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Where does Henry McKenna go from here?

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It’s already been out of stock for about 2 months in my county. Who knows when they will get more now. I’ve only had one bottle about 6 months back and was just ok to me but have been keeping my eye out to try again but haven’t been able to find.

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So they entered a honey barrel in the competition and it wins. The average joe or tater does not realize this fact. They run out and clear the shelves.

Most have a WTF moment when they start cracking them open. Never to buy it again . Normalcy returns. Especially after the inevitable price hike.


I  had similiar experience with Noah's Mill a few years back. Had a bottle that I still think may have been the best whiskey I ever drank. Had multiples since that fell way short.

Not buying ever again. My experience with McKenna is normally 1 out of 3 barrels is very good.The rest are just average...at best. Bottom line : This is no W12.  That being said, If they can release a more consistent product going forward, it could become the next Blanton's.

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it was about this time last year when I walked into a local LS and they had about 10 or so cases of HMK10 sitting on the floor at $29.99/bottle. I picked one up to try it for the first time. I thought that it was decent and after a month or so I went back to get another bottle and they were all gone. The taters had struck. For the past few months I have had a gut feeling that this could become the next Weller type of hype and have picked up a few extra bottles since then, but only when I found it at the $30 price. Now that the madness has started I wonder if it will be on the shelves from time to time or if it will become a ghost that people chase? I have been reading all sorts of crazy posts the past 2 days about HMK10 on the various bourbon groups I am in, and it just laugh at what is going on at the moment.

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19 hours ago, flahute said:

I've been drinking McKenna for years and years and like it a lot. Some barrels are sub-par for sure but most are great to my palate.

Last years award and now this one really irritate me. Just like last year, people rushed out and cleared the selves. A bourbon that had been there all along is suddenly desirable because it won an award.

What does this tell us? That most newcomers to bourbon don't have the confidence to make their own decisions and that they aren't interested in undertaking the journey to find out what they really like.

They are waiting around for someone to tell them what is good so that they don't miss out. For whatever reason McKenna wasn't worthy of their time until Sunday night when an article was written about it.

If McKenna doesn't go into full allocated status after this, and if supplies recover, I'm going to have to go out and stock up the bunker because of this stupidity.

I am with you on this, Henry McKenna has been one of my favorites for a long time and I have already heard in my area from three different stores that it is now on allocation.  Hopefully this will pass.  I was able to pick up two yesterday at a store that is not in the best area and it still had three at 31 bucks.  I got two and left one for someone else.

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9 hours ago, EarthQuake said:

I think this is great news. Weller, McKenna, please send the tatters after this mediocre stuff so I can continue to find what I actually like with relative ease. The only way this would be better is if Dickel wins some big competition or best of list next. Or Beam, that would be fine too. Old Grand Dad and Bookers are the next Pappy, you heard it here first, stock up while you can.

Hot take Booker's > Pappy

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1 hour ago, Freakdog said:

So they entered a honey barrel in the competition and it wins. The average joe or tater does not realize this fact. They run out and clear the shelves.

Most have a WTF moment when they start cracking them open. Never to buy it again . Normalcy returns. Especially after the inevitable price hike.


I  had similiar experience with Noah's Mill a few years back. Had a bottle that I still think may have been the best whiskey I ever drank. Had multiples since that fell way short.

Not buying ever again. My experience with McKenna is normally 1 out of 3 barrels is very good.The rest are just average...at best. Bottom line : This is no W12.  That being said, If they can release a more consistent product going forward, it could become the next Blanton's.

Another hot take McKenna is 200% better than W12 :) 

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16 hours ago, GaryT said:

This.  The sheeple who are falling over themselves to pay $30 or more for WSR (when it wasn't moving at $9.99 just 3 or 4 years ago) will be clearing the shelves.  I'm actually kinda glad that I've never owned a great bottle of this one.  I've bought 2 - and both were unfortunately sub-par (despite having tasted some damn nice bottles from others, which led me to try a second time).  I get single barrel has variability, but I can only think of one other retail single barrel bottle that was this far 'off' (and that was an ETL my Dad had, which shouldn't have ever been bottled with that label).  With 2 duds - I refused to buy another, even after the accolades last year.  


I wonder if these were honey barrels selected for the competition (I mean - if you're you're just picking something that is at LEAST 10 years old, and 100 proof; gotta think HH could barrel some amazing whiskey for that).  Note - I'm merely 'wondering' (not accusing, as I think the folks at HH are fine people - and I'd be disappointed to learn they would do this).  I've had plenty of retail ETLs that I thought were as good or better than most HMK - but obviously different strokes.

You know, If I were entering something in a competition I would send the best I had.  Just saying.

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2 minutes ago, beasled said:

Baker's > Booker's

Also your just sore since you get those ugly Booker's bottles, trust me not only are the US bottles better looking they taste better too ;) 

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1 minute ago, kevinbrink said:

Also your just sore since you get those ugly Booker's bottles, trust me not only are the US bottles better looking they taste better too ;) 

Actually we get the ugly sister bottles for Baker's as well. If anything it's just proves that the bourbon is so good that they went and made them uglier to stop them flying out the door over seas.... maybe. 

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Back when I first started to get serious with bourbon I was aimlessly looking for Blanton's because, well, the internet told me to lol (not saying it's a bad bourbon, but not worth the effort I put into hunting it down). I made my way to a LS about 30 minutes from my house in the nearest city. I asked the employee there if they had Blanton's, he was very nice and informed me they ran out the week prior, but told me their delivery day and suggested I call in around noon on Thursdays to check. We talked a bit, after a while he mentioned that he recently bought a bottle of HMBiB and highly suggested it. Though disappointed I couldn't get what I came for, I left with the McKenna. I still frequent that store because of that employee, he is always spot on with suggestions and, like those of you here on SB, I can hold a nerdy bourbon conversation with him for enough time to annoy the fiance :). When I first smelled it I did not think I would like it, in my experience the nose suggest the proof is much higher than 100, but after tasting it it quickly became a favorite of mine. To this day I would take a glass of HM over Blanton's, which is why I've finished 3 bottled of McKenna and am still working on my current Blanton's. 


Now that I've rambled about my first time with McKenna... I think the next logical step in the way bourbon is trending would be a barrel proof McKenna, which I would be all for, as long as the price is right. Here in Ohio HMBiB is $34.99, if they released a barrel proof at $60 or under I would bite, under $100 I would consider it, over $100 and I will leave it to the taters. An older release is another option, but I personally think the 10 year mark works here. 

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15 hours ago, flahute said:

Totally agree. The reason I'm merely irritated as opposed to being full pissed off is because I have a plethora of private selection EC's that I know are all exceptional.

It’s bad enough I have to see everyone on Twitter enjoying those BC “deatsvilles” 

Now you’re taking about it here too...



got any openings for “assistant to the bourbon crusaders” ? 




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About the only thing that has changed in my area with Henry McKenna is the price. It seemingly never was a regular stocked item. Somtimes you’d see it at a store, sometimes you wouldn’t. When I did see it, more often than not there were never more than 3 or 4 bottles. If I ever wanted to find some with any regularity, I usually had to drive a ways. Maybe it isn’t (or should I say wasn’t?) as popular around here as it is in other areas of the country. With regards to the price, a few years ago when I could find it, it was around $24.99. I saw one a few weeks ago for $39.99. Behind the counter. :mellow:


Biba! Joe

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Congrats to the bourbon world for it's most recent discovery of HMcK. I read a 2015 review Minnick did of HMcK and he scored it a 90 without any additional fanfare. I've had some good bottles and other exceptionally good bottles and those honeys out there are REALLY good.

On another note I assumed Steve would know I was just poking him, and Jeff concurred. Steve couldn't be a tater if he tried. I respect his opinions and contributions here immensely.

Edited by FacePlant
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11 hours ago, EarthQuake said:

I think this is great news. Weller, McKenna, please send the tatters after this mediocre stuff so I can continue to find what I actually like with relative ease. The only way this would be better is if Dickel wins some big competition or best of list next. Or Beam, that would be fine too. Old Grand Dad and Bookers are the next Pappy, you heard it here first, stock up while you can.

LOL!    I haven't had McKenna in years;  my recollection is that it wasn't bad, just mediocre.    And yes, it's available here in Pennsy;  I've just never had the interest in buying another bottle. 


What I like I can still find with relative ease -  Old Forester , Wild Turkey and MGP.   

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1 hour ago, 0895 said:

It’s bad enough I have to see everyone on Twitter enjoying those BC “deatsvilles” 

Now you’re taking about it here too...



got any openings for “assistant to the bourbon crusaders” ? 




lol! Sorry my man. It's all I got if my beloved McKenna becomes impossible.

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After reading through the thread it appears this “HMK10” bottle was actually an HH honey barrel most likely reserved for competition or an LE, and if that’s so, it’s sleazy? If they did do that I say mega-kudos for screwing Sazerac!


I would like to know which bourbons were entered into the single barrel competition because that would not tell us which product had the best barrel but which distilleries HH had a better barrel than. Right?


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This line of thought opens up questions about the small batch entries too. Are the batches in the competition bottles actually the same batches in the product bottles on the LS shelves? That would be sleazy if not. I think that’s different than a single barrel. Interested in others thoughts. 

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I think I read somewhere, maybe something Minnick wrote or commented on, that the bottle of HMcK from the first win came off the shelf of a local store.  Regardless, I've had had a great bottle and some boring bottles.  I thought it would go the way of Weller last time it won and it did briefly but was soon available again.  I imagine it will be the same this time with a run on it over the summer and maybe into the winter gift giving season as the go by the best list shoppers hit the stores.  I wish it came back for store picks because that's where it shined when a knowledgeable palate chose greatness.

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5 hours ago, pouringwhiskey said:

Back when I first started to get serious with bourbon I was aimlessly looking for Blanton's because, well, the internet told me to lol (not saying it's a bad bourbon, but not worth the effort I put into hunting it down). I made my way to a LS about 30 minutes from my house in the nearest city. I asked the employee there if they had Blanton's, he was very nice and informed me they ran out the week prior, but told me their delivery day and suggested I call in around noon on Thursdays to check. We talked a bit, after a while he mentioned that he recently bought a bottle of HMBiB and highly suggested it. Though disappointed I couldn't get what I came for, I left with the McKenna. I still frequent that store because of that employee, he is always spot on with suggestions and, like those of you here on SB, I can hold a nerdy bourbon conversation with him for enough time to annoy the fiance :). When I first smelled it I did not think I would like it, in my experience the nose suggest the proof is much higher than 100, but after tasting it it quickly became a favorite of mine. To this day I would take a glass of HM over Blanton's, which is why I've finished 3 bottled of McKenna and am still working on my current Blanton's. 


Now that I've rambled about my first time with McKenna... I think the next logical step in the way bourbon is trending would be a barrel proof McKenna, which I would be all for, as long as the price is right. Here in Ohio HMBiB is $34.99, if they released a barrel proof at $60 or under I would bite, under $100 I would consider it, over $100 and I will leave it to the taters. An older release is another option, but I personally think the 10 year mark works here. 

If age statements continue to decline you may get your wish only the lable will say Elijah Craig.

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20 minutes ago, kcgumbohead said:

If age statements continue to decline you may get your wish only the lable will say Elijah Craig.


Despite all the handwringing and pity party going on in here :D I think winning does have a silver lining. HMcK10 is often near the top of the list in any thread about next bourbon to lose an age statement. You may be competing with the taters but I think HH would be very reluctant to drop the age statement for a long while after a win. 


Personally, the win has me curious about getting a bottle. I bought one a few years ago to complement my love for EC12 which was still sporting the big red number. I thought the HMcK10 was ok and never bought another. When it won last year I thought about it but always saw it at $35 and didn’t pull the trigger. I’m wondering again. I wonder if I can get a tater ID card before buying a bottle?

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This brings a question. Whenever I find a good bottle of HMcK10 and go back for a 2nd it's always a different barrel. Maybe I haven't been paying attention but seems any individual SiB could be distributed far and wide? I'm sure some of you more knowledgeable aficionados would know. Having said that, I've only had one bottle of that was meh in the last 2 years when I began my bourbon exploration.

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Personally I like hmk10 and picked up a few bottles.  One local store had cases of it for 18.99.  I’m not sure if I would still buy it at $40 in any regularity.  To me the knob creek store selections are too good to be passed up in that range.

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Used to get it all day at 25.99 near me. One store just went to 43.99 about two weeks ago, and another to 40.99. A third has it at 35.99, but probably not for long, which is probably the tops I'd pay right now. Each usually has 2 or 3 on the shelf. Have a couple in the closet.

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