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Just a beautiful moment

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I don't mean to brag, just share...

I got an assignment to do a story on the uptick in interest in rye whiskey for the Chicago Tribune, I think I may have mentioned this elsewhere. Part of the piece was tasting notes on as many ryes as I could pull together on short notice. I finally got set, and lined up glasses of Wild Turkey, Beam, Old Overholt, Van Winkle 13 YO, and Hirsch 13 YO. I had my glass of water, my pen and notebook. I started to sip the Old Overholt...

And the kids start running around and blathering to each other. So I put the glass of Overholt down, turn to them, and say, "Kids, Daddy's working. This is very hard work, and you'll have to be quiet." I looked pointedly at my wife, and she said to the kids "That's right, Daddy's working. You'll have to be very quiet."

By God, maybe five years of lousy pay and no respect are finally starting to pay off. I couldn't BUY a moment like that! "Daddy's working" indeed!

Lew Bryson

Hirsch Reserve 16 YO: Real Pennsylvania Bourbon

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Something about your tone here tells me you've been swallowing during the tasting and evaluation process. My God son! Almost always never do that!

Swallowing can lead to the breakdown of discipline, and then on to debauchery, sloth, and when the constitution becomes weak enough, blasphemy and onanism.

Sounds like a great job, despite the obvious hazards.


Jim Butler

Straightbourbon.com Staff

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I can't wait until one of the kids asks you to come talk about your "work" at their school's career day.

Reminds me of a ski trip to Breckenridge, Colorado, with my girlfriend, another couple and their 14 year old daughter. We lunched almost every day at the Breckenridge Brewery and the parents wondered if there would be fallout when that story made the rounds at school.

How do you explain daddy's job to the kiddies?

- chuck

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Well, you're right, you know. I'm past debauchery and sloth, I've noticed a lot of blasphemy erupting from my mouth lately, and I don't like the look of that hair on my palms.

Thanks for the warning, it's good to know someone cares. Sure is good whiskey, though, so I'll take my chances! <g>

Lew Bryson

Hirsch Reserve 16 YO: Real Pennsylvania Bourbon

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I already gave a presentation on my work at the kids school, did a tasting for the Home-School Association, tasted three beers and talked about beer for an hour. The principal bought a copy of my book on Pennsylvania Breweries, too, i signed it for her. It's a Catholic school, things are more than a wee bit different there!

As to how I explain daddy's job... I kind of fell into it when the startup company I was working for collapsed. About three months after that happened, my son asked "Daddy, why don't you go to work anymore?" It was a very painful moment for me. Then about 8 months later he and I were sitting at the bar of a local brewpub, I was bullshitting with the brewer, sampling beers, and taking notes, he was enjoying a glass of their root beer. Suddenly a thought hit me, and I said to my boy, "Thomas, you remember when you asked me why I don't go to work anymore?" He did. I gestured about us and smiled. "Well, here I am, buddy, at work!" And THAT was a GREAT moment.

The kids don't have any problem with the job, neither does the wife, God bless her. My parents and in-laws did at first, they got over it pretty quickly, and my folks are quite proud of the book. When the inevitable "alcohol and other drugs" bullshit starts at school, I'll have a talk with the kids about the difference between alcohol abuse and moderate, thoughtful drinking. Then I'll call the school and ask for equal time.

More than any of you wanted to know, I'm sure, but I feel chatty tonight.

Lew Bryson

Hirsch Reserve 16 YO: Real Pennsylvania Bourbon

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All you had to say was that they attend Catholic schools. I spent 12 years in Catholic grade and high schools, and attended a Catholic law school. Like every good Catholic college and university, it had a bar in the basement. My ex-wife was a protestant and the first time I took her to a church festival, she was astonished that it consisted mainly of drinking and gambling.

God bless 'em.

- chuck

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