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Top 3 Daily Pours

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   First, a tip of the hat to Fanostra for the Top 3 Pours thread. Among other things, it got me to thinking about what I once identified as my Top 3 Daily Pours. That is, they were not necessarily the best bourbons I ever tasted but they were affordable and readily available: AAA10YO, VOB BIB, and  OWA.  So, I regularly stocked my cabinet with them in family sized bottles. Today, of course, AAA is gone completely and the other two are much harder to find. Even so, there remain numerous choices in the under $30 and even under $25 categories depending on where you live and shop.  I now lean toward higher consumption of OGD BIBWT101 and even good ol' EW

   You daily consumers of Stagg or ORVW need not respond but I am curious about what the rest of you choose for a regular, casual pour as opposed to serious, concentrated tasting and contemplation. Not the stuff that blows you away but the stuff that is well within the acceptable range and far better than good enough for government work.

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I have probably 80 different bottles open and usually stand in front of them until one issues it's siren call to lure me to pour some into my glass.  They run the gamut from bottom shelf to top shelf bottles but, if you're talking the under $30 threshold then I would probably say OGD 114, EW SiB and EC.

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As you might guess, Dant is always on my list (including tonight).  WT101 is probably next, followed by baby Saz.  I keep others in my rotation like OGD 114, FR SB, and RR10 but those are the most regular.

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WT101 and anything 4r.  Hh6yr is also good.  ER10 and BT picks are good and available here.  Elijah craig picks as well and they are great for cocktails.

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5 hours ago, CardsandBourbon said:

I have probably 80 different bottles open and usually stand in front of them until one issues it's siren call to lure me to pour some into my glass.  They run the gamut from bottom shelf to top shelf bottles but, if you're talking the under $30 threshold then I would probably say OGD 114, EW SiB and EC.

I have the same problem looking at what’s open and one jumping out. But, tonight SAOS SB yelled the loudest. 

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I like the topic. My wife and I enjoy a pour after work about 3 times a week. Sometimes it is 2 oz with a splash of water. Other times we enjoy an Old Fashioned. If size of bottle is factored in, and I went with 1.75’s that are available in my area, I would go with EW bonded, WT101, and Jim Beam Black. If 1L bottles are included, OGD bonded and Jim Beam repeal batch join the party. One of my locals has handles of EW bonded on sale about 3 times a year for $19.99. At that point I usually buy a case and give a few to buddies that enjoy it as much as I do. 
i really enjoy higher end pours but not enough to chase unicorns all over the countryside. I just finished a Pappy 15 and have a George T Stagg in the basement. I understand the pinnacle of the bourbon world flavors but am very thankful that my palate finds joy with a Repeal Batch Beam or a pour of WT101 after a nice meal at deer camp. 

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WT 101

Four Roses mellow/yellow label

EC store picks


I’m tempted to put RR10 on the list as it is what I keep in a decanter as a ‘house’ pour but it is north of $35 now in my market and that is too high for the daily category IMO. 

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WT101 (lesser Austin Nichols version - I bought too many of these, frankly. But they're great to splash other things into)

Knob Creek


In a few years OWA will be back displacing WT101, and Booker's will again displace KC. The 4R will stay if it still tastes as good as it does.

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I'll throw out an oddball, for y'all.     

Recently, I've taken (unexpectedly) a liking to David Nicholson Reserve 100-pr.   Not actually keeping track; but I think I might have poured this one as much as WT 101, and OGD BIB over the last several months.

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This shifts a little over time, but my currect ones are:

WT101 Rye




JW Dant is just on the outside. If HH6YR 90 proof were available in my state it could be in there. During the summer 4RYL makes an appearance. 

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WT101, ETBIB, and Kirkland 7yr, though I could sub the last one out with a random HH product - anything BIB or EW.

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WT101 and FRSB are in the drawer in my office, so definitely those two. My third would be RittBIB if this was just American Whiskey and that is exclusively as a mixer. Bourbon only would probably be Knob Creek or OGD 114. I think Beam products have a lot of value at $35 and appreciate that they are widely available.

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Knob Creek Single Barrel private select from local grocery store, and then a rotation of a wheater (MM46, Bernheim), a rye (WT101Rye, Bulleit), EWSiB, ECBP, and Blanton's.

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2 hours ago, kevinbrink said:

WT 101, KC and whatever HH BIB bottle is closest to me. 

While I don't pour daily, I get the idea.  My standard pours also include WT101, KC and I would opt for WR instead of HH.  However, I could include EC as an alternative.

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#1 - OGD BIB about 4:1, i.e., four times as much OGD as EVERYthing else put together (wine, beer,  bourbon, rye, cocktails, bourbon-pecan pie, etc.). 

#2? (the rank, not the body function:P) I guess it'd be whatever I'm currently drinking down.  For example, I've some 2nd tier HMck BIB 10 YO barrel #5877 (a good barrel, not a great barrel) 750s I've been working down to free up shelf space and to make drinking the clunkers I alternate with it slightly more potable - one shot HMcK then one shot dreck - repeat ad nauseum.

#3 - stuff I'm trying out.  For example, this week I picked up a Wilderness Trail 100 proof Batch 2 which I've never had.  Each week or so, I try to try something I am not familiar with.


All this is complicated by my obsession with Virtual Blind Tasting.  When I'm guessing/posting, I've been known to go find a bottle of something and buy it and taste it just to see . . .  It is further complicated by my inability to focus on anything for more than about ten minutes.  UNLESS I have notes on what I am supposed to be doing close at hand.


IN SUM - What a great topic!

Edited by Harry in WashDC
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For me,  the best three daily pours ((under 30 bucks) are Old Forester 100,  WT101 and Jim Beam Black.   

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1. Buffalo Trace. I nearly drink as much as this as everything else combined.

2. Wild Turkey 101. Gives me a little higher proof option and it’s always available in the family size bottle. It’s a nice contrast to BT.

3. Four Roses Single Barrel. Always have one open and it’s nice that it is so different than the other two with that peppery rye taste. Admittedly I don’t drink this as much since it’s crept up to 42.99 locally as opposed to the 31.99 I used to get it at. Has lost a lot of that “bargain” appeal.

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Wild Turkey 101

Eagle Rare

Old Forester 1910


I will say there are days when i walk to the cabinet and something just jumps out at me though

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Buffalo Trace is clear #1

Wild Turkey 101 

Heaven Hill 100+ proofers (BIB 6 yr, Virgin, Fighting Cock...)


Larceny is right there capable to supplant any but BT.  

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The only sub-$30 bourbons I drink neat with any regularity are Buffalo Trace (especially picks) and Wild Turkey 101. Eagle Rare 10 has crept over $30, but that's a strong contender around that point (although 80+% of our Eagle Rare consumption is in cocktails). Good Elijah Craig picks can be under $30. I don't drink them much neat, but OGD BiB and 114 are good bourbons below $30. OWA has of course recently left this price bracket, but would have been the favorite if it hadn't. I'm envious of how cheap it sounds like 4R SmB and SiB are in some other markets, they are both well above $30 here. Nonetheless, Four Roses SmB is likely our most consumed bourbon, mostly in cocktails.


As far as regularity, I mostly just try to work down the opens, so nothing really gets concentrated on. I always have Elijah Craig BP and Russell's Reserve SiB open, so those and OWA are probably my most consistently poured for sipping.

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1)  WT101

2)  ECSmB

3)  FRSiB


I do drink KCSiB often as well, since they're often more than 12 years old and taste fantastic for the price, but I figured perhaps those weren't as readily available as the above are.

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I tend to rotate my "daily pour" bottles.  Currently I have WT101 and Early Times BiB on the shelf and 4RYL in the freezer.  Other options I regularly consider would be OF Sig; OF Rye; Baby Saz; OGD BiB;  EW SiB; Rittenhouse.  Also, ECSmB and Buff Trace, but I tend to buy those more when a pick is available.  


I will say this last year WT101 has been the mainstay.  Partially because its delish, but also Campari keeps doing rebate coupons so I gravitate towards the $5/bottle discount.  If any of the others had a rebate I would do the same.  

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