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Yet another terrible whiskey article / report

Dolph Lundgren
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Here's a lamestream media (WSJ video) report about rising bourbon sales in Germany. It sucks. Figured I'd post it so all us bourbon nerds could chuckle about it while the rest of the world continues to not care and associate Jack Daniels with bourbon. Enjoy your smokey bourbon, mein Freund(s).

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I know things take a long time to develop in the whiskey bidness, but WWII was 70 years ago. I think we can point to a few more modern drivers.

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basically bourbon is made from corn, it's pretty smoky...

That's all I need to know.:bowdown:

No need to hold on to my bottles of Ardbeg, Laphroaig, and Lagavulin when I can get my smoke fix from bourbon.:slappin:

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This is a pretty piss-poor analysis of what is driving the growth in the bourbon consumption in Western Europe.

Ignoring the semantics of calling JD bourbon, the commentators are talking about Cherry and Lime Bourbons driving up demand and the fact that it can be mixed (unlike Scotch), but what about the fact that bourbon tastes good? That it has a sweetness and spicy flavor that mixes well in cocktails? There's a lot of history in several brands? The general love of Americana throughout the world? Better marketing by major producers? Something other than WWII...

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