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Yet Another Nomination for Worst Whiskey Writing

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This is my favorite sentence ever written about bourbon - "This is one of the most legendary among the 10 best bourbons in the world. It comes the Wild Turkey distilleries that is owned by Jimmy and Eddie Russell." (Regarding RRSmBSB)

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A very close second would be - "A bourbon will always have corn. But Devil's cut has a trace of rye in it and also some sweet cinnamon for flavour. It is well-known, affordable and totally from the American South." (Regarding Beam DC)

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Reads like it is translated (poorly) from Chinese. Just so much wrong with that listing and those descriptions.

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"Blanton's Single Barrel Kentucky Straight Bourbon This one is a rather traditional old bourbon. It is comprised mainly of corn and honey."

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This is an Indian publication. With American publications repeatedly demonstrating a knack for getting so much wrong, this article fits right in with exactly what I expect from the world.

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This is an Indian publication. With American publications repeatedly demonstrating a knack for getting so much wrong, this article fits right in with exactly what I expect from the world.

Plus Top Ten Lists are one of the absolute worst things on the entire internet.

And when you have some who has a poor understanding of english:


"Borrowing" ideas from Fox News:


Things will never work out well. Now to find me some Maxim Mills 24 year...

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Its even worse that after reading the article and shaking your head, you see that one of producers of one of the bourbons mentioned has it linked on their FB page, thinking its a good thing that they are on the list.

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Some observations:

1. the link is to an Indian website. The original content was probably produced in another language and translated into English using software. I know facts are facts no matter the language but grammar can completely change the meaning of words, sentences, etc. Software isn't very good at translating local idioms.

2. the vast majority of "whisky" in India is actually rum, so as poor as the "writing" appears to be from our native English perspective, an Indian reader would actually come away with more accurate knowledge about whisky after reading the flawed "article".

3. whiskey forums populated by native English speakers aren't immune from bad writing and wrong information - this very post could be a candidate, though in my defense, English is not my first language. :lol:

4. any publicity can be good publicity. In the internet age a producer can increase the chances of prospective customers of finding his product by linking his brand name to as many hits as possible. An existing customer isn't going to go out searching the internet for info on the product - no loss to the seller. If even one prospective customer sees the flawed content and buys the product that's one more customer that didn't exist before!

5. as to the choice of "10 best", maybe those ARE the best available in that particular market.

That's the politically correct argument. The other version is that we are all going to hell in a hand basket as a result of all the crap we are putting out in the internet age.

Edited by portwood
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So, does this mean it's time to start hoarding the Hogs 3? Never seen that one before. :lol:

Yeah that's a new one to me. Can anyone here enlighten us?

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Yeah that's a new one to me. Can anyone here enlighten us?

Nothing to see here. Export only product, distilled by an unknown and shipped by barrel and bottled in Scotland, sold in thr UK and Australia and it seems India get it as well. Comes in at the low end of the market somewhere between cheap and dirt cheap, i have tried it, good JB white alternative.

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