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Christmas Goodies and Your favorite Bourbon to enjoy with them - 2023

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I don’t have any pics yet, I will shoot some when she opens some.  My wife spent last Sunday making fruit cakes.  She soaks them in about half a bottle of regular Makers Mark.  Needless to say, I am a big fan!  She will open one up for snacking after Thanksgiving dinner.  They are very moist and an exception Holiday treat.
 In a week or so, she will start on her homemade caramels.  I need to loose a few pounds so I am ahead of the curve going into the Season.

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Sounds Excellent!   I know many have a poor opinion of fruit cake(s); but, I always liked 'em (back when I wasn't aware I shouldn't eat 'em).   I had one or two that were "rum-soaked", and they were good; but, I'm sure Bourbon will make 'em really stand out.   

I envy you, markandrex. 🥮

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Fruit cake became sort of the butt of jokes in the past.  My own experience is like a lot of things.  It's a spectrum.  When you get a good one, it can be very good.  I feel I need to have it at least once over the holidays.  In England, fruit cake is the default cake for weddings.


Also for the holidays, need to have pumpkin pie and sweet potato pie, but maybe not at the same time.


GFS used to have a mince pie in their frozen pie section, but seems to have been discontinued or something - pity.


We also bought the first eggnog of the season.  Wife picked it up, so low fat, not spiked.

I usually get the regular kind, but really try and ration it. 

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Sorry for the continued thread drift here.....

Oooooh!   Mincemeat Pie!   Now that is something I can get behind 100% (as long as it has a gluten-free crust).

Every year I look forward to finding at least one jar of Nonesuch Original Mincemeat pie filling at the grocery.   It's only stocked seasonally, and usually seen by this time; but, not so far this year.   

I'll hesitantly admit to buying at least one extra jar and just eating it in several small bowls over a month or so from the fridge.


To bring this back onto the thread's subject, I'll add this....

I'd nominate about any vintage of GTS to pair with pumpkin and/or mincemeat pie.   

Any reasonably high-proof and/or spice-forward Bourbon goes really great with mincemeat.   And, pretty much any decent straight rye... the higher-rye the better.   ...IMHO.

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8 hours ago, PaulO said:

And the tastiest whiskey to have over the holidays - whatever is gifted to you.  🥃😊

Ah, YES!   Any gift-whisk(e)y is always soooo satisfying, right?!?!     They always seem to hit the spot, especially when popped open with the giver and shared.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh-Oh!   Here I am again!   

My wife bought some coarse-sea-salt-crusted, dark-chocolate-covered Caramels as a Girl Sprout fund-raiser for my 2-moppet, grand nieces.   Wifey absolutely does not eat dark chocolate, so this box is MINE!   

I munched up 3-of 'em alongside a generous pour of OGD 114 neat.    Ummmmm, PERFECT!!!  :wub:

I'm sure I consumed my daily limit of sodium, and close to it in calories, maybe.   😇     So Farging What!!!!????!!!! Heeee-Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!  😛

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My wife finished off the last six dozen of hers in the same manner.  She specifically did two dozen more for me with a roasted candied pecan under the dark chocolate and salt.

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3 hours ago, markandrex said:

My wife finished off the last six dozen of hers in the same manner.  She specifically did two dozen more for me with a roasted candied pecan under the dark chocolate and salt.

OMG!   That sounds positively decadent!   Good on ya'!   Try 'em with OGD 114.   You won't regret it, I guarantee.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got a small fruit cake and a half gallon of eggnog.  Those are two sweet treats I associate with Christmas time.

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