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Orphan Barrels

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I've tried them all so far, including Forged Oak. If I had to rank them, it wouldn't be too hard. From worst to best:

5. Old Blowhard: Old Bernheim. It blows...hard. tastes like wt rope, or as a buddy says, taste like an "old boathouse" smells. Too much oak. Horrid.

4. Barterhouse: New Bernheim. Thin, kind of one dimensional, with not much interesting going on at all. The only flavor is mild oak. Not particularly good either.

3. Rhetoric: Mix of Old and New Bernheim. Better, sort of like Barterhouse and Old Blowhard met and had a love child. It has some decent oak, but it clearly well past its prime as it lacks typical caramel/vanilla bourbon sweetness. Drinkable.

2. Lost Prophet: GTStagg Distillery. If Old Blowhard tastes like old, rotting wood, LP tastes like a mouthful of freshly sawed oak. The Nose is excellent, and the finish is spicy and good, but the flavor is lacking. Too old, but probably as good a representation of 22 year old bourbon as you'll find out there.

1. Forged Oak: New Bernheim. Very "Heaven Hill" in flavor profile. Lots of barrel char with caramel and vanilla underlying it. Longer finish and much more depth of flavor. Drinks like a much stronger whiskey than the others, even though it's only 90.4 proof. Probably the age (15 years) all the others should have been released at (if not earlier). Only tasted it briefly at a dinner at Stitzel-Weller, but seemed very much like something I'd be happy to sip when I wanted a bold flavor profile, price-depending.

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