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Your "Forest Gump" bourbon?

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People are usually shocked to learn I've never seen Forest Gump (and have no desire ever to do so).  Along those lines, what bourbon would most people be surprised to learn you've never tried?  (Many of you may not even have any such examples, I realize...) 


Mine is Woodford Reserve.  For whatever reason I perceive it as the bourbon that a Jim Beam & coke drinker would consider a 'special occasion' bourbon. 


But whereas I will probably never watch Forest Gump, I may actually give WR a try someday even if just to cross it off the list...


(edit to add, up until about a year and a half ago - maybe two years ago - my answer would have been any Four Roses product.  Insert googly shocked eyes here...  Probably not coincidental that I finally tried it after joining this forum hah.)

Edited by dcbt
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Great topic! For me it's Blanton's and Bookers. I see them everywhere, but have never even considered buying a bottle. And I don't know why

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Booker's and Baker's, at least not that I can recall.  The Jim Beam "funk" bothers me as of late, so I can't bring myself to buy a bottle of either.  As much as I am impressed by the marketing turnaround for Booker's (seriously, good job guys.  You nailed it.), I get turned off by all the people on social media flipping out over particular batches of a product they did not give a crap about prior to the new batch naming system coming online.  I guess it's better than hearing about politics, though.


I would try either at a bar if I ever went to bars anymore. 

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I've made an effort to try most brands available in my area but I still haven't tasted Rock Hill Farms. There's just always something else I want more, and I rarely see it at bars.

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For some unknown reason I shy away from Knob Creek.  I was going to buy one last week, but I let the salesman talk me into Tin Cup instead.  OGD114 and MM are a couple more that I have been think about, but I never bring one home.  I will never bring home any of those honey, apple or spiced bourbons, not gunna happen.

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2 hours ago, dcbt said:

People are usually shocked to learn I've never seen Forest Gump (and have no desire ever to do so)

 Also, just a reminder that there's an "Off Topic" section where you can elaborate on this! :D

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Friends and family always ask about Pappy. Not interested in the hunt or the price. 


Bourbon drinking friends would be surprised that I have never tried anything from Willet. No good reason other than have not got there yet. 


Personally, I am surprised that I have never tried Basil Hayden's. I am a Jim Beam fan and have tried almost all of their other Bourbons. 

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Until recently I would have said Booker's.  Now is Knob Creek and Baker's/

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There are numerous bourbons I have never tried. Mostly because either my purse will not allow or my state won't allow or both. (That is, I can't afford them or can't find them.) Over the years I have probably tried everything that doesn't fit in these categories. My friends would not be surprised that I am cheap and they know that I would not avoid anything for no apparent reason. It has been a long time since I tried Rebel Yell or Old Crow but nobody at all would be surprised that I don't want to try them again.   

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ya, Woodford Reserve for me as well.  I'm not really sure why besides when walking down the aisle or sitting at the bar something else is always more appealing.

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Never tried Four Roses Small Batch . . . we always have FRYL and FRSiB on hand . . . will have to remedy this puzzling aberration as a local will occasionally have it on sale for $22.88 . . . thanks for the reminder.

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17 hours ago, garbanzobean said:

Booker's and Baker's, at least not that I can recall.  The Jim Beam "funk" bothers me as of late, so I can't bring myself to buy a bottle of either.  As much as I am impressed by the marketing turnaround for Booker's (seriously, good job guys.  You nailed it.), I get turned off by all the people on social media flipping out over particular batches of a product they did not give a crap about prior to the new batch naming system coming online.  I guess it's better than hearing about politics, though.


I would try either at a bar if I ever went to bars anymore. 


17 hours ago, Phil T said:

Great topic! For me it's Blanton's and Bookers. I see them everywhere, but have never even considered buying a bottle. And I don't know why


Booker's is probably my favorite bourbon. It packs a nice little punch and the flavors agree with my palate and pension to smoke a fine cigar. I've loved it since I discovered it several years ago.  As for the new marketing, I like what they have done but I personally don't find there to be a big variation between batches. 

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After reading only the title of this thread, I thought it would be about bourbons that are, "like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get."  The responses to that would probably be a majority of NDP's.


As far as the actual thread's question, I would say I've tried all of the "mainstream" bourbons I can think of.  There are a fair number of things that a fellow enthusiast might assume that I've tried, some of which I've been able to procure but have not yet opened (ECBP, all the FR SB recipes, WTKS, OFBB, Barell Bourbon, and SB variants of the standard SAOS offerings).



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1 hour ago, jp_stargazer said:

After reading only the title of this thread, I thought it would be about bourbons that are, "like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get."  The responses to that would probably be a majority of NDP's.




haha, that's exactly what I thought the OP was referring to as well.  The one I've never gotten to nor have a desire to is anything Jim Beam.  I do love KC and Booker's, but for some reason, I can never come around to pulling the trigger on a bottle of Jim or even ordering it at a bar.

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Mine is also Jim Beam. I like KC and Booker's but have never gotten around to Jim Beam — I always gravitate toward stuff for Heaven Hill when I'm looking for something in that price range.

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He said he has never seen the movie so he probably doesn't know the line about the chocolates. With that said there probably are not any that I would shy away from without at least trying them.

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I've never seen one I wouldn't taste - even those "guaranteed less than 30 days old" offerings.  I don't think I've ever paid more than $140 (including tax) for any one bottle so some get eliminated by price which I won't count.


Therefore, there is a list scratched on my tongue of those I will not sip and etched on my wallet that I will not buy again.


AND, that $140 bottle was purchased Thursday last.  It is KC 2001 #12,392, Batch 1 @ MSRP plus sales tax which I would not have purchased at that price except I was feeling flush because a Montgomery County MD store (in MD, the counties control how spirits are sold & Mont Co. decided to run its own stores and sell everything at or near MSRP) near me was closing and EVERYTHING in it was 20% off - wine, scotch (Hello, Compass Box), vodka (handles of 100 proof Smirnoff to last a lifetime), bourbon (which had been pretty much cleaned out by the time I got there about ten minutes after the store opened so Bernheim and several HW selections came home with me and my CBs), mixers, liqueurs, etc., so I took my savings to a store in WashDC and bought the KC basically for "free".


A good time is STILL being had by all.

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While not a bourbon, the most popular thing that comes to mind that I've never tried is Crown Royal. Just never had any interest. I've had most of what's available from the majors but not a lot from the bigger craft guys. A trusted source told me I should try Old Overholt  and as I've never done so, I may give it a whirl.

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Jack Daniels is one I have never had. Always been Leary of the charcoal flavor.

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I'm wracking my brain and coming up with nothing.  I think I've at least tried very mainstream or quasi-mainstream bourbon, at least the ones that are available here.  Never had HHBIB6, but I've never seen it on a shelf here.  Until recently I never had Willett Pot Still, but someone brought some to a tasting a couple weeks ago and I tried it (was not impressed).


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I've never had any Dickel (Except for the rye, which doesn't count not only because it's not a bourbon but because it comes from Indiana and not Tennessee.) I had heard about the vitamin thing people talk about so was hesitant to try. About the time I was ready to go for it, a colleague brought in a bottle of Bib & Tucker which is reputed to come from Dickel. Strong vitamin note right away on that one and I didn't like it. No Dickel for me I'm afraid.

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8 hours ago, Astephenson said:

Jack Daniels is one I have never had. Always been Leary of the charcoal flavor.

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The charcoal is not a flavor. In fact, the whisky is charcoal filtered to remove "off" flavors. That said, Jack Daniels still doesn't taste very good. But George Dickel is also charcoal filtered, and it tastes just fine.



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