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Just wanted to say hello to all and say that this is really cool to have a place to talk about my drink of choice.

I would like to ask some ?'s so here it goes!

1 would you consider buying Top self Bourbon online and from whom.

2 Should I buy Blantons and Old Rio Vanwinkles Reverse

it is out of my way .

3 I really like Maker's Mark /Wild Turkey Rare breed/Baker's

107/Booker's/ Wild Turkey 101 mostly neat but trying cut to

change things a bit could this also see if I would like the others or it is hit or miss.

4.what brands you perfer and do not.

5 Should get a specailty glass (sniffer etc.) to getr the full favor of bourbon?

6 How could anybody dislike USA when we make shuch great whisky BOURBON that everyone else buys the barrels we will not reuse.


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Some attempts at answers:

1) Be sure you can buy online before you attempt it. It's only legal to ship wine/liquor to 10-12 states. Here in Tennessee, it's a felony to either ship or receive shipment. That's also true elsewhere (at least some of the places).

2)It's my understanding VW Special Reserve Lot B (if that's the one you're talking about) has no current stock left to be bottled (we can always hope for the future). If so, that may make your choice easier. Blanton's seems to be readily available.

3)Don't really know what to add.

4)Try 'em all. Sort 'em out later. Having said that, I like Weller 12yo, Jim Beam black label, Evan Williams Single Barrel, Eagle Rare Single Barrel, Stagg '03 (didn't get to try the '02). Most others are enjoyable.

5)I like snifters. I bought the Riedel bourbon glasses, but don't see much advantage to them. But, certainly get something that tapers to the top to enjoy the aromas.

6)You've got to experience grass-roots-mandated freedoms to appreciate and cherish them (Which is why Australia is probably our closest cousin and staunchest ally.). All the people (other than terrorists, I mean) trying to move here (legally or illegally) get it. Those happy to stay where they are aren't ever going to experience it, and they won't understand us.


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Just for the record, our 12-year Van Winkle Special Reserve Lot B is in good supply and should smile.gif be no problem to find.


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For the benefit of the long-term planners among us, do you expect the VWSR Lot "B" 12 year-old to last until, let's say, the new VWFRR 13 year-old (and possibly other bottlings produced at Buffalo Trace Distillery) appears on the shelves? I assume that would be in the vicinity of the year 2015, when I would reach the age of 72 years.

Yours truly,

Dave Morefield

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Dave, you seem to be becoming obsessed with that line of thought. Is everything okay?


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Welcome aboard.

would you consider buying Top self Bourbon online and from whom.

Yes, if it's legal where you live. (CO => Colorado; Georgetown => D.C. area; hmmm...) Sam's gives good service. So does Binny's. I haven't tried any others. Oh, yes I have, but only for special situations. I bought the Van Winkle Park Avenue Liquor special bottling; I also snagged a couple of bottles of WT 12 year-old from a small shop in the San Francisco area.

Should I buy Blantons and Old Rio Vanwinkles Reverse

it is out of my way .

I'm still trying to grasp what all the fuss is about with Blanton's (although I'm making some progress in that regard), putting me in a tiny minority. Where Buffalo Trace bottlings are concerned, I'd go with Rock Hill Farms, instead, especially given that you're a fancier of WT 101. Blanton's, allegedly, is filled with subtleties, whereas RHF is much more assertive.

The answer to any question that begins "Should I buy Van Winkle..." is always, "Yes, every chance you get." The Van Winkle Special Reserve Lot "B" 12 year-old is my current King of the Hill among bourbons.

I really like Maker's Mark /Wild Turkey Rare breed/Baker's

107/Booker's/ Wild Turkey 101 mostly neat but trying cut to

change things a bit could this also see if I would like the others or it is hit or miss.

This collection is suffiently varied to suggest that you may have a hard time predicting what you will like, just as I do.

what brands you perfer and do not.

Just about every distillery has at least one bottling that I like. I could easily enjoy life with nothing but Buffalo Trace bottlings, especially now that Julian Van Winkle's bottlings are under that umbrella. Of course, I would miss a few Wild Turkey bottlings, a couple from Jim Beam, and a couple from Heaven Hill, one or two from now-defunct distilleries whose products are still being bottled ... Gee, do I really have to pronounce a favorite? grin.gif

Should get a specailty glass (sniffer etc.) to getr the full favor of bourbon?

Yes, you should. Don't be afraid to spend a few bucks. You'll get more enjoyment from your bourbon when you spend plenty of time nosing it in the glass. A suitable glass makes that activity more rewarding than drinking from a shot glass. It lasts longer that way, too. grin.gif

How could anybody dislike USA when we make such great whisk[e]y BOURBON that everyone else buys the barrels we will not reuse.

There's just no accounting for variations in taste, I suppose. That's OK; if everyone liked it, the price would go up.

Yours truly,

Dave Morefield

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I have no specific knowledge that foretells my eventual demise. I am merely a somber sort of fellow, just for openers, who lately has been inclined to ponder my place in the broad scheme of things.

If you knew me a little better, you'd realize that my talking about living long enough to enjoy the whiskey that the Van Winkles produce at Buffalo Trace is actually unusually optimistic for me. grin.gif

Yours truly,

Dave Morefield

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Good. Apparently, I misread something here. My apologies for starting/extending a false rumor. (Besides, I'm already stocking up on the VWFRR.)

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Frist let me thank you for your input it is good to get a differnt veiw point.

Thankyou for putting up with my spelling errors also.

Happy Tasting smile.gifusflag.gif

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Sorry I ment to write Georgetown,Co 80444 I do not have

dual residency. usflag.gif

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3 I really like Maker's Mark /Wild Turkey Rare breed/Baker's

107/Booker's/ Wild Turkey 101 mostly neat but trying cut to

change things a bit could this also see if I would like the others or it is hit or miss.

4.what brands you perfer and do not.


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Whoa. Where are you that you can get Old Harper? The only "Harper" I know of is I.W. Harper, which is (I thought) not sold in the USA. Is the "Old Harper" you mention I.W. Harper? A variation on the same? Or something else entirely? What does the label say in terms or place of origin?

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This is the second time in recent weeks that so-called "Old Harper" has surfaced on the board and both times Cowdery's caught it!

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See? That's why we are still novices! What an embarassing typo. I meant IW Harper, an affordable brand, at least here in Virginia. Sorry about the confusion.

We even have a copy of an IW HARPER ad framed in our "whiskey room" that states "pour it proudly." We always do.

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2)It's my understanding VW Special Reserve Lot B (if that's the one you're talking about) has no current stock left to be bottled

Boy, you about gave me a heart attack. Thanks, Julian, for clearing that up.

My advice to "newbie" is don't ever be afraid to pick up a bottle and try it for yourself. Everybody has their own tastes. Explore away and have a good time at it!

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