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Younger Elijah Craig vs. EC12 - I must eat crow

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In the '80s I took part in nuclear power plant emergency drills. The drill "emergencies" were purely hypothetical but the news reporters were real. During the "emergency," company representatives would present updates to reporters on simulated plant conditions every half hour or so as the simulation unfolded.  There was always at least one reporter, and usually several, who wanted to know "Why do you keep lying to us about what's going on in the plant?" The answer: It was true at the time we told you but conditions tend to evolve rapidly during an emergency. (Keep in mind that none of the information was "true" in a literal sense. It was all a simulation, for crying out loud.)

Conditions in the bourbon industry are evolving far more rapidly than anyone could have anticipated just a few years ago. That does not mean that distillery representatives are necessarily lying when they say "We have no plans to...." At the same time, it would only be prudent for distillers to consider what their options might be under various scenarios. (What if there were a massive corn blight? What if one of these experiments on "fast aging" of bourbon actually worked? What if 12% of bourbon drinkers decided they really preferred single-barrel tequila? OK. That last one was pretty far fetched.) Perhaps it would be a useful exercise to ask, what would you have done in their place if you could no longer meet demand?  How many of us can see farther through a brick wall than your average distillery executive?

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Earlier this year, the place where my wife worked went through a number of personnel changes. They laid off/let go a number of employees. When asked about this, the company president said there would be no more lay offs/firings. Less than a month later, my wife was shown the door. It seems the owners of the company changed their plans, with or without the input of the company president. 

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As I've stated in previous threads and at the beginning of this one, I was very unhappy with the removal of the age statement. Stuff happens though. Heaven Hill's back is against the wall with supply pressures. Though it could have been handled better, I don't hold a grudge. I've seen the good that this company does and how much they care about those around them. As a family owned and run company, they are not subject to the corporate pressures that some other companies face.


I'll bring this all back around by repeating that I've tasted from an 8yr old barrel that is better than any batch of 12yr old barrels I tried previously. It's still going to be good whiskey.

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ec12 was always VERY spicy to me, while new ec is sweeter. both good but I wouldn't say the ec12 was overwhelmingly better by any means!

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On 11/18/2016 at 0:42 PM, Louisiana said:

What I don't like about this site sometimes is that there can be a double standard. Everyone needs to be considerate of each other's opinion on here. Whether you have 10 post or 10,000 post doesn't make you any different. 

I agree with you on this, I observe the same thing.

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On November 18, 2016 at 0:42 PM, Louisiana said:

What I don't like about this site sometimes is that there can be a double standard. Everyone needs to be considerate of each other's opinion on here. Whether you have 10 post or 10,000 post doesn't make you any different.


37 minutes ago, Kepler said:

I agree with you on this, I observe the same thing.


I'm gonna contribute to the thread drift here, both as a semi-long time member, and as a moderator. The door you both speak of swings both ways. The site rules and suggestions have been clearly posted for all to see. I myself, have come up with some suggestions for new members to better facilitate their membership here. Many times new members seemingly don't take the time to read the rules and/or suggestions. Hence the reason maybe a few members have a tendency to get a little short with some new folks.


We're all new here at one time. Myself included. As I often had a tendency to do with new endeavors, I jumped in here with both feet, and I'm pretty sure I irritated a few folks. To be honest, there were a few folks that really gave me what for, and I basically was bitch slapped a few times. Looking back now, I truly understand why. Rather than leave, or complain about it, I did my homework. Maybe it was my time in the military, or maybe it was something else altogether, but whatever the reason, I "got the message". I became a quick learner. I read the rules again. I did some research of past posts. I became a part of sb rather than hope that sb would conform to what I thought sb should be. Therein lies part of the problem. Too many new folks here try too hard and too quickly to become a part of sb without first learning the "lay of the land". No one, and I repeat no one can begrudge any long time members for being somewhat protective of something they've been a big part of for so long. That includes me. For once I will toot my own horn for a change. I must have done something right along the way, or I wouldn't have been asked to be a moderator here. So, rather than being the proverbial elephant in a china shop, learn the ropes and get a feel for things here before complaining about the status quo. And yes I believe that I stated something akin to that here. https://www.straightbourbon.com/community/topic/18377-update-welcome-and-helpful-hints-for-new-members/


FWIW, by no means am I calling out the members that I have quoted above. I just figured it was time to set the record straight about a few things. 


Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming. Please continue.


Moderator, and 2016 Bourbonian Of The Year, Joe. :D


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Well said Joe!    Personally, I've found no irritation with the newbies, some of whom do indeed have much to learn (and so do I!).

I will say: patience and consideration always go a very long way toward understanding... in both directions. 

Let's give the benefit of the doubt to all who post here, and accept that sincerity is the norm, even when difficult to believe. 

If I've irritated some members (I'm sure I have), they've shown forbearance and guided me toward the light.    I hope I can do the same to anyone who seeks to enjoy our hobby on this board.

Let's all have FUN here, eh?    Let's not treat this a place to compete for being the 'most correct'.

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7 hours ago, Richnimrod said:

Let's all have FUN here, eh?    Let's not treat this a place to compete for being the 'most correct'.


But just to be clear . . . someone is keeping score, right?  I mean - I thought at the end of this whole thing there'd be prizes (besides the knowledge, friendships, laughs, fun, excellent pours enjoyed in parking lots, etc).  

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4 minutes ago, GaryT said:


But just to be clear . . . someone is keeping score, right?  I mean - I thought at the end of this whole thing there'd be prizes (besides the knowledge, friendships, laughs, fun, excellent pours enjoyed in parking lots, etc).  

Prizes? Cool.


Sign me up for the set of steak knives :P

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On 11/18/2016 at 6:24 PM, mosugoji64 said:

. . . The boom has hit everyone hard and has resulted in some less-than-favorable situations for all of the major producers. From what I've seen, they're doing whatever they can just to keep their heads above water. If they say that retaining the age statement wasn't sustainable, I'm inclined to believe them unless evidence crops up to the contrary.

This comment on Mo's post, probably, should be on the "Is the boom . . .?" thread or whatever we are calling it, but --


Considering I can still get my bottom shelfers at (sometimes barely) under $20 per 750ml, my midshelfers at under $35 (and most under $30), and specials like Blanton's at under $50 (sometimes), with only occasional disruptions and shortages,  I am pleased the Majors have not taken the easy path and simply rationed by price.


I thank you, Majors, although my liver doesn't.;)

Edited by Harry in WashDC
spelling for goodenss' sake - what a surprise!!!!
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