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Beer aged in Van Winkle barrels

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Hopefully y'all can mix in some brownouts, just for a returning native son.

Is there any east side store you'd recommend I patronize in Cleveland? That is, anyone who deserves our week of business, fwiw? I know selection is still somewhat limited, although my understanding is it's not quite the state-store system I recall from the '70s & '80s. Maybe someone w/ a good-enough selection who you simply like to send your $ to?

How far on the east side? I'm in western Lake County, so this is from my perspective.

For beer and whiskey by the drink, there's Lizardville which has a couple of locations. http://www.lizardville.net/

Beach Club Bistro in Euclid has a nice whiskey list and draft list. http://www.bcbistro.com/

World Wines and Liquor in Mentor on Rt 20 has as good of a whiskey selection as any area liquor store.

For beer to go, I recommend Save On Beer and Wine in Mentor. They have a great selection of beers and singles/mixed six packs are sold with no upcharge. http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/21490/?view=beerfly http://www.saveontobaccomentor.com/

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Thanks for the quick and detailed response, Ox--your recs should take the edge off holiday travel w/ 2 little kids. We'll be in Shaker. Mentor isn't far, but I've gotta keep those Willoughby speed traps in mind. The places on your list that we can't make this time will give us something to look forward to this summer, as we drive from the 216 to Chautauqua and back.

OT: I'll endeavor to p/u some OH brau rested in VW barrels and report my findings.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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