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Behind the Scenes Battle Threatens Bourbon Boom

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I surely hope there's a follow up post to she'd some light on this, because I'm not sure what I just read.

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It's not mentioned, but my read between the lines goggles had a large KDA flashing as soon as I opened the blog.

Would love to know the real story behind the blog, tho.

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Think who has resigned from the Kentucky Distillers Association and which major distillerys are not on the Kentucky Bourbon Trail.

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So we're talking Sazerac? If not I'm still confused. If so, I'm less confused...but need another pour to be sure.

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So we're talking Sazerac? If not I'm still confused. If so, I'm less confused...but need another pour to be sure.

:lol: I am with you my friend! It is like a sneak preview. I can't wait for the full feature.

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KDA wants to be the leader and if Sazerac doesn't need them then perhaps the others don't as well. Bit of a quandary for KDA.

KDA says we're in charge so sit down, shut up and pay your membership dues or we won't let you be on the Bourbon Trail, so there.

Sazerac says we don't need your stinkin help so shove your attitude. Buffalo Trace draws tourists on its lonesome and we'll use the membership dues to improve our visitor center instead.

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KDA wants to be the leader and if Sazerac doesn't need them then perhaps the others don't as well. Bit of a quandary for KDA.

KDA says we're in charge so sit down, shut up and pay your membership dues or we won't let you be on the Bourbon Trail, so there.

Sazerac says we don't need your stinkin help so shove your attitude. Buffalo Trace draws tourists on its lonesome and we'll use the membership dues to improve our visitor center instead.

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I have my reasons for not pointing fingers or naming names at this time and no one should need that to understand what I've written. If you don't understand it then I apologize for my poor writing. If you understand what I've written then you can imagine what is going on and if you can imagine what is going on you're 90 percent there. Think in terms of a need to control that's out of control.

I don't want to say more because I hope this will begin to make some of the people involved think about what they are risking.

Edited by cowdery
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I think it likely a public shaming would make them think more about it. But maybe that's totally wrong.

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