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Volunteers in Capitol Area Needed at Beer Festival

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I've volunteered for this one before.

You work a 4 hour shift and get admission free either on an earlier day or later that day.

Seems they are still short of volunteers.

Sunday volunteers are needed to pour beer, check ID's and take tickets at the gate for the second shift (2:30 PM - 6:00 PM).

If you have already registered to volunteer at the BrewFest - Thank You.

If you know somone who could help on Sunday, please have them register through the website novabrewfest.com/fall or email their contact information to Lee Ann at volunteer@novabrewfest.com.

Register on line at registration form.

Volunteers will receive entry into the event, a BrewFest T-shirt, a souvenir tasting glass and 4 beer tickets for tasting during your non-working time at the event. (This non-working time can be on the day you do not volunteer. For example, if you volunteer on Sunday afternoon, your non-working time could be Saturday.)

For more information email Lee Ann at volunteer@novabrewfest.com.

Northern Virginia BrewFest - Bull Run Park, Special Events Center, Centreville, Virginia

Saturday & Sunday, October 22 & 23, 2011 - 11am - 7pm daily


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