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Sampler Noah's Mill found?

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OK , at Sampler I ended up with Noah's Mill in my trunk of my car and have no idea how it got there. I had given rides to a few others and thought it was probably theirs, but this has proved negative. So, if you would like to claim it as yours, please PM with details.

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OK , at Sampler I ended up with Noah's Mill in my trunk of my car and have no idea how it got there. I had given rides to a few others and thought it was probably theirs, but this has proved negative. So, if you would like to claim it as yours, please PM with details.

Is this a trick question? :D

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A clear case of "table farmers regret" here.

I wonder what that bottle looked like in the fog of the gazebo? :grin:

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A clear case of "table farmers regret" here.

I wonder what that bottle looked like in the fog of the gazebo? :grin:

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Does it have the 15 year old age statement?
The owner of said bottle or bottles would know the answer to that.

How were the Ale-8 cocktails?

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The Ale 8 1 is good. Thanks for picking that up for me. It was fun to have it for Kentucky Derby day. The Bowman Brothers is really nice.

Hope to see you on the 19th.


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My new theory is the nymphs that live in the cave next to Noah's Mill by Rowan Creek sprinkled some pixie dust in my trunk and the next day this bottle appeared.

Still no one wants to claim this?

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