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WSR - new bottle in Houston

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Yesterday, I saw some of the new bottles of Weller Special Reserve on store shelves here in Houston. It does still say that it's aged 7 years, but I forgot to look and see if the proof was still 90.

What I don't understand is why they would still put the age statement on the bottles of Special Reserve, yet remove it from the Antique. Someone said in another thread that it may have something to do with space limitations on the new label....HORSE HOCKEY!

If it really is true that they've removed the age staement from the Antique, then I'm really bummed at what appears to be a grim future for it. It is one of my favorite bourbons of all time, please bring back the 7 year age statement.

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Scott aka callmeox talked to a BT guy in KY last month and he swears that the OWA is still 7 years old.

You would think they could have at least found room on the label somewhere to list it even if it was in fine print.

As sensative as these companies are about image and then omit the age statement leaves me skeptical about it's age.

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Even it is still 7 yrs old now, it won't be forever. That is why they removed the age statement now. That why when it does go below the 7 tr line, they wont have to get another label approved.

Believe it or not, someday soon , the weller antique will not be 7 yrs old !!!:hot:

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Well that sucks. I don't buy the watered down Special reserve and it gets to retain the seven year age statement but Antique gets, eventually, younger.

Weller Antique is a wonderful go to pour and it will be dumbed down like so many before it. This is quite upsetting.:hot: :hot:

What is BT thinking. I'd rather pay more to keep it as is. Am I in the minority?

Somehow I missed Chuck's blog on this..

FUCK....................I'm headed to town with my checkbook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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I see that someone at eBay already has an old label OWA 107 listed.

Bidding starts at $39.99.

I may have to stop and get a couple tomorrow, there are still a lot around.

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I saw the new WSR bottle here the other day. At least they kept the age statement on it.

I bunkered a couple liters and a couple 750's of the old label OWA. I think this weekend I am going to pick up a new bottle and give it a try. I have seen several posts saying that it is actually better than the most recent OWA.

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Yep, it looks like it's time for an all-out assault on the remaining AS inventory. There's a lot of it around here right now.

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(Some of us 'old fogies' don't post as often as we used to. The use of vulgar language --at least in my instance, and I believe in some others' -- and moderation that allows it, is part of that reason.)

You'll remember that Evan Williams Black continued, we were assured, as a 7yo after the age statement disappeared. But, it didn't take long until HH acknowledged that it now is "substantially" 7 years old. In other words, some of it is younger.

Probably going to be true with the OWA soon, too. As for the Special Reserve -- well, it doesn't take as many barrels of 7yo whiskey to fill 90-proof bottles as it does the same number of 107-proof bottles. But, in a few years, I suspect the same will be true for it, as well. (Unless bourbon sales fall. Kinda odd to hope for that, huh?:skep:)

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I have seen several posts saying that it is actually better than the most recent OWA.

I could buy that.

I picked up 6 more bottles (old label) earlier tonignt and after reading this I've held the newer bottles, those I bought tonight and a couple I bought from the same store in the last couple weeks, and compaired them with older bottles in my stash some of which are old enough they came with the red bags, but none are the gold veined SW whiskey, and one of which is oppen, the newer bottles seemed lighter in color, just a little bit, but that could be just the force of suggestion.


What a sad state of affairs. I dearly love OWA.

OH, and I apologize for using the F-word up thread. I try not to do that outside of the OT threads.

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I could buy that.

I picked up 6 more bottles (old label) earlier tonignt and after reading this I've held the newer bottles, those I bought tonight and a couple I bought from the same store in the last couple weeks, and compaired them with older bottles in my stash some of which are old enough they came with the red bags, but none are the gold veined SW whiskey, and one of which is oppen, the newer bottles seemed lighter in color, just a little bit, but that could be just the force of suggestion.


What a sad state of affairs. I dearly love OWA.

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This is another result of the shortage of aged distillate. BT wheaters seem particularly impacted... hence the retirement of Centennial and recent period when Weller 12 was not being distributed.

We might as well get used to it until the cycle repeats itself and there is another "glut".

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We may see a glut sooner than you think. We may see a small one in the next four or five years.

Hah! I've been thinking that for a few months now, interesting to see it confirmed.

'cmon mini glut!

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We may see a glut sooner than you think. We may see a small one in the next four or five years.
Hah! I've been thinking that for a few months now, interesting to see it confirmed.

'cmon mini glut!

My heart just fluttered a bit..............

Recession induced bubble?

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Well that sucks. I don't buy the watered down Special reserve and it gets to retain the seven year age statement but Antique gets, eventually, younger.

Weller Antique is a wonderful go to pour and it will be dumbed down like so many before it. This is quite upsetting.:hot: :hot:

What is BT thinking. I'd rather pay more to keep it as is. Am I in the minority?

Somehow I missed Chuck's blog on this..

..................I'm headed to town with my checkbook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

I agree with you. These days, I do not pass up anything that says OWA on the front and 06 or older on the bottom. There will be plenty of OWA age statement to be found around here for the next year or so. After I get all of the 06 bought, I'll go back for the 07-08.

I bought four bottles yesterday. This is war!:hot:

Edit: one more thing; this label has been around for how many decades? They didn't redesign this label because it needed an update.

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I saw the new Reserve and Antique packages yesterday at Binny's. By discontinuing Centennial and changing Reserve and Antique to conform to the 12-year-old packaging, they now have a line with a consistent look, and it's a very nice, upscale look.

The packages for Reserve and 12-year-old emphasize the age, while the package for Antique emphasizes the 107 proof. I think a product called "Antique" that doesn't have an age statement is anomalous, but no more so than a product called "Antique" being only 7-years-old.

This is Buffalo Trace playing the hand it was dealt, trying to make incremental changes that move their products forward, while retaining as much of the brand heritage as they can. It was, for example, not their decision to call a 7-year-old product "Antique" in the first place.

Don't get me wrong. I hate to see any age statement go away, because I think the more information the consumer has, the better.

As for stocking up, the longer I do this the more I think that if you find any bottling that you really find exceptional, bunker some away, because change is inevitable.

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We may see a glut sooner than you think. We may see a small one in the next four or five years.

I believe that part of this will be true based on the skyrocketing prices.

The BTAC is $85-$100+ here in AZ. Speaking with the manager at BevMo today, he said that his distributors are ramping up prices and the standards like WTRB and others will be double the prices they were in 2007

AZ has always been one of the most expensive places for bourbon. Even before I went off the deep end and tried to have a three life time collection, I would wait until I went to California and Massachusetts (if you can believe it) for much better prices.

Now I am buying and having the appear at my house to save... Something is wrong with that... And I mean more than the state-to-state liquor laws that may or may not be violated...

I cannot imagine having a price increase of up to 25% a year during a economic downturn... Whine, bitch moan, etc....

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I saw the new Reserve and Antique packages yesterday at Binny's. By discontinuing Centennial and changing Reserve and Antique to conform to the 12-year-old packaging, they now have a line with a consistent look, and it's a very nice, upscale look.

The packages for Reserve and 12-year-old emphasize the age, while the package for Antique emphasizes the 107 proof. I think a product called "Antique" that doesn't have an age statement is anomalous, but no more so than a product called "Antique" being only 7-years-old.

This is Buffalo Trace playing the hand it was dealt, trying to make incremental changes that move their products forward, while retaining as much of the brand heritage as they can. It was, for example, not their decision to call a 7-year-old product "Antique" in the first place.

Don't get me wrong. I hate to see any age statement go away, because I think the more information the consumer has, the better.

As for stocking up, the longer I do this the more I think that if you find any bottling that you really find exceptional, bunker some away, because change is inevitable.


A usual, very well said.

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It would be interesting to see when/who introduced the term Antique to the name. I just checked two mid '70's bottles I have and the label is "Old Weller.....Original 107 Barrel Proof".....no mention of Antique.


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It would be interesting to see when/who introduced the term Antique to the name. I just checked two mid '70's bottles I have and the label is "Old Weller.....Original 107 Barrel Proof".....no mention of Antique.



Good question Randy, not only the when and who but how about the why?

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