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What’s left?

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It seems like the bourbon craze just gets worse and worse by the day. My all time favorites (for the price) were RHFOWA, W12, all I have are a few bottles that I managed to stockpile in the past 6 years. Now the local stores are hiding my most recent favorite (old forester 1910) in the back (not a fan of 1920). Last week 4R recipe store picks got wiped clean in 2 hours. I accepted the fact that the current btac’s and van winkles I have on hand from years ago will be the last I will ever find at anywhere near retail pricing. I have managed to add a few 1910’s, EC BP’s, and 4R small batch selects to the bunker in the past year 

 It’s extremely difficult in NE IL to find anything other than eagle rare, WT101, OGD, regular BT, ect which I’m not a huge fan of as sippers but do enjoy in an old fashioned. Building relationships and becoming a regular around here involves spending a few thousand a year on regular shelved liquor. Am I overlooking anything flavorful (40-100 price range) that’s not on the radar? I’m a two pour a week guy that’s not looking for quantity over quality. Thanks for any suggestions!  

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I would be on the look out for store picks in general. Old Forester has the 100pf and barrel proof pick options coming out this year. Since you like 1910 you could look for some Woodford DO store picks. WT Rare Breed and the Russell's store picks are good. If you like scotch at all you could even give the Woodford malt whiskey a try, it has some notes in it from the malt but also has the bourbon notes in it. Unfortunately most anything that comes out of the BT distillery is sought after pretty hard, but EH Taylor small batch and single barrel are very solid if you can find them. If you have a Costco near you they might be worth checking out on occasion.

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Thanks for the suggestions double c’s. Will look into Woodford DO and Russell’s picks. I love sm scotch and have a nice assortment on the shelf, may give the woodford malt a try as well. Do enjoy the EH lineup, have a few spares of each of those. Costo is where I found 4R small batch select for 55, once I tried it I went back for 2 more, fortunately plenty was still in stock. This is the only semi premium bourbon I’ve ever ran into at the 3 Costco’s in my area ever. 

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How far are you from the closest state border, and would that offer better options?

As far as many of the BT brands - it's as Double C's said.

I personally wouldn't count on building relationships by spending thousands a year at a given store.  The number of LE bottles any store gets is so low to begin with.  The fix is in.  It's not a very transparent business when it comes to that aspect.

What's left in your price range is Rare Breed, maybe KY Spirit, and RR.

Are there any bottles you see, but not sure, wondering if worth getting?

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1 hour ago, PaulO said:

How far are you from the closest state border, and would that offer better options?

As far as many of the BT brands - it's as Double C's said.

I personally wouldn't count on building relationships by spending thousands a year at a given store.  The number of LE bottles any store gets is so low to begin with.  The fix is in.  It's not a very transparent business when it comes to that aspect.

What's left in your price range is Rare Breed, maybe KY Spirit, and RR.

Are there any bottles you see, but not sure, wondering if worth getting?

I’m a bit over an hour away from indiana and around 2 hours away from the Wisconsin state line, tried both without much success before. 

I’ve never considered spending a few k on building relationships since I know that it wouldn’t guarantee me any of my favorites. I don’t host huge parties or drink enough to get to that tier of spending. From what Ive learned locally, they work their way down the list of big spenders after employees grab their picks, another store goes on “points” earned during a whole year. 

RR and KY spirit are two that I’ve never tried, will pick some up eventually. Thanks for the suggestions .

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I thought of something else.  Jack Daniel's has Single Barrel Select, and Barrel Proof.  I have to warn you that it tastes like pecan pie.  If you like pecan pie, it's very good.

If you want a rye that is about as close as you can get to Bourbon, try Pikesville Rye.

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Yeah, it seems you have very unfortunate favorites...


I will +1 the rest of the WT family, especially RR SB picks. Also, what are your thoughts on Beam products? Other than the Booker's price hike incident they've been doing great things with their lineup lately.

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Finding higher end, limited, allocated or perceived hard-to-find bourbons continues to be a matter of luck, spending a lot of money, or building true bourbon relationships.  I haven't seen OWA, WL12, WSR, Blanton's, RHF or ETL on the shelf in Indiana in several years.   I know they are out there but when I ask at stores that I shop fairly regularly they all say they don't get any or that it is being held for lotteries.  Frankly, I don't even go in asking about them,  BTACs or LEs anymore.  I only bring them up if the manager or an employee  ask and only in a more of a "my how things have changed, do you guys ever see any..."  conversation.


So, I have learned to change my preferences.   As mentioned above, you can sometimes uncover some stellar store selections, particularly from retailers who you trust to have similar tastes.  In fact, with the exception of GTS, WLW and a few other bottles, most of my all-time bourbons and ryes were store selections.  However, there are still stellar bottles among standard offerings.  I like the suggestions above of exploring tiered offerings of different distilleries.   


Given that you are looking for "quality over quantity" and you don't enjoy WT101 or OGD, as noted above, I would recommend Woodford Reserve and Woodford Reserve Double Oak.  Several retailers have had store selections of each recently.  I agree with Paul on the Wild Turkey products.  I enjoy WT101 as a sipper.  However, Rare Breed and Kentucky Spirit are on a different level.  Rare Breed is higher proof and has a richer profile while Kentucky Spirit tends to be a little drier.  Both are great in their own right.  Russell's Reserve Single Barrel is on yet another level.  I also enjoy Knob Creek Single Barrel and Baker's.  Ezra Brooks Barrel Proof is another one to keep an eye out for.   It is one of the better bourbon bargains out there right now.   


Based on your post, you have some experience with bourbon and other whiskeys.  I know I sometimes get caught up in price and quality. Some of my favorite sippers are Wild Turkey 101, Knob Creek and Elijah Craig.  I can grab a bottle of each for less than $25.  Their quality matches those of whiskeys many times more expensive. However, I always like to have something either higher proof, with more age, or with a different profile and I am willing to pay for the experience.


If there is something you like (e.g., OF1910), it never hurts to ask.  Sometimes stores put things in the back just so flippers and taters don't nab them.  I know a couple of local stores like that.  The liquor managers know that I enjoy bourbon and we discuss preferences, trends, etc.  They know I am buying to enjoy not to admire the bottle on a shelf or to sell.  Mind you, I am talking things that are only slightly allocated (e.g., BT products) not LEs or media darlings.  I also ask has anybody requested anything that they never came to pick up.  I mean like months not weeks.  Sometimes store managers get edgy when someone requests something but doesn't pick it up.

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Knob Creek Single Barrel Reserve especially if you can find store picks which tend to be in the 12 to 15 yo range.  Belle Meade Cask Strength Reserve is also something to look out for and don't forget Booker's...

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I've read some Reddit threads which argue the virus has thrown distribution a bit off balance because distributors are dealing with the shutdown of restaurant / bar orders.  For example, here on the East Coast I'm seeing tons of OF 1910 on the shelf (and on sale) while 1920 supplies are dwindling.  Meanwhile, some people have posted pics of Texas swimming in Weller at retail.

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From the other week.  Two times I saw 1920 down to the last bottle with plenty of 1910 available





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As mentioned above, store picks. What area of NE IL are you in? Plenty of stores have interesting stuff. But you have to move past what used to be available, & into whats good, less expensive, & available now.

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I saw both 1910 and 1920 stocked pretty deep this week on my one foray into a store.

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Here are my recommendations for really good quality pours that should be readily available pretty much everywhere*


  • Jack Daniels Single Barrel Barrel Proof
  • Bulleit Barrel Strength
  • Wild Turkey Rare Breed
  • Russells Reserve Store Picks
  • Old Forester Rye
  • Knob Creek Single Barrel (Store Picks are amazing)
  • Bookers (If you can find it at or under $80)

Some less than accessible but great options when you can find them

  • Elijah Craig Barrel Proof
  • Larceny Barrel Proof
  • Ancient Ancient Age (10-Star)

I have had a lot of success finding LE products by joining some local bourbon facebook groups. It's how I was able to get Stagg Jr, a couple of BTACs, and some quality store picks. Additionally, there are a couple of shop owners on those that have held products for me that they got in (HH BiB, Larceny BP, etc.) who will announce when they get new things in. Sometimes networking isn't always about throwing down money at a random store and more about developing connections to those who are way more into things than you are.


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Just a quick note,

When 1910 came out, I observed that it seems on paper to be the same/similar  product as Woodford double oak.

Since B-F makes both, I sbs them and found that I enjoy the WRDO better.

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Another in the Brown Forman stable that I heartily recommend is early Times BIB. If you get New Riff and Wilderness Trail (particularly the rye) those are both new, very good and distiller produced.

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8 hours ago, kcgumbohead said:

Another in the Brown Forman stable that I heartily recommend is early Times BIB. If you get New Riff and Wilderness Trail (particularly the rye) those are both new, very good and distiller produced

Yeah wilderness trail. Pretty much anything they make is good.

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On 5/5/2020 at 5:27 PM, M777 said:

... It’s extremely difficult in NE IL to find anything other than eagle rare, WT101, OGD, regular BT, ect ...

ER and regular BT very hard to get here, very high demand.  I gravitate to Evan Williams Single Barrel and occasionally the premium Turkey products.  Damson plum and other great selections from down the holler still available. 

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What's left? Try revisiting the bottom shelf. Lots of tasty BIBs out there. 

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I'll throw in another vote for  WT Rare Breed, but a recommendation not mentioned above would be OF Statesman. Don't worry about the lower proof - to me it is the most flavor-packed and yet well-balanced bourbon in the OF lineup. 


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Here in Maryland I've seen a lot of stuff I wouldn't normally while on a hunt for mother's day bourbon cream. Which I was successful in. Plenty of BT and more of their products then ever before were spotted. I recently picked up some old Carter and seen all the ECBP you could shake a stick at.

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