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Heading to Montreal for the weekend in a few weeks. Anyone know of any bars/stores with good bourbon selections?

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On 5/24/2016 at 10:27 PM, bhoffman1418 said:

Heading to Montreal for the weekend in a few weeks. Anyone know of any bars/stores with good bourbon selections?


I realize that I'm replying long after the question was asked, but thought it would still be worth answering in case anyone is researching the same topic. The province of Quebec is basically like one big liquor control state. The government controls distribution and pricing and runs the stores. You can look through what they have to offer on their website www.saq.com and it will show you which stores have any bottles you are interested in.


That being said, they import a pretty limited selection of American whiskey. I almost always end up drinking Scotch when I'm up there. The big three whisky bars are Whisky Cafe, L'Ile Noire and Burgundy Lion. The second two are more worthwhile options in my opinion. There are a couple of other places that have more of a local neighborhood feel and see very few tourists, which also have decent whisky collections; Else's and Le Boudoir (the one on Mont Royal, there's also a pizza place with the same name in another part of the city). You can find detailed descriptions of all of them on my blog if you need more info.

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