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Evan Williams SB VA ABC Label

B.B. Babington
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I've seen lots of other "special for Virginia ABC" labels, like from Jeffersons or Bowmans, but this is the first full label rather than second label affixed to bottle. Also, I don't remember EW ever putting bottle # on the back, maybe they did but I'm too lazy to look. Notice on the front they put rick and etc. Are they doing this for other major purchasers?



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I've seen lots of other "special for Virginia ABC" labels, like from Jeffersons or Bowmans, but this is the first full label rather than second label affixed to bottle. Also, I don't remember EW ever putting bottle # on the back, maybe they did but I'm too lazy to look. Notice on the front they put rick and etc. Are they doing this for other major purchasers?


I've seen EWSB with the store name on the front similar to this (not on another sticker), although they typically don't list the rickhouse info. If I had to guess (as that's all I can do!), if you buy the whole barrel - you get your name on the front label. If you don't, you can still buy a few cases of the EWSB through your distributor.

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