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My bourbon glass broke

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On my birthday three years ago my best friend presented me with two crystal low ball glasses. They're not waterford, of course, or anything fancy but they were my glasses and I never put it in the dishwasher or profaned it with lesser beverages. Allow me to digress a moment; this reminds me of a story. Pour a glass and sit a while.

Shortly after I received this gift, my new mother in law came to visit. The very first morning, I walked into my kitchen and my mother-in-law is drinking orange juice out of my bourbon glass. It is not as though this would be the first thing she would grab in the morning; it was on the top shelf back behind some others. I remember sitting at the breakfast table just watching her lift it off the table biting my tongue.

Now, I'm not some kind of possessive freak, I was just feeling a little crowded at the time. Perhaps I should mention that this was after she walked in on me in the shower. . . .

So now, after four years and two moves, I broke one. It was completely my fault. It was sitting in the cupboard on the top shelf. I reached behind it to get another glass for my daughter, began to lift it over, and the bottom of the glass in my hand just tipped the rim of the crystal. Looks like I took a bite out of it. It didn't even fall off the shelf.

I've attached a picture. The bourbon is Yellowstone (this is the only example of white label yellowstone I've ever seen, usually its black bottom shelf right?). I'm going to pour a Old Commonwealth for auld lang syne.


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Undoubtedly it is. Karma hangs around for a long time.

Thanks for commiserating Chuck. I plan on tracking down your documentary eventually.

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The right glassware for enjoying bourbon is a very personal and peculiar thing. I have some very nice and appropriate glasses but have taken a liking to a couple of freebies that came in booze gift boxes, especially the Knob Creek ones.

Put the documentary on your Christmas list. It is easy to find. Just click on my name below this post and follow the "bourbon" link at my web site. Several participants in this forum have acquired copies so I will let them sing its praises, if they wish to do so, while I sit modestly on the sidelines.

--Chuck Cowdery

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Go ahead and sit modestly (someone get a picture).

<u>Made and Bottled in Kentucky</u> is one of the best one-hour videos on the bourbon distilleries of Kentucky you can buy. Leaving aside the fact that it's the only one you can buy, you really can't understand the magic of this wonderful place unless you've spent the five or six hours you will probably end up taking watching this production. And that's true even you've visited here in person. Chuck produced this tape for Kentucky Educational Television, and although the narrator sure isn't Shelby Foote, it's really a thorough introduction to all the reasons you're reading this forum right now. Created in 1991 (I believe), it's already considerably outdated as distilleries have changed hands continuously since. But that just lends to the charm, especially as you see and listen to now-familiar master distillers who had already seen 'em come and seen 'em go, and have continued to do so since the video was made. Elmer T. Lee, Lincoln Henderson, Jimmy Russell, they're all there.

One result of the "outdatedness" allows a rare and precious look at something that will (hopefully) never be seen again. In a nostalgic segment on the ruins of old abandoned distilleries (and no, Chuck, I hadn't seen your video yet when I created the "Ghosts" pages on our web site), the film lingers long upon some of the most dismal ruins Chuck could find. For those who can recognize the carved grinding stone and those rock warehouses, we can get a glimpse of what Labrot & Graham looked like in 1991, before there was ever even a thought of the multimillion-dollar restoration that would make it such a showplace five years later.

If you've visited the bourbon country of Kentucky, you'll want this tape. If you haven't, then you need this tape.

There, Chuck, how'd I do?



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Glass & Karma. There's only one way out of this curse Joe. First thing - KILL your mother - in- law. Ya gotta do it.Men world wide are counting on you. Kill Her. Kill Her Now! That's right. Feel better? You should. Don't worry. We'll send you ciggarettes.

Linn Spencer

Have Shotglass. Will Travel.

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I knew I could count on you for moral support, Linn. But I think I gotta let her live. The Karma has already won and broke the glass. I've moved my remaining glassware and I plan to be obsessive about it from now on. Non blood relatives are not allowed contact. This includes my long suffering and understanding wife.

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