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Has Orphan Barrel Strongbox been renamed Forged Oak?

The Black Tot
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I might have to print out copies of this for the kids to color over the holidays. They are always looking for something to do.

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The "Forged" double meaning also follows the homophone/double meaning pattern of Rhetoric, Blowhard and Lost Prophet. But simply registering it may not mean any product is imminent or will be released under the name at all.

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I just wondered because Strongbox was scheduled to be a 15yr. Now we've got Lost Prophet coming out of nowhere, crickets on Strongbox, and a curious new Forged Oak 15yr rumor.

Mbroo, when the time comes, if I get deep enough into the bottle, I might get the crayons out, myself.

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I suggest you pass on all these Diageo products. They are not helping things. It is a shame Guinness has morphed into them, a real shame.

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