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The Party Source to Build a Distillery

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It looks like Alltech is planning a facility in Lexington similar to the PS one. This is from Friday's Lexington Herald-Leader. Supposedly, they've been making bourbon in their current facility for the last four years, which is aging somewhere in Bardstown. Hummmmmm.

Probably the same secret location where the General Nelson keeps its waiting list.

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Probably the same secret location where the General Nelson keeps its waiting list.

Nice!! :D That's great news. Now, at least we have someone who can help the GN remember where they put the list in the first place.

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I'm sure I'll get a call Thursday night that a spot opened up at the GN.

"Well thanks but.......I'm......already.........here!"

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  • 3 months later...

They'll probably let it sit there half finished for a while to lure the rebels into attacking it.

"That blast came from The Party Source! That thing's operational!"

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They'll probably let it sit there half finished for a while to lure the rebels into attacking it.

"That blast came from The Party Source! That thing's operational!"

"It's a trap!"


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The distillery could come together by 2013. especially if the still is being built now, and the permits are going forward. I wish them luck.

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  • 4 weeks later...
They'll probably let it sit there half finished for a while to lure the rebels into attacking it.

"That blast came from The Party Source! That thing's operational!"

"It's a trap!"



Many Bothans died to bring us this whiskey.

"We're going in. We're going in full throttle. That oughta keep those fighters off our back."

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I'm pretty excited about the whole expansion. The distillery is exciting, but it'll be awhile before we see something from that so I'm especially excited about the tasting bar that I've heard is going in. From what I've heard it'll be a whisk(e)y tasting bar; was that confirmed anywhere?

Good luck, Jay! (...not that you need any help getting my money)

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  • 5 months later...

Latest info here. It's going to be called "Nth". They got an experienced distiller signed up.

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I know and like Jay Erisman at Party Source. I don't know anyone else there. As I told Jay, they're beginning this venture with a lot of big claims. There may be a fine line between enthusiasm and hubris. For example, in the article linked above they say they "will immediately be part of the Kentucky Bourbon Trail, with such world-class counterparts as Jim Beam, Maker’s Mark and Wild Turkey."

That's not really up to them. First they need to get a license, build a distillery, start distilling, and join the Kentucky Distillers Association (KDA). Then they can apply to be part of the Kentucky Bourbon Trail. Although the KDA has several micro-distillery members, all of whom offer tours, no micro-distillery is on the Kentucky Bourbon Trail.

In the invitation to yesterday's ground-breaking, they said, "Be there as we begin construction on what will truly be an exciting and one-of-a-kind landmark, one of the top craft distilleries in the U.S. and the World." Nice to aim high, but to declare yourself the world’s best before you’ve even broken ground seems a bit over the top.

A bit more modesty, I think, would go a long way.

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After reading the article and some of the material TPS has put out, I conclude that they do not subscribe to the "under-promise and over-deliver" school of business strategy.

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Chuck, I wish I could have read the message you deleted. I think this article speaks for itself, if you know what I mean.

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I think they're selling the "Bourbon Campus" idea pretty well, and I would anticipate that being a fun visit. I'm definitely optimistic about that part. The actual product from the distillery could be completely different, but time will tell and I won't bother to speculate.

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Nice to know they are putting a 500% effort into making quality bourbon. I had some whiskey last night and it was apparent that only a 200% effort was put forth. Lazy bastards

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The Party Source does many good things so it seems appropriate to give them the benefit of the doubt. What was in the message I deleted? A meditation about when enthusiasm becomes hyperbole and hyperbole become hubris, more or less. But, yeah, lame ass copywriting, to be sure.

And I want to know why can't they give 1000%?

Let's wait and see what they actually do. That's what matters. A little excess chin music won't hurt anybody.

Edited by cowdery
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Latest info here. It's going to be called "Nth". They got an experienced distiller signed up.

Even if it ends up being the best bourbon on the planet, I will never like the name "Nth", talk about lame ass.....

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Dopier to the Nth degree than BT.

Ill reserve judgement on the distillery and product, however.

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I don't judge whiskey by it's name, but if I did Nth would only be slightly ahead of R1^, or however you type it.

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I don't judge whiskey by it's name, but if I did Nth would only be slightly ahead of R1^, or however you type it.

Nth is the name of the distillery... not the whiskey. They haven't revealed the brand name(s) yet.

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