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Empty Bottle Support Group Summer '09

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Finished off the dusty Walker's Deluxe that I found last week. I always finish off bottles quickly when I don't care much for them, and this was the case with this one.

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Finished up an Ancient Ancient Age and an excellent bottle of Elmer T. Lee.

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I finally finished my open Four Roses Small Batch. Its single barrel brother is probably my favorite generally available pour, but this one never tickled my fancy at all.

I've moved it to the front of the cabinet a number of times so that I would finish it, but it kept crawling back to the dark reaches.

Nevermore. :grin:

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Finished off a WLWSR last night. Imagine my surprise when I went to the bunker for my backup bottle and found that I had just finished my backup bottle! How the hell did I let that happen? :shocked:

I'm glad that WLWSR is available in so many places now so I can resupply easily. I used to have to look around for it but now its pretty common stuff.

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Last night I finished my Four Roses 120th Anniversary bottle, and I was sorry to see that one go.

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Just finished off a bottle of OCPR. I have one in the bunker that will probably be there for a while. Joe

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Finished a bottle of ERSB tonight. Joe

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I have been on a tear or late. WLW 2005, EW 1990 200th, EW 86 black and I am on to an old crow that will be goen son

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Just finished off a bottle of OCPR. I have one in the bunker that will probably be there for a while. Joe

I finished up an L'Ville a month or so back with only one in the bunker also. I've also put off opening it... wish there were more....

Just polished off my WTRB.... that one went too fast.

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Finished my first bottle of Pappy's this month. Was a good one and now the local liquor store has no more.


Best regards, tony

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I finished up an L'Ville a month or so back with only one in the bunker also. I've also put off opening it... wish there were more....

Just polished off my WTRB.... that one went too fast.

James, I wish there were more too. I have one VSOF, and one OCPR, on indefinite hold in the bunker. :rolleyes: One positive is that I do have one Weller Centennial open, and a few in the bunker. :grin: Enough to hold me a while. My Centennial isn't in jeopardy yet. I have quite a few bottles open that I'm going to try and finish. After that, who knows what might happen. :shocked: Joe

What a coincidence. I'm working on a WTRB at this very moment.:cool:

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James, I wish there were more too. I have one VSOF, and one OCPR, on indefinite hold in the bunker. :rolleyes: One positive is that I do have one Weller Centennial open, and a few in the bunker. :grin: Enough to hold me a while. My Centennial isn't in jeopardy yet. I have quite a few bottles open that I'm going to try and finish. After that, who knows what might happen. :shocked: Joe

What a coincidence. I'm working on a WTRB at this very moment.:cool:

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Good day and good news at work. (For a change.) Had the last couple of pours from a bottle of Weller Centennial when I got home from work. Man it was good to the last drop. :grin: Joe

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Killed the last of my Weller SR single-barrel from Everett's Liquor....man I gotta get back down there!

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I've been finishing up bottles left and right lately...most only have a few drinks left so I'm making room on the bar.



Four Roses Single Barrel

Four Roses Small Batch


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FRsb~probably my favorite everyday pour


Rebel Yell(never again!)

**and I just cant bring myself to pour the last bit of my WRFG**

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I just put to bed a 2007 Saz 18. I always cry a little harder when a BTAC pours it's last. Thomas Handy will be uncapped tonight as a suitable tribute to my fallen friend.

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**and I just cant bring myself to pour the last bit of my WRFG**

Go ahead and have that last pour of WRFG. I have an unopened bottle that I'll make you a deal on. :slappin: Joe

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Finished a bottle of WTRB and a bottle of WTRR 10/90 the other night. Joe

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I lost several this weekend.


Ritt BIB

Weller SR

Saz Jr.

I only really miss the Saz. Jr. I have a bunch of Weller SR bunkered, but the Saz will be missed.

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A Binny's picked WLW 12 year, and a Larry's handpicked barrel of Buffalo Trace both poured their last.

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