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Trump Vodka

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16 hours ago, tanstaafl2 said:

Is it even possible to have "fun" with vodka??? :huh:

Well, tossing it into a fire and watching the big fireball proof up is kinda cool...:D

Just ask Troyce...

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Just now, Josh said:

I wonder if this will replace Glenfiddich on the shelves if Trump becomes president?

Probably put what ever product pays him the most to advertise it. Although my recollection is that Trump is a teetotaler (which made the whole Trump Vodka venture, which failed miserably years ago, a bit odd to begin with!) so maybe he will just wipe the shelves clean! Although I suppose if a teetotaler can slap his name on a bottle of booze, even if it is a vodka, in the name of a fast buck then he is a true capitalist at heart.

Not sure I could ever trust a teetotaler though...

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2 hours ago, b1gcountry said:

Trump just lost any support I've ever thought about giving him. Teetotaler?



As I understand it his brother was an alcoholic and eventually died from alcoholism. So Trump chose not to drink from a young age based on the example set for him by his brother. Understandable I suppose, not having been in the same position, but seems a bit extreme. He is a person of extremes though I suppose.

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It is understandable and I totally accept that. I still stick behind my comment though, because I think it's funny.

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Hey Enoch, maybe if you drink the Trump Vodka, you'll just say whatever pops into your head and make people mad at you.

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