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My Memories of Kinsey Distilling

dave ziegler
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I'm sitting here sipping the New Kinsey 7 year Old Whisky and loving it! I am very saddened by what is happening to the plant. Every week now it seems someone starts a fire!

Dave Z


Kinsey The Unhurried Whisky For Unhurried Moments

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Today I went to Kinsey to see the damage from the latest Fire some young people started in warehouse J! Young people were seen running away from the plant after the fire was seen started! Now J Building is ruined and wide open. I get sadder every time I go there! As I write I am sipping some of the new Kinsey 7 Year straight whisky! Every time I go there now it breaks my heart! I am glad that Jacob G Kinsey Can't see what has happened to Kinsey also glad that Mr Neuman can't see it! And yes the New 7 Year Kinsey Whisky is awesome!

Kinsey The Unhurried Whisky For Unhurried Moments

Join The Swing To Kinsey


Dave Z

I would think there are laws about leaving abandoned properties that the owner of the land must comply with. Unfortunately, it would probably

involve the destruction of the damaged buildings.

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I'm sitting here sipping the New Kinsey 7 year Old Whisky and loving it! I am very saddened by what is happening to the plant. Every week now it seems someone starts a fire!

Dave Z


Kinsey The Unhurried Whisky For Unhurried Moments

A favorable review....unfortunately, I don't think it is available in Illinois.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is a picture of a bottle of the New Kinsey Rye and a bottle of the New 7 year Old Kinsey Straight Whisky! The 7 year is now empty and I am working on the Rye they were both awesome! What a joy to see the Kinsey Name return and the Old Hickory name in Tenna. Jono Do you ever get to NC or SC or FL Kinsey will soon be available in those states also very soon!

Dave Z


Kinsey The Unhurried Whiskey For Unhurried Moments



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I am posting some more pictures of my trip to New Liberty Distillery! The Home of Kinsey Whiskeys and Linfield Straight Whiskey!

1.Barrels of Aging Kinsey Whisky

2. The Pot Still does 200 gal each batch.

3. When the Stable Building was restored by Engineers who used it for their offices and they kept all the old Horse stalls and made them separate offices! This is one of the old stalls.

4. More Kinsey Whiskey Barrels in racks.

5. Another picture of the Pot Still.

The Products were tasted and were wonderful. I got to sip some of the Next new product coming late Summer Kinsey Bourbon It was wonderful. All Whiskys are bottled in hih quality Bottles with cork stoppers.

I will post some more pictures on my threads soon.

Dave Z


Kinsey The Unhurried Whisky For Unhurried Moments






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I looked at Millstone Sprits Group's website specific to the New Liberty Distillery. According to the descriptions of their whiskies, the whiskey was sourced and blended. It also noted that the 7 year whiskey was produced from 100% corn and aged in used barrels. I understand the Kinsey Whiskey was a blend. Was the whiskey produced by KInsey or Continental produced from 100% corn and did they age it in used barrels? In one of your pictures, it appears that based on their appearance some of the barrels may be reused. Do those barrels contain whiskey produced in their small pot still or is it some of the sourced product?

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I don't think we ever used are used barrels for Whiskey they were taken apart and shipped to Scotland to be used for Scotch back then but the Company did produce some Corn whisky all through their History! And it was corn whisky Barrels with some stuff left in them on the 3rd floor of Q warehouse that were set on Fire many years ago that caused great damage to that Building. The New Liberty Distillery has allot of sourced whiskeys right now from many sources till their Products are aged and ready and Robert is a master at putting together some really good Whiskeys. When I was there he showed me many used types of Barrels which he is going to use for special Distilling's. And some will be added to Whiskey at times to make special Products. They have allot of Idea's and the Kinsey Bourbon that will be coming out was awesome. Hope this helps you Fricky Let me Know. One of Our Corn Whiskeys was Midwest Corn Whiskey! In the early 70's years before the Place was gone they bought all the brands from American Distilling that they sold when they went to making only

Gasahol. Philip Publicker, Harry Publicker's Bother owned American Distilling and moved it out west back before Prohibition started. I have some original Mash Bills from the early 1950's from the Kinsey DSP-PA-12 Distiller and they had allot of corn in the bills.

Dave Z

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Dave...thanks for sharing! I hope all is well! I hope Kinsey Rye or Bourbon show up in Indiana or Illinois soon. I want to buy one just to toast you and your history in the industry, my friend.

All the Best!

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  • 2 weeks later...

On Dave's advice, I picked up a bottle of the Kinsey Rye this past weekend in Columbia, SC. (Green's, Assembly Street.)

It's not a straight rye and it has no age statement. It's definitely young. It is light in color. At 86 proof, it has a light body. It is sweet on the palate with a nice little rye tingle on the back end.

It's an interesting pour. I've never had a young rye. And it is definitely more tasteful than the young bourbons I have had.

I really can't give you a valid opinion on it, though. I don't drink young whiskeys often enough to have developed an educated palate for them. Oh, and I have connections to the Kinsey facility. Even lived there for a while. ;-)

I am glad I bought it. It's a conversation piece for me and I enjoy drinking it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chuck and everyone here who loves history, I was able to get a picture of the Kinsey Distillery in the very early 1900's a artists consception, drawing this is a copy shot through glass of the original and there are reflections from neon lights. i am going to go back and get a picture when my friend can turn the bar lights out. I had not seen this picture since it hung in the old Kinsey Office building back when I started there! It was one of Mr Kinseys things in the old office torn down so many years ago! On the left is part of the Old Kinsey maintainace barn. At the back the boiler room and DSP-Pa-12 distiller. Right front the office, kinsey Bottle house warehouse, D & E going back A & B the very first warehouses built in 1892! The ones with the angled roofs at the back right.Sadly the reflections are from neon lights and I plan to get a better copy soon of this amazing picture. Just had to post this till I can! The placing of the buildings is not quite right but the buildings looks right right!

Dave Z


Kinsey The Unhurried Whisky For Unhurried Moments


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Chuck When I can go there again he told me he will turn the Neon lights out and I will be able to get a really good shot of it! But I had not seen the picture since it was in the Old Kinsey Office building! It is one of a kind and belonged to Jak

Picture 1. Kinsey Distillery 1946, 1947 after Publicker finished building 14 explosion proof ware houses, The Warehouse that became warehouse U and Later the 1966 Bottling house was not built till 1951. The Steer Pens are in the wrong place in the picture because when it was shot in the air they cropped it to close and the pens appear behind the warehouses instead of down the drive toward the House your Grandfather lived in. I am very lucky to own the only known copy of this picture!

2. The Kinsey Plant 1936 3 years after Jacob G Kinsey reopened at the end of Prohibition.

3. The Kinsey Still 1936. Hope you enjoy these pictures Chuck I posted them years ago.

Dave Z


Kinsey The Unhurried Whiskey For Unhurried Moments




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In photo #1, I notice the street ends (bottom left corner of photo). I wonder how they go back to the house where my grandparents lived. It was built in 1792 and it was in good condition when I lived there in the late 1960s. I imagine someone would have been living there and would have been attending to it. The house was tucked into the the crook of the river. No bridges, so perhaps access was via Kinsey or through the fields to the right of photo #1.

What do you think, Dave?

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Chuck Look closely to the far left side and you see it goes around the warehouse at the end, its just the way it is cropped being shot in the air. It goes around and where you see the steer Pens behind the warehouses is really the road down there. When Jacob G Kinsey Bought the Place in 1892 There was a carriage road in the woods down to there I found it years ago all the large trees were types from overseas and spaced so many feet apart on each side it was very wide so a Carriage or wagon could go down. It was winter and I followed it down to the house you would never see it in the summer. It was the way William Evans went to the Home He built that sits in ruin now there. Chuck Sitting here sipping one of the first bottles of Kinsey bourbon bottled it will soon be on sale. It is a very nice bourbon a 99 Proof that is strong but tasty. I have one of the first of it here sent to me today! Here is a Picture of the bourbon

It Will Be in South Carolina soon.

Dave Z


That picture was shot through the glass of the original picture which is the only one I know of that exsist's It was given to me by my friend who ran sales and Marketing for Publicker.

Kinsey the Unhurried Whiskey For Unhurried Moments



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It sure does! They told me when they were starting that they would have high quality Bottles and they are very well made with stopper and very Heavy glass too! If you get near someone who handles the New Kinsey Whiskeys give them a try.

Dave Z


Kinsey The Unhurried Whisky For Unhurried Moments

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Here are 3 more Picytures of the Kinsey Plant.

1. Where house H in ruin the Last warehouse Jake Kinsey built!

2.Walking into the plant from the front gate.

3. The Old 1892 Kinsey Grain Process building.

I have to look through my Discs and load some of the old Pictures I have from years past I lost alot of them when my Computer blew out but found I had put allot of them on disc's.

Hope everyone has a great 4th of July!

Dave Z

Join The Swing to Kinsey







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Just found out that someone started another fire at Kinsey today by the picture it looks like Warehouse J again, since the stupid fire company INSTEAD OF OPENING DOORS CUT THEM OPEN THE LAST TIME! By doing that they make it possible for these creeps to do this whenever they want too. This just breaks my heart. I can only say that someone who starts fires like this is not even a HUMAN BEING. I am not sure I can ever go there again it it is so hard for me to see this. Also they endanger the people putting the fire out.

Dave Z

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Dave, I would love to obtain all the images you have. I can work with you to either get copies of your CDs or help you get the images into the cloud on a shared folder.

Also, CDs don't last forever. They aren't made to archival standards. The materials in them do degrade over time. Let's get those priceless photos backed up!

You know my phone numbers.

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Just found out that someone started another fire at Kinsey today by the picture it looks like Warehouse J again, since the stupid fire company INSTEAD OF OPENING DOORS CUT THEM OPEN THE LAST TIME! By doing that they make it possible for these creeps to do this whenever they want too. This just breaks my heart. I can only say that someone who starts fires like this is not even a HUMAN BEING. I am not sure I can ever go there again it it is so hard for me to see this. Also they endanger the people putting the fire out.

Dave Z

That's a shame, Dave.

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  • 1 month later...

My Friend Butch who worked at Publicker in Phila took my Picture of Kinsey Distillery from around the late 1890's and removed all the lights reflected I got on the picture when I took it through the frame! Also a Picture of a Publicker Commercial Alcohol tanker from 1926. I got this Picture from Butch!

1. Kinsey Late 1890's, Taken from the only known of Copy of this picture, which belongs to a Friend who has it in his place of Business!

2. July 1926 White Semi Truck Pulling a Publicker Commercial Alcohol Tanker the Picture that Butch gave me.

I find Myself thinking more about those old Kinsey Days, very Much now that I find that at my age it is almost impossible to get a job no matter how hard it is to go on with very little money!

In those days Jobs were always there for People who want to work.

In the next couple days I want to do some posting on all my threads.

Dave Z


It Seems All The Nicest people Drink Old Hickory

America's Most Magnificent Bourbon



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I just got these 5 Pictures from CL from back when his Grandfather Mr Bryant ran the 1966 Bottling House and lived in this old historic house down by the river as you can see it was in beautiful condition when Publicker owned it. the first 4 Pictures are the house the last one is the Old barn. The house was the Old William Evans homestead built in the 1700's it was one of the Oldest Homes in Limerick Township! Thanks to CL for these great Pictures from his Uncle. It is now in total ruin.

Dave Z


It Seems All The Nicest People Drink Old Hickory

America's Most Magnificent bourbon






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Well if you want to go to Kinsey Distillery you better stay away as the buildings are being blocked up and sealed and the Police are in there all the time so just a warning to you young people stay away if you look here on this sight!

The township is sick of all the fires and other things and are really cracking down.

Dave Z

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well here it is my 68th Birthday and I am sitting here sipping some Original Old Hickory 6 yr 86 Proof Bourbon that was sent to me in a sample bottle By CL! It is so darn GOOD! Many Thanks to CL for this taste of History and America's Most Magnificent Bourbon.

Dave Z


It Seems All The Nicest People Drink Old Hickory America's Most Magnificent Bourbon

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