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Happy Holidays, and thanks

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Seasons Greetings to all Straightbourboneers!

I wanted to take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season, and to thank you all for your contributions to the site. Together we've made Straightbourbon "the" place to go for authoritative bourbon knowledge and highly informed commentary.

This site has been, and remains, the most wonderfully entertaining pastime I could hope for, and I look forward to it's continued improvement in the new year.


Jim Butler


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Thank you, Jim. Happy holidays to you as well.

And thank you for providing this wonderful forum for us all. I remember some time ago when you were about up to here with the hassles of keeping this puppy afloat, and then we didn't here from you for a long time. I'm glad you stayed with it and I hope you feel more as if it's all worth it. It certainly is to us.

Oh yeah, and we miss you, too. Try and find some time in your schedule to join in on some of these. There's a lot of new folks here that don't even know how enlightening your own contributions can be.



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A Merry Christmas to you King Butler of Bourbonia! Knowledge; Entertainment, & Camaraderie in all its bourbonic splendor! That's StraightBourbon.Com! Thank You Sir!

Linn Spencer

Have Shotglass. Will Travel.

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Thanks for the kind words John, theyre always welcome.

My absence from the forum has been due predominantly to health issues. I was sick for so long, then I had the surgery -- then it took me until, well about now, to start feeling up to consuming bourbon again. Furthermore, most of my returning energy has been spent on my day job, though I have found time to massage the site a bit and plan some new (and exciting i might add) things for the future.

It's good to be back; someone has to ride herd on all the recalcitrant miscreants that hang out here!


Jim Butler


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Wow Linn, you bring new meaning to the term "know thyself".


Jim Butler


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Hey I know when I've been naughty or nice! I do my best to be both at once! :-))

Linn Spencer

Have Shotglass. Will Travel.

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Hi Jim,

To you, John, Linda, Chuck, Linn, Greg, Mike, Julian, Boone, Ken, Ryan, Bill, Mark, Ed and all the wonderful "strangers" who have shared your knowledge and enjoyment of bourbon -- A HUGE THANKS!! You guys make me laugh, teach me a great deal and provide a forum every bit as enjoyable as bourbon itself. Pleasant holidays to all.


Eat Well. Laugh Often. Sip Bourbon

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Omar, to you and everyone on this site who have made a fun hobby into a real joy. Thank you all for making me late for work in the morning, for making me wake up with an idea in the middle of the night and run to the computer to post it, for making my wife and friends have to wait "just a minute 'til I send this off to the forum", and for making me feel the strange warmth of belonging to a group of friends most of whom have never seen one another.

Since I don't know everyone's personal email address, please click here for our Holiday greeting to y'all.

<big><big><u>Merry Christmas to All, and to all, a Good Night!</u></big></big>



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We wish the happiest of Holidays to all. Jim, thanks for a great place to develop and nurture an interest in bourbon. Thanks, also, for a great place to meet friends who share the interest.

John, Linda, Linn, Vickie, Mike, Julian, Sally, Bettye Jo, and many more - it has been great meeting you in person and we look forward to many more opportunities.

"Ciber Friends" and all, raise a glass of bourbon at about midnight 12/31/2000 or 1-1-2001 to toast each and every one who visits and contributes to this site!!!

Merry Christmas to those of you celebrating today and Happy Holidays to ALL.

Again, thanks, Jim for bringing us together.

Greg (and Jo)

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Best wishes for the turn into the real next millenium to all fellow Bourbonians! I don't make New Year resolutions but I hope some Master Distillers did several years ago so that we'll have some great new bourbon products in 2001.

Distillation of grain along with the brewing of grain into beer have been with us for centuries. Most attempts by governments to limit consumption of distilled spirits have failed whether we refer to the U.S. or Russia. Long live our right and ability to enjoy the product of grains! Long live the beauty of master distillers (and I must include those in Ireland who make another version that I enjoy; don't call me a traitor) who take the same simple grains and distill and mature them into such wonderful and varied products. So, too, it is with beer from ale to lager, light to dark.

My thanks for enjoyable product to all in the industry who might be reading this. We read of the master distillers but it takes a host of people to produce this product.

My best wishes to all of you in the industry and on the forum for a most prosperous new year. And my thanks, again, to Jim for a place to write about it! Happy 2001!


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