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What Beer Are You Drinking? - Spring 2012

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Well the warmer weather is finally here (or almost here, for our friends up North). What are you drinking this Spring?

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Last night I reached into the fridge for a Founder's Red Rye PA and when I popped the top and started pouring it into the glass it looked unusually dark. I accidentally poured a Founder's Breakfast Stout and, while it was delicious, it wasn't what I was in the mood for. The Red Rye PA that I poured afterwards was outstanding.

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Guiness Draught..gonna get some Shiner (Texas beer) Hefeweizen next week.

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Last night I reached into the fridge for a Founder's Red Rye PA

Had a couple of the Founder's Red Rye PA's on tap last night. Most excellent. I'll have to see if I can find some for the fridge.

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This past weekend I had a chance to drink a small snifter of 2010 Bourbon County Stout drawn from a tap. At 13% abv, it was huge and chalky, and the most gooey, sticky-icky beer I have ever had. I think I could have picked the liquid out of the glass with my fingers and it would come out as a giant gob. It was not the easiest thing to drink, but I couldn't resist the rare opportunity and I don't regret it. I was not prepared to pick apart the complexity, but I'll just say it made my head spin.

Followed that up with Zombie Dust. It was the hoppiest beer I've ever had that didn't have that bitter bite most hoppy beers present. I've heard that Three Floyd's is ramping up production and intends to make it their standard brew. More Zombie Dust on the shelves would be an incredibly good thing!

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Ballast Point Sculpin IPA, citrusy hop goodness with a long chewy resiny finish. Mouth puckering hoppiness is right up my alley.

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Dogfish Head 90-minute IPA. This used to be my favorite IPA. But after having Hopslam I think the Dogfish Head is now relegated to second.

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Dogfish Head 90-minute IPA. This used to be my favorite IPA. But after having Hopslam I think the Dogfish Head is now relegated to second.

That is why you differentiate between year round favorite and seasonal favorite. 90 is available 365, Hopslam but for a short time late winter-early spring.

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Followed that up with Zombie Dust. It was the hoppiest beer I've ever had that didn't have that bitter bite most hoppy beers present. I've heard that Three Floyd's is ramping up production and intends to make it their standard brew. More Zombie Dust on the shelves would be an incredibly good thing!

It's already happening. A month ago, it was city-only for bottles. Now, it's reaching some suburban stores. And where the two stores (one city, one suburban) that I had been buying it at were limiting sales to two six packs per customer, both have lifted that limit in the past few weeks.

And the best part, for me, is that the wife still much prefers Alpha King to the Dust, so I can buy it with minimal fear that she'll be hitting my stash.

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That is why you differentiate between year round favorite and seasonal favorite. 90 is available 365, Hopslam but for a short time late winter-early spring.

This is also a reason that craft beer will always be a niche thing no matter how exciting the projections may get.

Most consumers demand year-round availability of the things that they like.

More for us!

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Finishing off a bottle of Unibroue Grande Reserve 17 while watching the Baylor/Xavier game. Really nice -- lots of spice, fruit and oak. Will definitely buy again.

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Leffe Brune finally made it to the US! I used to drink it often when in France and am glad to see it here now. Leffe Blond is tasty as well but I have many fond memories associated with the Brune, so I'll be stocking up on more soon.

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Russian River Consecration. Quite sour but a nice change up.

St. Feuillien Triple. Pretty incredible. Refreshing and citrusy.

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Kinda new to the beer game.....

I had a few tonight,

Hoppin Frog Doris

Peche Mortel


Dragons Milk

All very good Stouts.....

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I had a Southern Tier Gemini last night. Pretty good overall, but I don't know that I'd buy another.

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Shock Top Lemon Shandy--Belgian style wheat beer with lemonade

good, but not as good as the Shock Top Orange. Not as citrusy, probably 'cuz it's lemonade, not lemon.

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I had some Houblon Chouffe on tap last night. I love a good Belgian (or Belgian-style) tripel, and this was all that and a bit more. Golden-yellow in color with light bright, yeasty fruit notes and a moderately malty, slightly bready body. 9% abv never went down so easy; every aspect of the beer is delicate.

I love Allagash's tripel, and the D'Achouffe stuff put it to shame.

I also had some more Zombie Dust. Love that stuff. And I love Hopleaf here in Chicago, no matter how crowded it gets.

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Picked up some Shiner Hefeweizen last weekend. Good stuff for humid weather and temps in the 80's.

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I don't often drink at lunch on a weekday, but I needed it today. I discovered a spot with a sweet beer selection right near my office, not an easy feat out in the burbs. Apparently, I didn't need to look any further than right across the street!

My bison burger went down smoothly with some Great Lakes Conway's Irish Ale and Bell's Two Hearted, both freshly on tap.

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Split a bomber of FFF Brian Boru with Karen tonight. With FFF's love of hops, it is one of the few red ales I can tolerate, still a bit malty though.

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Roge Dead Guy. My favorite in celebration of Kentucky advancing to the title game. Not sure what I'll do if they win on Monday night... there may be some champagne involved (but no burning couches)!

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Sierra Nevada Ruthless Rye.

I'm not really a beer guy but I find it pretty tasty. In terms of balance I suppose I could use a tad more rye and a tad less hops, but that's really nitpicking.

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New Holland's Mad Hatter IPA and Arcadia IPA, both from great brewing state of Michigan. No clear favorite, as both were extremely enjoyable. I'm definitely a fan of Arcadia's beers and recommend them to those who enjoy English-style ales.

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