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Newest Booker's: "The Reserves"


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Has anyone had a chance to try or buy a bottle of the newest Booker's release?   I believe it will become an 'annual release' of a sort of super premium blend of barrels.   This one is that.   It has 'older' barrels than usual Booker's of late: 3-whse-locations of 8-year, 3-of 9-year, 1-10-year, and 1-14-year.   Suggested retail is $130.   I stopped by local monger and saw the remaining bottle (one of two he'd received) he had for sale.   He'd been offered $600.   I can't/won't swing that.   I'd sure like to have tasted it, though.   I offered to buy it for $160 and open it on the spot and share it with him.   He demurred.

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On 9/22/2024 at 7:00 AM, Richnimrod said:

Has anyone had a chance to try or buy a bottle of the newest Booker's release?   I believe it will become an 'annual release' of a sort of super premium blend of barrels.   This one is that.   It has 'older' barrels than usual Booker's of late: 3-whse-locations of 8-year, 3-of 9-year, 1-10-year, and 1-14-year.   Suggested retail is $130.   I stopped by local monger and saw the remaining bottle (one of two he'd received) he had for sale.   He'd been offered $600.   I can't/won't swing that.   I'd sure like to have tasted it, though.   I offered to buy it for $160 and open it on the spot and share it with him.   He demurred.


Who said the "boom" has busted???  🤬


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I have tried it.   Went to a ticketed dinner at Beam a few weeks back, and it is really outstanding.   There is a new Little Book spinoff concept that is equally interesting and good - but MSRP on that at the distillery was 200.   I purchased both, and have no regrets.   Having to pick just one, the Bookers spinoff is the more solid of the 2.   The amped up age takes the Booker profile that I already love, and adds some complexity as well as flavor.

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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, fosmith said:

I found it ON SALE(!) a LS near me...  

booker's the reserves on sale..jpg

Ha!   Boy did they screw up!   No stated limit on purchases of The Reserves!   I assume you bought 'em out, fosmith... Or not. HA!

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