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Evan Williams Cherry Reserve

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The more the merrier I say, but I'm not inclined to spring for a bottle just to give them a try. If I want to experiment cherry flavoring and sugar are very cheap.

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I had some of this last night and when mixed with diet sprite, tastes exactly like regular cherry soda. Definitely much sweeter than Red Stag!


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I've not bought them myself, but stores like Williams Sonoma and their local equivalents sell soda water flavoring syrups. I think that's what you want. Torani is a well-known brand. They don't contain alcohol so you can buy them mail order. You can get all sorts of different flavors and they already contain sugar.

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  • 3 months later...

Why do these cherry infused commercial bourbons taste so bad in comparison to homemade infusions?

I've shifted from marschino infusion to sweet dark cherry infusion.

I used 1 pint of frozen, unsweetened, pitted cherries to a quart of OF100.

After macerating for three days, its just downright good.

Not sweet or cloying. Not lollipop red flavor, but distinctly cherry.

Two drops of bitters, shake with ice and serve.

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Why do these cherry infused commercial bourbons taste so bad in comparison to homemade infusions?
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That sounds good, Ed.

There is a traditional drink called cherry bounce, which was made with brandy or later with good whiskey in some cases. Spirits combined with fresh, sweet fruit, like you made.

Here is my take on the word "bounce", and it doesn't come from the idea that too much will make you bounce off the walls a la Harvey Wallbanger.

I think (and honestly I haven't checked) it's from the French word "ponce", which means punch. So it's really an English expression in a roundabout way.

Anyone made a Harvey Wallbanger lately, by the way? If so let's discuss in another thread.


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That's why I think Red Stag is superior to the other cherry-flavored products, because they do an actual infusion and you can taste the difference.

Interesting side note. Chatting with Fred Noe last week, he mentioned that they originally wanted him to promote Red Stag but he demurred. Nothing against the product, he just didn't think anyone would believe he had anything to do with developing it.

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That's why I think Red Stag is superior to the other cherry-flavored products, because they do an actual infusion and you can taste the difference.

Interesting side note. Chatting with Fred Noe last week, he mentioned that they originally wanted him to promote Red Stag but he demurred. Nothing against the product, he just didn't think anyone would believe he had anything to do with developing it.

I personally think Red Stag is horrible. It tastes like cherry cough medicine to me.

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