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What's your favorite BIB and why?

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Just curious to see what is popular and why. I seem to like 100+ proofers and have spent more time experimenting with various BIBs than anything else. Since theyre almost all between $10 and $20, what do you like or dislike about various ones?

Ive tried VOB, OGD, HH white, HH gold, EW, and (though not currently labeled as a BIB anymore) Forester 100. Ive yet to try McKenna, JTSB, Dant, or Fitz.

Of the ones ive tried, id probably pick the EW BIB if I had to pick only one, though ive not found any that were disagreeable.

VOB and OGD were extremely similar to me.

HH white was pretty good (like the OGD/VOB similarity, its extremely similar to the EW BIB), but the gold tasted like a younger version (probably 4 compared to 6)

Forester wouldve been my last pick of what ive tried.

Of the ones ive not tried, would anyone recommend any of them worthy?


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in your case, squire, YES!

but seriously, i know you are an OGD/VOB guy, and youve been drinking them for probably most of my life. what is it about them that you always pick those up rather than the other dozen BIB's? one's a beam, ones a barton.....do you not like HH profiles (HH makes more BIB's than anyone)?

help me learn.


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i assume OHH is old heaven hill?

wasnt aware of a 10 year. i knew there was an 8 year, but it was long gone before i learned of bourbon. is the 6 year going away now? ive seen posts reporting that.

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For me it's VOB BIB. Just tastes the best to me of the BIBs I've had thus far.

And the fact that it's $13 doesn't hurt.

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Rittenhouse is another to add to the list. what do you like about that one? ive read a lot of good reviews on it but havent gotten to that yet, as ive only seen it in big stores, and i frequent the small stores and pharmacies mostly.

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Ritt BIB is a bourbony rye. Very tasty.

My favorite BIB is OGD because it has so much of what I perceive to be rye flavor. However, I've liked every BIB I've ever tried, and I find they're really more similar than they are different.

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I've liked every BIB I've ever tried, and I find they're really more similar than they are different.

true, quite true.

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Ritt BIB is a bourbony rye. Very tasty.

My favorite BIB is OGD because it has so much of what I perceive to be rye flavor. However, I've liked every BIB I've ever tried, and I find they're really more similar than they are different.

Agreed. But since OF BIB is a wheater, it does separate itself from many of the other BIBs with a slightly sweeter flavor profile.

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I would say my favorite is McKenna. The proof and age are perfect for the HH house style for me. But in Northern California we don't get any other HH BIBs (other than Fitz), so I might like some of those better for the price.

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I would second the Henry McKenna SB BIB, although I honestly forgot it was BIB until I read dohidied post! My initial reaction was OGD BIB.

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Ritt BIB is a bourbony rye. Very tasty.

My favorite BIB is OGD because it has so much of what I perceive to be rye flavor.

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I haven't found one that I didn't like. My most favorite currently is the McKenna 10 year. That said, it also is not always easy to find, and costs twice the price as the 4-6 year old juice. Out of HH's 4 year olds, I prefer JTS Brown to the HH 4 year old, or the current Dant. I also have to give a shout out for Mellow Corn. OGD, VOB, and HH 6 year are 3 really solid pours; the definition of real bourbon. We can drink these, and laugh at the pappy poseurs. Although it is not technically a bond, I really like OF Signature too. OF Signature can't be labeled B.I.B. because it is a mingling that contains some older whiskey. Bonds can contain only whiskey made in the same season from a single distillery. I have read that 4R Single Barrel meets the criteria be called B.I.B. (but is not labeled as such).

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hmmm....mckenna has popped up a few times. maybe that and rittenhouse will be on the list soon

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I'd have to say Ritt and Fitz. Looking forward to tasting the new HH Ritt soon, and hoping it's different but just as good (or better). OGD is a solid answer, but I prefer the 114, so I don't feel I could really argue for the BIB with that caveat.

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Doug I regularly drink Grand Dad and Barton simply because they are the choice of what's available locally in the small town where I've lived since retirement. Twenty five years ago in addition to OGD and Barton BIBs my cellar included Elijah Craig 12 yr, Very Rare Old Heaven Hill, 10 years old, 100 proof Bottled in Bond, Old Rip Van Winkle 10 year old 90 proof (for guests who liked wheat recipe Bourbon), all of which I bought by the case. Also picked up anything new or interesting as it came on the market (Jefferson, Pogue, Bulleit, you name it) and the two primary locals would call my office when my allotments of Buffalo Trace Antique Collection arrived. Bought enough of the Pappys to decide I really didn't care for old, woody whiskys.

Now I no longer entertain professionally or give out corporate gifts so my needs have been reduced accordingly and Barton or Grand Dad suit me fine, though I could have most any of the others if I bothered to drive to Memphis.

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thanks, squire....youre one of the most informative, and entertaining, members on here. thanks for the replies and explanations.

as a side question......ive heard a few rumors the HH 6 year white BIB is going away. is this true? i like it, but wouldnt say i love it. yet, if its going away, its cheap enough to buy a whole case and stash it away without spending a fortune.

back to the BIB's......currently i have EW, OGD and VOB. with my method of not replacing the lesser liked ones and keeping the most liked one to compare to future contenders....the OGD and VOB likely wont be replaced, as i think i prefer the EW a bit more. but, OGD 114 still beats them all, and it doesnt cost much more than a decent BIB ($21 here). So im thinking the Mckenna and Ritt will be next.

speaking of some HH stuff (unofficially at least).....what is the significant, if any, difference between the Ezra brooks? EB has several that sound interesting, but only the plain EB and the EB 7 101 are common on the shelves. ive not seen the Ezra B 12 year. i know, its not technically a BIB, but it is 99 proof and 12 years, so its close enough to toss into the 100 proof category, as is the 7 year 101. either of those worth throwing in the mix?

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Quite a bit of difference actually, the 12 year is a single barrel (replacement for the much better 15 yr. SB) whereas the regular Ezra(s) are vatted from a large number of barrels. If you find a 15 year old dusty get it.

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Squire, what do you know about Ancient Age BIB and Old Weller Original? I haven't seen an AA BIB since the early '90s. Wish I had tasting notes but back then I thought bourbon was just something you drank. I didn't know I was suppoed to obsess about it and get ready for a quiz on Monday.

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as a side question......ive heard a few rumors the HH 6 year white BIB is going away. is this true? i like it, but wouldnt say i love it. yet, if its going away, its cheap enough to buy a whole case and stash it away without spending a fortune.

I can tell you that a couple months ago at Liquor Barn the HH BIB 750s were age-stated 6 year but the handles had no age statement.

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I can tell you that a couple months ago at Liquor Barn the HH BIB 750s were age-stated 6 year but the handles had no age statement.

It was noted here on SB maybe a year ago, that the liters and the 1.75s were showing up NAS...but the 750s still had the age statement. So its probably only a matter of time for the 750s to be NAS...I'm assuming

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It was noted here on SB maybe a year ago, that the liters and the 1.75s were showing up NAS...but the 750s still had the age statement. So its probably only a matter of time for the 750s to be NAS...I'm assuming
If you look on the right side of the main, lower label on the handles in this pic, it's still stated as being 6 years old: https://www.thepartysource.com/express/item.php?id=9949 TPS usually updates their pics, though I haven't been there in person in a year. It's definitely not as big as the statements on the 750s.
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i thought i remembered reading some time ago that the 1.75s didnt have a prominent age statement on the front, but it was on the back somewhere. hopefully its all still 6 years.

but, i would guarantee that its going to go away. think about it for a minute, as a bean counter would.....a 6 year HH labeled BIB, and a 4 year (NAS) EW BIB. very very similar in taste. basic math, find the common denominator, which is 12. in 12 years, heaven hill can create two entire theoretical warehouses full of HH 6 year BIB and bottle/sell it. OR, in those twelve years, they can create 3 entire theoretical warehouses full of EW BIB. that's 50% more bourbon sold in the same 12 year time. plus, just having the EW name on it raises the price over something with HH name on it. it is win-win for them

bet on it. its not like HH labeled products have fierce followers like MM, who would riot over any change. people would grumble about it, wipe the shelves clean, and then it would be forgotten in no time.

out of curiousity, i looked today and there was plenty of 6 year white HH at the neighborhood pharmacy. for references purpose, they also fully restocked the shelf with AAA 10 year 1.75's. last week they had one and i thought that would be the last one i saw. there were 8 today. not that i care, i dont want any......too low a proof.

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