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What To Stock a Liquor Cabinet With

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As I have previously confessed I am kinda new to really all the scienftic points involed with tasting Bourbon. I do know what I like. I am going to try and start a collection of what I hope to be some of the best examples of Bourbon currently on the market. What I would like to do is list 20-25 of what I have found to be some fo the better products. Some of the info I have read about in various reviews and found out about with other research. I will list these and I would then encourage everyone and anyone to let me know what there say the top

12-15 products are and will then ask you to add 3 items that are not on the list I will then keep track of the numbers of responses please only 1 vote per station. When say after 2/3 weeks I will then tabulate all the votes and list the top selections of our panel. (Thats you guys & gals) Then I will list the 3 top vote getters that are not on the main list. When you see a ** next to the selection this means I have already acquired this product. So here goes. By the

way the list is in no way of any kinda of priority, just Bourbons I have personally tried and have heard about. Thanks in advance. Creggor.

A.H Hirsch 16 yr **A.H Hirsch 29yr **1990 Evan Williams Single Barrel

**Pappy Van Winkle 20yr Family Reserve **Van Winkle 15yr old Family Reserve

**Wild Turkey Rare breed 101 Proof **Wild Turkey Kentucky Spirit **Bookers

Distillers Masterpiece. **Buffalo Trace KSB **Buffalo Trace Eagle Rare 17yr

**Knob Creek. Hancocks Reserve Single Barrel. **Blanton's Single Barrel.

**Weller Antique 19yr. Rock Hill Farms Single Barrel. Elmer T. Lee 107 Proof

**Woodford's Reserve Distillers Select. Van Winkle 13yr Family Reserve Rye.

Sazerac Rye. Pappy Van Winkle 23y Old. Noah's Mill 15yr. Makers Mark.

Old ST. Very Old Nick Rare 20yr.

There is my goal to acquire these products. Let me know your favorites and

what 3 items you would add to the list. Thanks again and hope this is fun.

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Hoo Boy Cerggor are you going to spend *A LOT* of money! I think rather than simply buying the most expensive bourbons you might also have some very good "everyday drinkers" such as Old Forester; Old Grand Dad, Jim Beam "Black Label", Elijah Craig 12 YO, and for a wheater - Old Fitzgerald 100 proof.

These would make a very good start to your bourbon collection and you could buy them all for for what just one of those pricey bottles cost.

Linn Spencer

Have Shotglass. Will Travel.

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So many bourbons! So little time (and money)! wink.gif

I second Linn's tip about Old Fitzgerald for an "everyday drinker". I would also add Old Charter 8yr or 10yr, Berghoff 10yr 107, and Rebel Yell to that list.

For more money you might add Joseph Finch, Henry Clay, Jefferson's Reserve, Old Charter Proprietor's Reserve 13yr, Very Special Old Fitzgerald 12yr, Wild Turkey Russell's Reserve, George Dickel Special Barrel Reserve (Tennessee Whisky), Eagle Rare 10yr 101, Johnny Drum 15yr and 12yr, and Ezra B Single Barrel.

Check the link below for a list of my current inventory. It might give you a few ideas.


Happy hunting!


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Hey Bill,

Wow! That's an impressive collection. There's some things I've never seen, like Boswell, Chapin & Gore, and the "real" 1889 :-))

I've got some obscure stuff, too. Black Maple Hill 14-year-old, G&U 10-year-old, Jim Beam rye from the '70s, Cascade, Twisted Spoke.

If you make it out to the Festival in September (or earlier!) let's bring some to trade tastes.



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Where did you learn of Elmer T. Lee 107 proof? You're the only other person I've "met" who's ever heard of it, save for Elmer himself. Have you tried it? Is it not the finest bourbon ever made? We once had two bottles; we now have part of one. If you know where there is any to be had, please let me know.



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I've already set aside a "real" 1889 for you. The Chapin & Gore and Boswell are still attainable. I'll grab some for trading/tasting stock.

I posted a question about the Boswell earlier, but I didn't receive much definitive information. I suspect it is a Buffalo Trace private label. (Maybe Ken Weber can help????) I've only seen it at one store and their stock is dwindling, so I'll snap some more up tomorrow night. It's quite good stuff.

I think the Chapin & Gore is a Heaven Hill product and is pretty ordinary stuff.

Damn, September is a long way off........



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Elmer said that the original proof was too hot for him. He actual likes his bourbon best at about 60 proof. We now pour old bottles of ETL into our barrel in the Free House (part of the tour). Every 2-3 weeks another bottle is poured in so that when the bung hole is uncovered, visitors can get a smell of aging bourbon.


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Being a former BFer, I must agree that Old Forester is a very nice bourbon at a very nice price. Woodford Reserve gets a lot of attention, yet it is just Forester with about 2 more years of age.


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Hello, Thanks to those who have taken the time to respong to my question. I need to add a few of my thought to this. Fist of all like I have said in the past I am rather new to really trying to understand all about Bourbon;s finer points. I am a quick study. I took it upon myself to start to find out other sources of information on the subject. I know there had to be experts on the tastings and what made a better Bourbon over another> knowing this I found some helpfull info on the following sites. Paul Pacult. Noted expert & author. He has some of his best recomendations on www.spiritjournal.com The guys at the Beverage tasting Institute. They are at www.tastings.com and finally the results for the just held this past Sept. world Championships. They show all the Bourbons that won any kind of Gold, Sivler & Bronze medal. they are at www.sfspiritcomp.com I started to look at what these noted industry experts found to be some of our best Bourbons. And this was the basis of my quest. It was not my intention to try to acquire all the various products on the market. Just those that others felt were some of the best. Believe you me I have had many a good time having what LYNN would say is a daily pour. Sometimes the company was much better than the drink. I wanted this selection to be something special. OH I do have some daily pours, but do you think you would be really impressed or feel special if offered you Jim beam Black. It's ok for those not in the know. But I wanted this selection to be different. LYNN please don't take this wrong. But I hardly feel you would fell great if I gave you say Jim Beam Black or (Makers Mark) I know it's one of your favorites. HA>> When I poured myself say a Wild Turkey Kentucky Spirit. Trust me not everyone I know will be offerd this selection. For most they would think they had the cats meow with Jim Beam and jack Daniels. So while I do know about a daily pour type drink and the $$ associated with this. I was trying to find out what others in the know thought were oustanding Bourbons. I'ts hard for me to feel that these experts have tried all products. I do not know if companys pay for the products to be tested and rated or not. But lest assume these experts are right. Paul Pacult i believe only has given 5 Stars to 10 Bourbons over the past 10 years and the Beverage tasting inst. has given even less. This is what I am trying to gather. Something to take pride in something a a little dirrerent and extra special. As for John Lipman. I doubt I will ever be able to get my hands on some Elmer T. Lee 107 proff. Ken Weber said Elmer does not like his Bourbon that strong. Reading between the lines I kinda figured it's not going to be produced again. Excuse all my rambling but I'm on a roll. Again please advise what you might feel are the best of the Bourbons that are not on my initial list and please vote for your favorite that is on the list. Thanks again. Creggor

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That's some list! :) Geez, I'd have to take a loan out for that collection.

A couple that occur to me: Wild Turkey Rye and (if you can find an old bottle of it, for some dumb reason they don't make it anymore) Jacob's Well.

If you ever manage to assemble this collection, please, invite me! And don't serve me Jack, either. :) But as some others here have already stated, please don't ignore the lower-oriced brands in your odyssey. One of the things that appeals most to me about bourbon is that unlike cognac and single-malt Scotch you can find quality stuff at affordable prices. Right now, for example, I'm drinking Barclay's, an inexpensive brand from Barton's, and while I won't sit here and tell you it's in the Knob Creek/Baker's league it's very good for what it is, and very affordable.

I appreciate this recent raft of quality bourbons, but I would hate to see bourbon get like scotch -- a rich man's drink. Bourbon should be democratic, dammit!! :)


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Hello, Just me again. Of all the items I have listed on my previous hit list the one product that I am looking foward to trying more than all others is the regular Buffalo Trace KSB. There is something about this product that really interest me. Buffalo Trace has set up a real nice and imformative web page. I have heard good things about the product on here. IT just recently won a Gold Medal at the World Championships. It's more affordable than most on my list and I do need to leave some money behing for my wife & kids someday. And finally Ken Weber the products brand manager comes across as one who speaks with confidence and an authoritive voice when speaking of this product. Almost like he knows it a good product and is saying to the other Bourbon makes come and take your best shot. I have an older sister living in Kentucky. She has set aside for me a couple of bottles. It's here birthday later this month. I think I will just take a long drive and go wish here Happy Birthday. And if the Buffalo Trace is as good as I hope it to be, I may take a couple cases back to Florida with me and make it as LYNN would say my daily pour. Creggor

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You guys (and guyettes) are really good! Boswell is in fact a product that we produced. We buy nearly all of our cooperage (barrels) from Independent Stave. The gentleman who owns the company is Mr. Boswell, hence the name of the bourbon. As far as I know, it is only sold in their company store. It is, as best as I recall, a four to five year old bourbon similar in taste profile to Ancient Age. I am really stretching here, but I think it shares the same bottle as Rock Hill Farms. I know that we have not produced any in the last 2-3 years.


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Thanks for the info. The Boswell bottle is similar to Rock Hill Farms, but it is not the same. The glass stopper is definitely different. Tomorrow I'll bring the digital camera home from work and post a couple of pictures.

I don't have any Ancient Age to compare it to, but the Boswell is far superior than the Ancient Ancient Age 10 Star. Also, the Boswell has a much deeper amber color to it. It's more along the lines of Rock Hill or Blanton's. The taste is comparable to these too.

The store here in Kansas City had about 8 bottles of it. I ended up with 5 of them. I wonder how they obtained them?



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One suggestion I make to anyone who wants to do a serious exploration of bourbon is to make sure you sample the product of every distillery. A person could easily get bogged down just sampling the products of Jim Beam and Heaven Hill, for example. In some cases, e.g., Hirsch, you can even taste the product of a defunct distillery.

--Chuck Cowdery

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For those who don't already understand what you're referring to, that would be Michter's of course. And if you're really lucky, or if Evan Kulsvein is as good at maintaining a flavor profile as I think he is, you can do that with another defunct distillery, Willett in Bardstown, as well.



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