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Parker Heritage 2nd Edition 27 year

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Here is shot of about half of my small collection. I only started collecting march 2013. I have tired all the Van Winkle's sans the Rye. Georgia seems to get very little of the Rye.

Very nice, have you opened many of them yet? What have you enjoyed so far? Those PHC are made for drinking, ya know... :grin:

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Here is shot of about half of my small collection. I only started collecting march 2013. I have tired all the Van Winkle's sans the Rye. Georgia seems to get very little of the Rye.

Nice head start there! Thanks for sharing. What's the rye on the top shelf next to the Parker's? Never seen it before.

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Nice head start there! Thanks for sharing. What's the rye on the top shelf next to the Parker's? Never seen it before.

Pretty sure that is the Pennington's Strawberry Rye.

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I started as a collector too a couple of years ago. My interest in it has dropped recently since I've gotten 1 of each thing I was hunting. Now I look at my hoard and just shake my head...what was I thinking...I think I got a little carried away. Anyway, now I'm all about popping those bad boys open and enjoying them. I mean unless I intend to sell them (which I don't) then whats the point in having them. So I say pop it open and enjoy it.

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That's the problem with only one of each - there's no back-up plan. ;)

[Posting in this thread is the closest I'm likely to get to this expression]

Edited by MauiSon
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My advice would be to make friends with the GBS, share some good pours at their gatherings, and, when you feel like you've cultivated a sophisticated enough palate to appreciate the PHC, pop the top and enjoy a nice, big draw off of that beautiful bottle! Then, come back here and share your thoughts.

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Bourserker, you will quickly learn that great bourbon is made at a faster rate than you can drink it, so don't sweat cracking your limiteds. They'll make more, and sooner than you think.

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Bourserker, you will quickly learn that great bourbon is made at a faster rate than you can drink it, so don't sweat cracking your limiteds. They'll make more, and sooner than you think.

...and that's exactly why I said to pop those bad boys open. My consumption rate finally caught up with my aquisition rate, so now I have like a 10 - 12 year running supply. As a matter of fact I hope to reduce that a bit. Oh yeah, and like Maui Sun said this thread is the closest I'll ever get to trying the 27 year PH.

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