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Top 10 Whiskies for Christmas

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Probably one of the few widely available bourbons the Brits have available. Too bad for them.

That's what I thought at first too but a quick check of

American Whiskey at The Whiskey Exchange shows 172

products available. That said, decanter did qualify it

with "Very easy-drinking, and great value for money."

so if you take that into account perhaps MM was the

best choice, though if you sort by price low-to-high,

you have to click to page 4 to find MM - look at all the

choices you have before you get to it!

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MM seems to be the Rodney Dangerfield of bourbons. While my favorite pour is Pappy 20, and I appreciate the other wheaters and some ryed bourbons, too, MM is the yardstick I hold other bourbons up to. Guess you could say it's my standard pour. It is not brilliant, but it's very good, never disappoints and is good value for money. It will feature prominently in my holiday celebrations.

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