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Greenbush Brewery Visit

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We went to Sawyer yesterday, that's on the Lake Michigan coast, southern part of the state to visit the Greenbush Brewery.

Their link,... http://www.greenbushbrewing.com/index.htm

Kinda of a last minute decision to go there.

Last Thursday I got a 6-pak of Anger and I see the info and then I look them up and since we are on vacation this week we went.

They have a long list of beers, we tried several and I liked them all.

All brewed in a copper kettle that was the 2nd to last one that noted San Fransisco coppersmith Fred Zaft made.

Also the best pub food I have had at one of these places.


In May 1952 a train derailed here and damaged the building.

A local high school kid driving a panel truck hit the train.

Over the years the building has housed multible different business'.

BTW, I highly recommend Fitzgerlad's for lunch/dinner right next door.


Close by is Warren Dunes State Park.


This has nothing to do with beer but it's been decades since I've seen a Five & Dime, thought some fellow old timers would like to seen it too.


OK, back home and back to that 6-pak that I bought last week.

Anger, a Black IPA.


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I love that part of Michigan and I love hanging out at Greenbush on a hot summer day. Nice pics! It's been awhile, but if I recall they keep themselves pretty busy making lots of different kinds of beer there with plenty of aging going on. Their Closure IPA is good stuff, if a bit erratic. We get it around here in Chicago now, but there's no date on the bottle so it's impossible to know how fresh it is.

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Great pics and narrative. I'm a Greenbush fan -- enjoyed one of their Advent calendars of 25 different beers back in December.

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