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Cruzan Black Strap Rum

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I snagged a bottle of this for 13 bucks yesterday, looking for something a little different, and with rum and coke in mind. Upon looking it up online, other sites have panned it as a sipping rum.

It's clearly made from molasses, and it looks just like it in the bottle, though less viscous. Clocking in at 80 proof, it's not as strong as Navy Rum, but it's cheap, too.

The nose is also heavy with molasses, also reminiscent of Kahlua.

I tried a sip before mixing it, and it carried the theme of molasses quite strongly. Not much complexity, and not as sweet as other dark rums I've tried. I probably won't be sipping this one again.

The reason I am posting this, though, is that it makes a fantastic and unique rum and coke. This rum actually makes the coke darker, and gives it a bit more body. The molasses flavor backs up the sweetness of the coke without adding too much sweetness of its own, and some nice coffee flavors are drawn out. It's probably a bit too heavy for sitting on the beach, but I think it's a nice way celebrate the end of a nice sunny day here in the Bay Area (and we've earned it this time).

It's not complex rum, nothing you'd sip reflectively, but for the price, I think it's worth it for the rum and cokes alone. I'll buy something else for sipping, but this rum is a keeper as well.

Anyone else tried this one?

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