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A trip in to the Old Continental Bottle house 1966 State of the Art

dave ziegler
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I JUST FOUND OUT THAT A Kinsey Bourbon will be released in Mid March and a Kinsey Blended with the old Kinsey Silver label! I am to get a tour of the Distillery in March sometime I am looking forward to it! It is great to see Kinsey Return and to have seen Old Hickory coming Back in Tenna. I feel blessed to see the brands I remember so well from my Youth when I worked for Publicker so Many years ago! I am sipping some new Kinsey Rye tonight and Loving it!

Dave Z


Join The Swing To Kinsey

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I am sipping some new Kinsey Rye tonight and Loving it!

I am so happy that you are able to enjoy a renaissance of the brand that has been such a big part of your life. Enjoy, my friend. You have earned it!

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I JUST FOUND OUT THAT A Kinsey Bourbon will be released in Mid March and a Kinsey Blended with the old Kinsey Silver label! I am to get a tour of the Distillery in March sometime I am looking forward to it! It is great to see Kinsey Return and to have seen Old Hickory coming Back in Tenna. I feel blessed to see the brands I remember so well from my Youth when I worked for Publicker so Many years ago! I am sipping some new Kinsey Rye tonight and Loving it!

Dave Z


Join The Swing To Kinsey

Edited by Jono
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Sadly as the Old 1966 Continental Bottling house slowly falls a part it is wonderful to see 2 of our great brand names return from the Dead. Old Hickory Bourbon in Tenna and Kinsey Whiskey in Philadelphia Pa. I am so glad to have lived to see this happen. I am still waiting for my Tour of the Distillery that is distilling Kinsey Products in Pa like the old days. When Jacob G Kinsey opened his distillery it was not a real large one and now again a smaller one is making whiskeys with the Kinsey name. I have so far enjoyed Kinsey Rye and will soon be trying their 7 year straight blend. There is to be a Bourbon and a Blended any day now too!

Dave Z


It Seems All The Nicest People Drink Old Hickory

America's Most Magnificent Bourbon

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Thanks for the Kind comments Jono, I think maybe you are right because it was my hope for the names to return and two of the most famous have. Kinsey Whiskey was the only Whiskey of ours to be advertised on the time Square building where the Ball drops on New Years Eve! And Old Hickory was always our most famous Bourbon! My dream was to see the Brands come back and I am so Thankful to live to see it.

Dave Z


Join The Swing To Kinsey

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Well here are 8 more Pictures from my trip through Kinsey on Sunday afternoon!

1.Another shot of the 1966 Bottling House.

2. The Front Water Tower.

3. Bottling house and water Tower.

4. Back of Warehouse C fire Escape.

5. Q Ware house the Fire Observation tower Building now after a new fire last week, third one in the building.

6. S Warehouse walls falling apart.

7. Grain Silo and Grain rying Buildings.

8. The Old Grain Process Building one of the oldest buildings there roof falling in.

Here I am back 12 years after my first trip back and the Kinsey Distillery is a total Loss,I can not believe what I see. The Vandel's have had their fun and Kinsey is in ruins. How sad for me to see this now that Kinsey Whiskey has returned to the Market and Old Hickory is being made in Tenna! Si Neuman would turn over in his grave to see his Beautiful Distillery by the river like this.

Dave Z


Kinsey The Unhurried Whisky For Unhurried Moments









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Joe Very much like Life today! Worked all my Life gave my Best years, only to be forced to retire and can't find a job anywhere! In the Old days there were jobs no matter your age. And Kinsey was such a great place to work. Breaks my Heart to see what has happened.

Dave Z


Kinsey The Unhurried Whisky For Unhurried Moments

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is a picture of Gus Niarhos when He played with the Phillies! Gus Lived in Phoenixville Pa, and was a company Man at Kinsey Many years in the warehouse's during the Winter when he was not managing the Minor League team in Virginia called the Newport News. Gus many years later retired and moved back to Virginia where he passed on. I always loved when Gus was with the gang I was working with he was funny and made the day go great. I loved watching Gus roar around the Plant in one of the old Plymouth Company Cars bang shifting the gears! Everyone just loved working with Gus and there was no better person to be friends with. Wherever Gus was there was Great Fun.

Dave Z


Kinsey The Unhurried Whisky For Unhurried Moments


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  • 4 weeks later...

I am very Happy to say Tonight I am drinking the New 86 Proof Kinsey Rye and it is awesome! Finished my Bottle of 7 year old Straight and enjoyed every drop. This Tuesday I am being picked up in the Early Am and taken to Philadelphia to the New Kinsey Distilling plant, Liberty Distilling a division of Millstone Spirits to tour the Distillery and have lunch and then sip some new future Products. The people running this company are awesome and I am proud to be friends with them! If you can get some of the New Kinsey Whiskey's give them a try! They will be bringing a Bourbon out soon! Kinsey is going to be in FL, SC,NC, and DeL and Pa.

Also in the near future they will bring back their version of Kinsey Silver Blended. I look forward to trying all their fine products. I am so proud to be part of the return of Kinsey whisky and look to see their products being a joy to people who enjoy good Whisky! Try Kinsey You Will Like It!! My new saying for Kinsey!

Cheers to Charles and Robert!

Dave Z


Kinsey The Unhurried Whisky For Unhurried Moments

Join The Swing to Kinsey

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  • 4 weeks later...

Some of my Treasures are popping up in special places today I took a Explosion Proof Pilot light and switch to the Railroad street Grill less then a mile from the Linfield plant. I sold it to the man who owns the place as he is really into the history of the plant! It is from warehouse N and used to be one of 33 sets in my office before I was pushed into retirement. He is really a Fan of the Old Kinsey Plant and its History! I feel very Happy to know its History is protected!

The The fire Marshall has given the owner of the Plant thirty days to seal it from Vandel's or be fined $1000. a day if not done retro to the end of May! They are tired of all the fires and stuff going on there.

Dave Z


Kinsey the Unhurried Whisky For Unhurried Moments

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here are 3 Kinsey Plant Pictures!

1 O Building The government Building!

2. Kinsey Still DSP-Pa 12. 1936

3. Mr Kinsey's 1936 Picture of The Plant full picture with his office in Phila listed on the bottom.

I think I am going to dig out as many old pictures I can and repost them since it has bee many years since I first posted them!

I am going to take a walkk their tomorrow!

Dave Z


It Seems All The Nicest People Drink Old Hickory

America's Most Magnificent Bourbon







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  • 2 weeks later...

i am sending the Time Clock from the 1966 Bottling House at Kinsey to CL I saved it many years ago and I can't think of anyone who should have it more then CL! His Grand Father Mr Bryant ran the whole bottling and shipping dept back in those great days. I also am sending a time card for it from 1976 the Last year Mr Bryant worked there before retiring! I Know Mr Bryant stood every morning watching people ring in on this historic Clock! I am getting old and want to make sure that things are saved for history to the right people! I am also sending him two Old wooden Warehouse signs from O warehouse and Q warehouse!

Pictures of

1. The Time Clock

2. The Time Card Frank Coleman July 27, 1976.

Dave Z

It Seems All The Nicest People Drink Old Hickory

America's Most Magnificent Bourbon






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I just found out something tonight that makes my Blood Boil, The old safety sign in the 1966 Bottling House which pictures of was posted here has been cut down from the ceiling and smashed and jumped on. It is my hope that after they jumped on it they hurt themselves! The young people that do this are people who are just heartless. I had so hoped to save it this fall. Why do people want to ruin History and not care their day is going to come and the way the world is going they deserve whatever happens to them. Just breaks my Heart the old sign was a thing of great pride to those who worked in the 1966 Bottling house!



Kinsey The Unhurried Whisky For Unhurried Moments

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  • 1 month later...

Here are 3 Pictures I got from Butch..

1.An old Inver house Scotch Calender I personally Have one of these, always set it for my Birthday each year.

2.Rare Whiskey Bottle for Continental Distilling Brand is Sagamore Whiskey. 1934

3. Back Label of the Sagamore Bottle.

Many Thanks to Butch i hope to post many things if my Computer keeps working!

Dave Z


It Seems All The Nicest People Drink Old hickory

America's Most Magnificent Bourbon




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Hey Dave,

I heard on the radio the other day that there was another big fire down there. Such a pity.


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No Jono I don't think so I know I have way more bottles. He has found some I do not have but I also have lots Butch does not Have and I have given Butch some bottles also. Yes Joe there was another fire in Warehouse O the Old Government Warehouse, second time for it. It kills me when these Pucks do this!

Dave Z


Kinsey The Unhurried Whiskey For Unhurried Moments.

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Today I have posted on all 3 threads of the sealing of Kinsey Distillery Warehouses with heavy Cement blocks never to be seen again! I got to go in to help the Caretakers and get a few pictures of the sealing.

This is all due to the creeps who started all the fires this summer in there including a small one today from what I have heard.

1. The windows at the Bathrooms in the 1966 Bottling house now blocked

2. The Opening roll door at the Lunch room at the 1966 Bottling House closed with Blocks. This breaks my heart having worked there and loved the place!

Please check all 3 of my Threads for pictures of the sealing of the buildings, I still can hardly believe the Creeps who destroyed the Place have won, but What goes around comes around and some day rotten things will come there way to! But as my days go by it is very sad not to be able to go there anymore.

Dave Z


It Seems All The nicest People Drink Old Hickory

America's Most Magnificent Bourbon



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Well, at least that sealing will keep the creeps out.

Unfortunately, I doubt it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

They put weird writings on the blocks sealing the Buildings already! The Police are in there every day arresting allot of people or warning them to never go back depending on what they catch them doing!

This is a rotten deal for me as different Police go there and I do not know all of them so I do not want to be if nothing more lectured or fined just because I went there to chase the creeps out when I could through the years. I am very Pleased to have been able to help to see the Kinsey Whisky Label return Thanks to my Friends at Millstone Spirits / Distilling in Philadelphia where back in the day Publicker /Continental Distilling was King. Robert Cassell Of Millstone is doing many great things in the World of Fine Whiskeys and in his newly designed Distillers engineered by him, are a great invention for the world of Small Distillery's. If you can get there I recommend calling for a tour it is a wonderful Place and Lots of great Spirits can be bought there. Tell Them I sent you!

Also to see Old Hickory Return as a Blend of High quality Straight Bourbons, when it first came out I spoke to them and they sent me a bottle and it is worthy of the Name Old hickory, different but very good for modern Whiskey!

Dave Z


It Seems All The Nicest people Drink Old Hickory

America's Most Magnificent Bourbon

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  • 3 months later...

Well it is now Feb 2016 and I have not been in Kinsey for about 7 months thanks to the people who set fires and Did all they could to destroy Her! The warehouses, are still for the most part walled shut and the Police go in just about every day looking to lock up people! What I would give to walk in there one last time to remember those wonderful days of youth and drinking some of the best whiskey's made. It is still hard for me to believe it is gone forever, which's makes seeing the old Publicker Kinsey Brands come back thank's to Millstone Spirits is a wonderful thing for me! And to see Old Hickory being made as a quality Whiskey down in Tenna makes me very proud and I also am thankful that I have been told my writings here have helped this to happen!

Dave Z


Kinsey The unhurried Whiskey for Unhurried Moments!


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