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2012 Bourbon & Banter Pilgrimage

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I've been wanting to visit Bourbon country for quite a while now and I'm pleased to say that my trip is booked for October of this year. However, since I have a great Bourbon community established on Facebook I thought the trip would be more fun if other Bourbon lovers came along and enjoyed it with me.

Based on that thinking I put together the 2012 Bourbon & Banter Pilgrimage for the 2nd weekend of October. I thought I'd share with the community here the details in case anyone else would like to join our group.

http://www.bourbonbanter.com/about-bourbon-banter/2012-bourbon-banter-pilgrimage/''>http://www.bourbonbanter.com/about-bourbon-banter/2012-bourbon-banter-pilgrimage/' rel="external nofollow">http://www.bourbonbanter.com/about-bourbon-banter/2012-bourbon-banter-pilgrimage/


I'm by no means a professional trip organizer but I've worked with the great folks over at Mint Julep tours to make contacts and pull the trip together. It's going to be a great time with a fantastic agenda. I've kept costs as low as possible to make it accessible to others.

I hope you all find it of interest. If you have any questions about the trip feel free to contact me through the forums or via my website.



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I have had some private contact with this guy and he seems genuine. He should follow the rules about advertising, but this is something people here might be interested in.

His web site is here.

People have been tolerant of my occasional commercial posts. I counsel flexibility, but it's not my sandbox.

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My apologies if the post came across as commercial in nature. While I did want to bring attention to the tour I didn't consider it a commercial post since I'm not providing the tour as a means to make money. It's more of a labor of love type of project for me at this point.

If it needs to be removed by the moderators I understand.

For those that commented on the link not working I apologize on that front as well. Not quite sure what happened.

My thanks to Chuck for his kind words and posting the my site's link. If you are interested in the trip please visit via his link and you can easily find the page for the tour.

Thanks for everyone's feedback and once again my apologies if ruffled any feathers.


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