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How much bourbon do you drink (on a percentage basis)?

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Warm months:

- 70% Bourbon/Rye

- 15% Gin (Martin Millers Westbourne Strength) for G&Ts

- 10% Other - mostly beer after yard work or when offered by a neighbor, plus random Tequila/Mezcal

- 5% Scotch Single Malt + Compass Box


Cool Months

- 46% Scotch Single Malt + Compass Box

- 44% Bourbon/Rye

- 10% Other - mostly beer/wine at work/social events, plus random Tequila/Mezcal 


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13 hours ago, Harry in WashDC said:

Uh, this is all personal consumption.  When friends and relatives and relevants show up, numbers go all screwy.   Lack of self-control is one of my BEST features.

That's a good point, things do tend to change a bit depending on the company that's around.  For example, my 30% wine guesstimate factors in that my parents (with whom I'm very close) have a pretty stellar wine cellar, so whenever we get together there's usually a few of their bottles opened for dinner,  which are often left to me to finish over the next day or two.  If I were to limit it to wine I personally purchase and consume between just myself and wife, my number would be quite a bit lower (and much, much lower if I were also to factor in the cost of what I buy vs. what my folks buy).   


12 hours ago, Bob_Loblaw said:

Cool topic. I’d say I am currently about 85% bourbon in some form or another. 10% beer. And 5% field (dark n stormys, bloody Mary’s, other cocktails) I rarely drink wine. If I do it is usually a food pairing issue as a glass of red does go well with steak and/or some type of cheese.

As recently as 3-4 months ago it would have been 55% whiskey, 35% beer and 5% field.  I’ve lost interest in the beer as of late though both from a cost and volume perspective. 


Thanks!  Thought it would make for some interesting conversation.  My reduction in beer was to make room for more bourbon consumption, likewise from both a cost and volume (consumed) perspective.  

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37 minutes ago, dad-proof said:

Warm months:

- 70% Bourbon/Rye

- 15% Gin (Martin Millers Westbourne Strength) for G&Ts

- 10% Other - mostly beer after yard work or when offered by a neighbor, plus random Tequila/Mezcal

- 5% Scotch Single Malt + Compass Box


Cool Months

- 46% Scotch Single Malt + Compass Box

- 44% Bourbon/Rye

- 10% Other - mostly beer/wine at work/social events, plus random Tequila/Mezcal 


My gin consumption likewise reduces in the cool months, so my original estimate is probably a touch high if applied over the course of a year. 

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16 hours ago, Marekv8 said:

44% Single Malt Scotch Whisky + Single Grain Scotch Whisky

8% Blended Scotch Whisky

22% Rum + Rhum Agricole

18% North American Whisk(e)y

6% Liqueur (this used to be a much higher percentage)

2% 5-Hour Energy

So, with that level of numerical specificity, are you a CPA? Most bourbon drinkers can not count past two (pours) and could never do percentages.

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11 minutes ago, Flyfish said:

So, with that level of numerical specificity, are you a CPA? Most bourbon drinkers can not count past two (pours) and could never do percentages.


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4 hours ago, Flyfish said:

So, with that level of numerical specificity, are you a CPA? Most bourbon drinkers can not count past two (pours) and could never do percentages.

No, I'm not a CPA. The bottles stay at the shop and I bring home sampling runs for the weekend in 30mL bottles (don't drink during the week)-- so it's easy to figure out the percentages based on generated labels and inventory.



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My alcohol consumption has “narrowed” considerably during the course of the pandemic.  Prior, the consequences of meeting with clients and vendors on a varying but regular basis meant the consumption of beer, whisky and the occasional vodka/tequila when the bar or restaurant would have a poor selection of bourbon/rye.

Now that I’m rarely drinking away from home (beers while golfing at my club, and the rare get-together with wine aficionado friends), my consumption roughs out to the following percentages currently:


70% wine/champagne (I’ve always been a wine/champers aficionado, though buying much less of it nowadays as my wife and I try to drink down the cellar)

25% bourbon/rye

5% beer 

When things return to some semblance of normalcy, I expect the bourbon/rye consumption to go up a bit.  Hopefully, the honey hole bars near some of my clients survive, and I can resume consumption of pours from allocated bottles at decent prices.

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I'm thinking . . . 

50% Bourbon

25% Rye Whiskey

12% Red Wine

12% White Wine

1% Beer

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I am at approximately:

60% Bourbon/Rye

25% Gin

15% Beer


Used to drink alot more beer but the bourbon consumption has gone way up on the past 6-7 years.

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By guestimate:


When in the UK:

25% Bourbon

10% Tequila (mostly in cocktails)

5% Rye

40% Rum (sipping and in cocktails)

12% Wine

8% Scottish malt


When in the US:

45% Bourbon

20% Rye

15% Tequila

10% Rum

5% Wine

5% Scottish Malt


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After bourbon (including rye here) which is 80%, whether it be Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall, the rest move around with the seasons.  Beer is pretty solid at 5% year-round, regardless.  Scotch solid 5%, too.  Then it gets fuzzy for the last 10%.  Gin is big in warmer months, and my vodka goes up then, too, enough to pull those in at 5%.   I drink enough Irish in March to totally F the numbers so much that I begin to stutter and slobber uncontrollably, so I’m going to say I don’t remember...?. Rum, wine, tequila, Amaretto Disaronno, Armagnac/Brandies, other whiskies, and whatever catches my fancy (which is substantial...I mean, I ain’t no Bruce, but I like my variety!!  ?), round out the rest.  

Nice topic, Big Sky. ??

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18 minutes ago, smokinjoe said:

After bourbon (including rye here) which is 80%, whether it be Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall, the rest move around with the seasons.  Beer is pretty solid at 5% year-round, regardless.  Scotch solid 5%, too.  Then it gets fuzzy for the last 10%.  Gin is big in warmer months, and my vodka goes up then, too, enough to pull those in at 5%.   I drink enough Irish in March to totally F the numbers so much that I begin to stutter and slobber uncontrollably, so I’m going to say I don’t remember...?. Rum, wine, tequila, Amaretto Disaronno, Armagnac/Brandies, other whiskies, and whatever catches my fancy (which is substantial...I mean, I ain’t no Bruce, but I like my variety!!  ?), round out the rest.  

Nice topic, Big Sky. ??

Vodka?  What that?


I guess the cheapo liqueurs  I buy have that in them.  Oh, yeah, handles of 100 proof Smirnoff sit on an upper shelf for when I make my own infused gin.  Which I do once a year in the Fall when it's raining.  Forgot about them.


I agree - nice topic.

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6 hours ago, smokinjoe said:

After bourbon (including rye here) which is 80%, whether it be Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall, the rest move around with the seasons.  Beer is pretty solid at 5% year-round, regardless.  Scotch solid 5%, too.  Then it gets fuzzy for the last 10%.  Gin is big in warmer months, and my vodka goes up then, too, enough to pull those in at 5%.   I drink enough Irish in March to totally F the numbers so much that I begin to stutter and slobber uncontrollably, so I’m going to say I don’t remember...?. Rum, wine, tequila, Amaretto Disaronno, Armagnac/Brandies, other whiskies, and whatever catches my fancy (which is substantial...I mean, I ain’t no Bruce, but I like my variety!!  ?), round out the rest.  

Nice topic, Big Sky. ??

Your first comment built a lot of anticipation, and this one delivered! Great answer @smokinjoe. ..I too skew heavily Irish in March, when my beer % likewise tends to elevate.

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I’m trying to keep it simple, but math is sooooooooo... hard.?
Bourbon 45%
Rye 25%
Wine 10%
Other whiskey/rum 7.5%

Clear spirits/tequila 7.5%
Beer 5%

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My consumption does not vary by season but like my brother Joe, there's a mysterious uptick in my Irish consumption in the month of March.


I'd say that year round I'm 85% bourbon. The remaining 15% is a mix of rye, Irish, Scotch, wine, beer, and cocktails. (I don't currently have anything Canadian)


Prior to 2012 I was 95% craft beer and 5% wine and Makers Mark and Woodford reserve. Wine was consumed at my in-laws (who have a huge cellar) and when out to eat.

Makers and WR consumed sparingly on special occasions.

There came a point where the craft beer started giving me migraines so I had to go full stop on beer. That is what prompted the pivot to bourbon and I've never looked back


We are currently working on our own version of a nice wine cellar but only tend to drink wine on Sunday nights. I can see at some point increasing that ratio.

The reason that rye is such a low ratio is that my palate can easily get too much mint from just about any rye. When my palate is in the right spot, I love rye but those occasions are fleeting.

Scotch has never grabbed me thought I have a few bottles. I can drink beer again but have to limit it to avoid the migraines so I tend to have one Saturdays and Sundays usually in the afternoon after yard work or a bike ride.

Friday, Saturday, and some Sunday nights always include one cocktail. Negronies, Boulevardiers, and Sazeracs are the most consumed.

Sunday night wine includes roses and champagnes in the summer as the pre-dinner drink and then whatever red goes best with what we're having for dinner.

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Hmmmm......................... 60% beer... 5% vodka (bloody marry)... 5% scotch... 30% bourbon. I mostly drink bourbon in the evening.... one or two pours.

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30% - Rum

20% - Bourbon

20% - Beer
15% - Wine

5% - Seltzer (summer only)

5% - Tequila

5% - Vodka, gin, fireball, henny, sake, Irish, rye, anything else someone offers me to try

0% - scotch or malt


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21 hours ago, troyce said:

50% bourbon

10% Irish Whisky

10 % Scotch

20% wine

5% beer

5% other- Rum, Rye, American whiskey, etc



I meant to add that these percentages were for 2020 .     Prior to this F......upped year it would have been 50% wine and 20% bourbon, but a little more umph is needed for current times..  

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On 9/2/2020 at 6:32 PM, BigSkyDrams said:

I predict this will get the award for most precision in the percentage estimate!  

This is exactly what I was thinking.....

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