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Trip to Tn

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Hi guys,

I haven't posted in a while...busy year. Taking a trip to TN and planned on catching the Jack Daniels tour. Wanted to catch George Dickel, but I hear Linn did something and they shut down the whole operation :>) I was wondering what the availibility of bourbons are in the Knoxville area. Does TN have state stores? I am looking for things I can't get in New Orleans--like Elmer T. Lee, among others. Thanks for the help in advance. Good to be back in Bourbonland.


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Be careful taking that Jack Daniel's tour. [g!]

I did it back around 1975; it was so much fun that it actually made me think I liked Jack Daniel's No. 7 for almost 20 years -- whether it tasted good or not.

I'm sure things have changed somewhat since then, but I felt as though I had stepped into history. Our tour guide, a good ol' boy named Bobby Ray, seemed totally relaxed, and he answered every question, always pausing to make sure his answer was satisfactory. Even so, we arrived back at our starting point exactly on schedule.

I still remember that bread-like aroma that filled the room during one step (I don't recall which) of the process.

We met one of the three tasters, any one of whom could declare the charcoal filtration bed spent, causing the disposal of the charcoal and all the whiskey still inside the filtration vat.

Later that same day I learned that the George Dickel version of this QC process was to send samples to a chemist in Nashville. If the chemist determined that impurities were above some specified level, then the spigot at the _top_ of the vat was closed, and the whiskey already in the vat was allowed to drain, to be bottled and sold. At the time I attached _way_ too much importance to the contrast between the two processes.

I hate to admit it, but I was influenced by image more than substance back in those days.

Yours truly,

Dave Morefield

Retiree, Musician, Dog-Lover, Whiskey-Drinker

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My main experience buying bourbon in Tennessee was when visiting Cumberland County, Kentucky, which is dry. We had to run across the border to Celina to get liquor, as well as some really good pie. In those days, at least (this was about 10 years ago), the little store in Celina had a great bourbon selection, including lots of bonds. I would usually get some Very Old Barton Bond. Good luck.

<A target="_blank" HREF=http://cowdery.home.netcom.com>--Chuck Cowdery</A>

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