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I did a quick search, without any real results.

I stumbled across a bottle in VA ABC and was interested. It only came in a 375ml and was $40+. The Reservoir distillery didn't sound familiar, so I assumed (wrongly) that it was just a label on some other distiller's bourbon.

Google turned this up:


Has anyone tried it?

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Hmmm. Missed this somehow. Frankly, I don't think there are many of us who a) have access to this bottle AND B) are the type to drop nearly $50 on a 375 of 6 month old whiskey.

As far as their statement "It’s not made to put in ginger ale", in all honesty, that's exactly what young whiskey is for (or more accurately what ginger ale is made to go with)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like it. To my nose, the nose seems odd, maybe heavy with fusels. I disagree with the review in the link below, the initial sip is harsh with bite, maybe from tannins. It sort of tastes to me like Stagg with more rye, with similar bite but not the proof. This product only goes 100 proof. It is labeled "bourbon whiskey" but according to the article linked below, it's only aged 6 months. It has the edge that young whiskey often has, but then it also has elements like something with more age, but that may be because they age in small barrels. It does have a very nice finish like one gets with better sips. All in all, I'd say this is a good first effort from this startup company.

Reservoir also makes a rye.

People always ask, is it worth the price, $40/375ml. Well, if ya want to try something new and have 40 bills to throw, it's worth getting the first bottle to try it for novelty. Hopefully they'll produce more and drop the price. I hope they don't take a clue from Wasmunds and up the price, Wasmunds wants $99/750ml for a rye white dog.

for some info, see: http://www.richmondbizsense.com/2010/08/18/whiskey-startup-goes-down-smooth/

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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys, as the distiller I thought I would chime in. My partner and I do everything in house so Reservoir is a pure microdistilllery down to putting every label on by hand and signing it. We have only been in Va ABC since this past November. So unfortunately you have to come to Va. to get a bottle. We are now able to sell 750 and 375s of Bourbon, Wheat Whiskey and Rye Whiskey. The 375s you see in va abc are what they carry regularly. The other whiskey and sizes are all special order. If you want some just ask your manager to order them for you. They will order just one at no charge. We have been glad to get a lot of great feedback from everyone who has tried it and do our best to listen to our customers. I hope you get a chance to try some. FYI personally I think it is best at 93.5 proof but we bottle at 100 proof because we don't make an assumption about where someone else may enjoy it. Like any higher proof whiskey try it at a couple of different proofs and you will find a look that works for you. Cheers

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Apologies for my mistaken assumption. I should try reading, not skimming sometime.:blush:

Good to hear of another operation that is doing things the right/hard way.

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  • 2 years later...

Tripped across this one today outside Nashville, two different shops both charging $120. The bottle didn't explain enough to justify anywhere near that much of my budget, and both stores knew little about it.

Would have sampled, or even bought at a bar.....but too far a leap for me at retail.

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Small micro, small barrels, short aging, really, really big prices is a cliche. I'll take the same money and buy a case of grown up Barton.

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I tried some of this about a year ago and just like almost all of the other micro's with small barrels aging a year or less it was not very good

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I tried some of this about a year ago and just like almost all of the other micro's with small barrels aging a year or less it was not very good

Thanks for the feedback.

I'm accustomed to seeing craft and NDP product a bit out of line with prices on core bourbons. I'd just never seen anything near this expensive without a 20+ yr age statement attached to it.

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...I'd just never seen anything near this expensive without a 20+ yr age statement attached to it.
It can get real high for the micro-distilleries. I've seen white dogs for $100, and some interesting micro-brandies for a lot more. George Washington Whiskey $95 for a 375 ml for white and $185 for 375 ml of the 2 yo.
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  • 8 months later...

I just saw a couple of bottles of Reservoir bourbon in a local store, far from their Virginia stomping grounds, so they must be doing something right (even if it's just a good salesperson who got their foot in a door). Didn't buy, seemed too pricey, but thought I'd investigate. Used the "search" function like so many before me have been told, and found this thread and a couple others where Reservoir has been mentioned. Clay Risen seems to like their ryes. Anyone have any tasting observations beyond the ones here, most of which are a couple of years old?

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  • 1 month later...

Heard some talk about a Reservoir 13yo Rye from a distributor in my area yesterday. Always have to take that with a grain of salt of course and I can find little to nothing about it online. As best I can tell it is supposed to be a 100% rye and the price range I have seen is $80-$100 although not sure if it is in Georgia yet.

Reservoir distillery located in Richmond has made young bourbon, wheat and rye whiskey briefly aged in very small barrels but it appears there is no way they made this one, presuming there really is a 13yo rye out there, since they have only been operational by their own report since 2008 at the earliest. And apparently there young NAS craft whiskeys are being sold for that much so a 13yo at that price would certainly be a surprise!

But it could happen I suppose.

No idea where it would be sourced from although the usual source, Alberta Distillers, seems as likely a candidate as any.

Anybody up in the Richmond/DC area seen anything like this?

Clay's post about the distillery

Edited by tanstaafl2
to add the blog post
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No idea where it would be sourced from although the usual source, Alberta Distillers, seems as likely a candidate as any.

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My guess would be Tuthilltown. Same place they got the bourbon in the op's original article. Tuthilltown makes a 100%rye, and they started in 2005. Just a guess though.
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I have seen it in the last several months in two of the WashDC stores I frequent - a bottle in each as I recall. Price per ounce made me say "no, thanks". BUT, I just read Clay's review, linked in post 14 above. If I win some lottery money, maybe . . . But, I haven't bought a lottery ticket since I hit for $2,000 in 1992, so the chances are really slim that I'll win.

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But even Tuthilltown can't be making a 13yo rye if they started in 2005.

Correct. My math was way off.

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I have seen it in the last several months in two of the WashDC stores I frequent - a bottle in each as I recall. Price per ounce made me say "no, thanks". BUT, I just read Clay's review, linked in post 14 above. If I win some lottery money, maybe . . . But, I haven't bought a lottery ticket since I hit for $2,000 in 1992, so the chances are really slim that I'll win.

Cant comment on the Rye, but the Bourbon was not good at all.

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  • 3 months later...
d5c4e1ef78a681a77dd7c81009ad4bae.jpg Saw this today. Kind of a confusing label. "year 14" does that mean it's 14 years old, or bottled in '14, or what?
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I don't know, but my money is on "bottled in '14".

Good chance it is both distilled AND bottled in 2014...

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