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More stuff, part deux…


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 My wife, her sister and their good friend went to a craft show today. My wife didn’t find anything for herself, but she did find an appropriate sign for me at one booth. Whadaya think? 😄



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HA!   Absolutely appropriate for any of the bars in private homes (and probably public taverns as well, I suppose) I'm familiar with.   

Simply executed, white on flat black, with stencil-style lettering; unequivocal, and . . . perfect!   Good for your bride, HJoe!

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  • 2 weeks later...

My wife, her sister, and their friend “the bad sister”,  took a girls trip this week. To cut to the chase, my wife found something for me at one consignment/resale store they stopped at. She went above and beyond. The sale, slashed sale, last chance sale price was $1.00. 😎




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  • 9 months later...

Not bourbon related, but I had to buy this glass. And it’s not like I need another glass, or will drink beer from it. 😏 Hard to read, but it says, “I BET YOU CAN’T”  😂



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On 6/23/2023 at 10:38 PM, fishnbowljoe said:

My wife, her sister, and their friend “the bad sister”,  took a girls trip this week. To cut to the chase, my wife found something for me at one consignment/resale store they stopped at. She went above and beyond. The sale, slashed sale, last chance sale price was $1.00. 😎





I have these same mugs.  They came in one of those KC9 gift box that they release prior to the Christmas season.  I drink coffee from mine regularly. ☕


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9 hours ago, fishnbowljoe said:

Not bourbon related, but I had to buy this glass. And it’s not like I need another glass, or will drink beer from it. 😏 Hard to read, but it says, “I BET YOU CAN’T”  😂


Cute!   I have a similarly themed acquisition.   A whiskey flask that probably holds over a gallon. HA!   

I have no clue what to ever do with it.   It certainly won't fit in any of my pockets... even my old 'cargo pants'.   Might fit in a backpack, I guess; but, full it would likely weigh close to ten pounds!   

I'd post a pic; but, I don't have a digital one, and wouldn't have a clue how to do it, anyway.

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I almost forgot I had this, as it’s buried on one of the bookcase shelves, and other stuff was sitting on top of it.  I need to get this on the wall, or at least start doing curls with it, as it’s heavy!!😁




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2 hours ago, smokinjoe said:

I almost forgot I had this, as it’s buried on one of the bookcase shelves, and other stuff was sitting on top of it.  I need to get this on the wall, or at least start doing curls with it, as it’s heavy!!😁




Now THIS is a truly fine piece of Bourbonia!    My hat is off, sir.  🫡

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  • 4 months later...

We’re cleaning more stuff out of our basement. Long story which I won’t bore y’all with. Most of my empty bottles went to the recycle place a while back. I still have some things I’ve been hoarding. Time to take a couple of pics for old times sake and throw stuff out. I have a friend that might be interested in the WT Tradition box. One WT Rare Breed canister is regular. The other is from a Japanese bottle from a shipment sent to a store in the Chicago burbs by mistake. The EH Taylors are nothing special. The Old Fitz box from the BHC is. I joined SB in 2008 after attending the KBF in 2007. The Old Fitz was my first real “find”. I found it in late 2008 or sometime in 2009 IIRC. The price tag on it say a lot.



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  • 1 month later...

Going through more boxes in the basement. Pics, books, etc… Found this book today. Kinda confusing as it’s from between 1981-1988. I didn’t really drink much til I discovered bourbon back in 2007. On top of that, I also don’t drink cocktails. 🤔



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  • 1 month later...

We’re still going through stuff from the basement. A box here and a box there. Still finding things I forgot I had.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Trying to clean up my bourbon room and cabinet a bit. Washed and dried all my glasses and such today. I can only imagine how much I’d have if I hadn’t given some to @Galvin0791, given some to others, and sold some at a garage sale. 🤦🏻‍♂️ To paraphrase the line from The Treasure Of The Sierra Madre, “Glasses? We don’t need no stinking glasses.” 


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  • 1 month later...

I got my email from MM last week about ordering my Christmas label. Y’all remember? “Ho is a restricted word.” Guess what came in the mail today.  🎅 🎄☃️


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  • 1 month later...

I received a belated Xmas present in the mail today.  😁 🦬 😎



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Oooooh!   That is a super-snazzy Thermal mug!    I'm a little bit envious, Joe.    I LOVE that color.

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15 minutes ago, Richnimrod said:

Oooooh!   That is a super-snazzy Thermal mug!    I'm a little bit envious, Joe.    I LOVE that color.

I believe they have them at the BT gift shop.

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2 hours ago, Richnimrod said:

Oooooh!   That is a super-snazzy Thermal mug!    I'm a little bit envious, Joe.    I LOVE that color.


2 hours ago, fishnbowljoe said:

I believe they have them at the BT gift shop.

I may have misspoken. I checked the online BT gift shop. Can’t find it. 🤔 But……



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  • 4 weeks later...

I was at a neighbor’s helping them set up for an  “ew state” sale before they move to SC.  While putting things out, I found these.  There are five (he said one broke years ago).  One has a minor chip on the rim.  I need to see if there is a way to smooth that over.  Very cool though.



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2 hours ago, markandrex said:

I was at a neighbor’s helping them set up for an  “ew state” sale before they move to SC.  While putting things out, I found these.  There are five (he said one broke years ago).  One has a minor chip on the rim.  I need to see if there is a way to smooth that over.  Very cool though.



Those definitely are cool.  

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4 hours ago, markandrex said:

I was at a neighbor’s helping them set up for an  “ew state” sale before they move to SC.  While putting things out, I found these.  There are five (he said one broke years ago).  One has a minor chip on the rim.  I need to see if there is a way to smooth that over.  Very cool though.



Nice old-style-printing on that glassware!   I like those a lot!   

A quick if obvious suggestion for that chipped one:

One can carefully "sand" down the rough edges of such a defect with one of the diamond-dust nail files the gals use.    (Select the 'finest-grit' one you can find.)  You'll inevitably lose a bit of glass; but, probably salvage the use of the glassware.

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59 minutes ago, Richnimrod said:

Nice old-style-printing on that glassware!   I like those a lot!   

A quick if obvious suggestion for that chipped one:

One can carefully "sand" down the rough edges of such a defect with one of the diamond-dust nail files the gals use.    (Select the 'finest-grit' one you can find.)  You'll inevitably lose a bit of glass; but, probably salvage the use of the glassware.

I have been watching repair videos all afternoon.  The gold rim is the sticking point.  The chip is very subtle but definitely apparent when put to your mouth.  I’ve been debating about sending it off the these guys.


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Yeah, a small portion of the gold rim will inevitably be sacrificed, if you choose to 'sand' down the defect.   I suppose it might be restored effectively, depending upon what level of 'imperfection' would be tolerable.   

In my experience 'matching' existing gold-leaf (or simulated gold-leaf) for color and reflectivity can be a challenge.  ( I once worked with a door/window lettering craftsman from waaaaay back in the day doing gold-leaf. )

Good Luck!  ...With whatever you decide.

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My bookcases in my office were in desperate need of a good dusting.  While this Bourbon Heritage Collection piece plays peek-a-boo with the camera when I take pics of what I may be drinking on some days, the dusting chore brought it out for the cleaning.  I thought I’d post it up here.



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3 hours ago, smokinjoe said:

My bookcases in my office were in desperate need of a good dusting.  While this Bourbon Heritage Collection piece plays peek-a-boo with the camera when I take pics of what I may be drinking on some days, the dusting chore brought it out for the cleaning.  I thought I’d post it up here.

Your post deserves more than one thumbs up @smokinjoe.  👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

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