    What did you purchase this Spring? (2024)

    WT somewhat recently has used barrels from various Camp Nelson warehouses for some Kentucky Spirit bottlings. I do not know if this was common historically or if this is a newer thing. The particular bottle I bought yesterday came from CN-E and was dumped back in August 2023. This was the first WTKS bottle I have bought since they switched away from the fan tail bottle so I was not even thinking about looking out for these until I heard about the use of Camp Nelson barrels lingering out there in the wild. I did open the bottle last night to compare against an open RR SIB pick I have and the WTKS bottle has a noticeably more prominent spice kick to it that I don't usually get from WT products. I hope that the peppery spice mellows out some as the bottle opens up.
  23. kcgumbohead

    What did you purchase this Spring? (2024)

    What was the interesting info about KS you alluded to? A few years back the launch of Longbranch was rumored to have resulted in 10yr Turkey being incorporated into a few batches of 101. The story as I remember it goes; LBs popularity at launch was greater than expected and strained 8 yr stocks originally destined for 101 so they made up the difference with some 10yr stock. That’s what I recall of the story which I believe started from some comments made by Bruce Russell.
  24. Larceny and Elijah Craig are both from Heaven Hill. They release the barrel proof versions of these in January, may, and September of each year. A: first batch of the year, 1: January, 23: year. A123 To answer your original question, yes batch numbers are definitely relevant. I agree with Flahute above. I've yet to have an ECBP batch that wasnt at worse good to really good. Some an excellent. I've only tried two of the Larceny BP. The first one I had was fine. That other I have is really nice. YMMV
  25. Subsequently, I have discovered that "Larceny" Barrel Proof also shares batch C923 as well.
  26. Today I saw a new one for me - Bulleit Single Malt @ $45 and change with the multi bottle discount.
  27. Double C's

    What did you purchase this Spring? (2024)

    been taken a break from buying bottles lately, unless I get real tempted. The OF are liters and were on a good sale. I heard some interesting info about some recent bottles of WTKS and I ended up finding one at a small store by my house. If you can't zoom in on the label to see the warehouse it came from, it is a Camp Nelson barrel.
  28. Having a pour of Bookers (I believe it is a European Donovan’s Batch). This bootle will likely be in the empty thread very soon.
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