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Bardstown Bourbon Company . . . Bourbon Pursuit . . . Etc. ,

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Our son finally made it home for Christmas from Sicily (he is a member of the US Navy assigned to Sigonella NAS), so we decided to visit BBC for a nice meal at Bottle and Bond.  While we were there I noticed that at the next table over Kenny and Ryan from Bourbon Pursuit were there with Nick Smith from BBC doing some sampling.  I happened to take a photo, and coincidentally they left as we did.  I spoke, and they offered us one of their samples they had tried.  Nice guys that we enjoyed talking to.  All in all, a very nice visit (as usual) to BBC.  Photos:




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On 12/22/2021 at 8:24 PM, mbroo5880i said:

Thanks for sharing!  I believe most bourbon enthusiasts are really great people.  

I will presume they were checking on their stocks.   I have done a barrel pick with an Indiana retailer - and there program so far is a forward buy.   They are not releasing barrels till they release their own.   So, you can go and check on yours, to see how it is maturing.   You can let them age as long as you want...... the possibilities.

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Thanks for sharing - agree that most people in the community are pretty cool, and glad that they were! 


So - is it just me, or does the "2.9 years" bug anyone else?  Just haven't seen an age written like that (seems unnecessarily confusing, although to be fair - the difference between 2 yrs and 9, 10, or 11 months doesn't seem significant).

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I was surprised to see the age statement written like that, but what do I know?  I assumed it meant 2 years 9 months, but only BBC knows for sure.

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