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What bottle is falling short of expectations?

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I was very disappointed by the 4R small batch bottle I had a few years ago. Too busy with no defined direction to the flavor. ER 10 is pretty gross too. Tastes "moldy" to me. My bottle of Wathen's isn't very good either. It's like a thin, less flavorful bottle of Elmer T. Lee.

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I've been nursing a bottle of '11 ER17 for several months now.:cool:

Its no better now then when I first opened it a couple months ago, it still sucks big time ..

In the last couple weeks, I've also had several pours of the Taylor Tornado, its very good, hard to believe they come from the same distillery.

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Not that expectations were too high, but this bottle of Jefferson's 10 Year Rye is terrible. It was given to me by another member who couldn't finish it, and I understand why: it's like thin, watery & musty apple brandy: cloyingly sweet with a funky, almost body odor-like finish. I can barely get through a glass. It's a pretty visceral reaction.

Perhaps a bad batch? I tried it at a bar a few months ago (non-chill filtered sticker on the bottle, which this one doesn't have) and thought it was better than this. But this juice is flat-out awful.

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Not that expectations were too high, but this bottle of Jefferson's 10 Year Rye is terrible. It was given to me by another member who couldn't finish it, and I understand why: it's like thin, watery & musty apple brandy: cloyingly sweet with a funky, almost body odor-like finish. I can barely get through a glass. It's a pretty visceral reaction.

Perhaps a bad batch? I tried it at a bar a few months ago (non-chill filtered sticker on the bottle, which this one doesn't have) and thought it was better than this. But this juice is flat-out awful.

Yep! :grin:


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The bottle of Woodford Reserve Double Oak I bought a couple of days ago. Definitely not my preferred taste for sure. Very different from regular WR (which I didn't care for either--thought I try the WRDO to see if it was better). Actually very strange taste . . . not sure how to describe it except my initial reaction is bad. . .

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The bottle of Woodford Reserve Double Oak I bought a couple of days ago. Definitely not my preferred taste for sure. Very different from regular WR (which I didn't care for either--thought I try the WRDO to see if it was better). Actually very strange taste . . . not sure how to describe it except my initial reaction is bad. . .

My guess is that the WRDO is going to "enjoy" the same sort of "love-hate" demographic as the regular product.

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I've been enjoying WT Rye (101) and Ritt bib, so I decided to experiment with some Pendleton 1910 12yo 100% Canadian rye. It's priced here around $35. But so far I'm just not getting into it. Not even sure why - maybe a bit too fruity? Too low of proof?

But while I'm not liking it so much straight, I've found that it makes a nice ingredient for vattings.

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Two bottles over the past few years that really disappointed me. VOB BIB was barely drinkable for me. The combination of strong tannins and a banana taste was not good. The other was Eagle Rare 10..it was like chewing on a stick, very tannic and drying.

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For all the love VOB BIB gets here, I found mine very disappointing too. VOB 86 on the other hand is really grabbing my attention lately!

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My first bottle of VOB 100 impressed me, but the 2nd fell far short. Could there be that much variation between bottles or have my tastes changed?

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Perhaps it ia a little bit of both? I can tell you from my own experience, I have had 3 bottles of Buffalo Trace. The first was nothing short of the best bourbon I had ever had (up through that time). The second bottle tasted like my wife strained it through the peat moss she uses in her garden... It was barely drinkable. The third returned to a pleasant bourbonx bit since I had expanded my range of bourbons greatly since the first time I had BT, the wow factor was completely gone.

So can the bourbon vary? Certainly! Can your tastes change? Of course.

Which one is the biggest factor? Only you can say for sure.

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I'm finding a bottle of WT Rare Breed from '99 to be a real heel-kick in the eye. Fairly mellow and drinkable for over 108pf, but no sense of balance or any kind of harmony. Other than the mostly easy-drinking, high proof attribute, there isn't much in the way of flavor.

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I'm finding a bottle of WT Rare Breed from '99 to be a real heel-kick in the eye. Fairly mellow and drinkable for over 108pf, but no sense of balance or any kind of harmony. Other than the mostly easy-drinking, high proof attribute, there isn't much in the way of flavor.

Aaron, I was just thinking of picking one of those up, if still there :cool: , but may take a pass now. Thanks. finishing up a WTRB '95 which is excellent but still a tad behind, the some of the best bourbon I ever had, RB's from '93 and '91.

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