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you guys will never hear another ECBP locating complaint from me again....

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Do you think you got your hopes up too high? If so that is certainly understandable. Give it time, you might come around to it - if not, as squire said, you've got a lot of cocktail variations to try it in ... and no one will tell you you shouldn't! (

... :grin: ... )
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Do you think you got your hopes up too high?

i dont think so. I expected strong....I love strong. but sweetened terpentine is not what i expected. I previously said that Old Overholt was the worst thing I had ever bought and disliked enough to pour out, but this has it beat, in spades.

Would rather have OGD 114 all day. Or Booker's.

my sentiments exactly, theyre both regulars for me, and Bookers is my favorite.

just tried another 1/4 ounce or so.....its better now, but still I would never buy it again. shame too, it is such a mesmerizingly beautiful color, even more so than my beloved KCSB

Edited by 393foureyedfox
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I have a feeling that maybe you don't like "over oaked/over aged" bourbon. I personally like woody bourbons and even though it's only 12yr. (which is still pretty old for bourbon) it tastes like a 20yr. + bourbon to me. It has a very oaked, smoky dark chocolate/dark fruit thing going on from what I've tasted, but you don't get that charcoal flavor that Weller 12 has (which I loathe.)

I definitely think this is part of it. The worst bottle of bourbon I have every bought was EC12, and it tasted like I was chewing on a rotten oak branch soaked in paint thinner. I tried it again several months later, and it was just as bad. I have tried several other bottles, and while they were much better, that heavy oaked flavor always reminding me of my first bottle. I used to like a heavy oak flavor, but EC has ruined it for me. 4 years later I can still taste it.

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it tasted like I was chewing on a rotten oak branch soaked in paint thinner.

i think you just put into perfect words what i was trying to spell out....

it just dawned on me that there are two smoking joes here.....ive been seeing the name and thinking it was the same guy, then i just noticed that, hey, the avatar is different now....doh!

Edited by 393foureyedfox
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Go freaking figure.


Can't breathe...


Ok, now that I have time to breathe, the guys here have it covered nicely - you have options but ultimately it is an opportunity to help you understand what it is you like/don't like in a whisky (and it appears you're well on your way on this score).

I've been (my palate actually) all over the whisky landscape a few times over and I think I'm still learning ;-)

Edited by ChainWhip
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Booker's, KCSB and OGD 114 are probably all 6 to 9 years (not really sure about OGD), so the right spot for you might be in the BiB zone, high proof, under 10 yrs ... you said you like some of the lower priced HH BiBs, so sounds like you like 'em strong before the wood kicks in ...

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since i refuse to spend over $50 on a 750 bottle anyway, i guess my tastes fall right in line then. lucky me!

i know you guys will cringe at the thought, but im gonna try adding it to some HH BIB and see what they are like at 115 proof.

Edited by 393foureyedfox
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that didnt work either.....

adding some ECBP to some HH BIB sure is one expesive way to screw up some HH BIB.....

lesson learned....i guess its better to be happy with $10-40 bourbon than only with an impossible to find expensive one.:skep:

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Sounds like you were just getting over a cold, so I'd give it more time. I know you like the higher proofs, but I'd try it with some cool water. 1 oz at 137 and 1/4 ounce of cool water - you'd still be at 110. While I like to take my first few sips neat, I think it does open up with some water (and still stays high proof!) Plus, I just love seeing it cloud up :)

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i waited til it was well over a week after feeling fine from my cold.

the above references to me just discovering i dont like oak bombs are most likely whats going on here. chainwhip, youre right....its a good learning experience on what i like and dont like. ive only been into this for about a year.....some of you guys on here have been at it for years and are still experimenting.

but my pattern seems to be 6-9 year old, often higher rye mashbill stuff, and higher proofs. with that said, what stuff would you guys recommend trying from here? HH BIB's, KC 120, OGD 114, Bookers....these are some of my favorites, although I wish the HH BIBs were a bit higher proof, as theyre a bit tame to me.

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From what your preferences seem to be I would recommend a 4R Private Selection, but I know that is out of your price limit at ~$55 and you've said before you don't care for 4R. What about WTRB at ~$35-$45 and close to 110 proof? Stagg Jr. is definitely not woody and is right around 9-10yrs. I got my bottle for $46 or $47 and it's 134.4 proof. It's basically a barrel proof Buffalo Trace if you ask me.

Edited by smknjoe
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ive tried WT101 and the WTRB. while not bad by any means, they didnt inspire me to replace them when gone

i did once have a 4R barrel proofer at a Cincy bar, that IIRC was somewhere in the 110-115 range, and i did like that. I remember the distinct floral essence that made me think it was appropriately named. I was very disappointed in the 4RSiB i got though. it wasnt bad by any means, i just found it bland and unappealing. I know i am seriously in the minority on that though. you like what you like, right?

while i am enjoying trying something new routinely, ive found myself settle into just a few things. luckily, ive got enough KC120 stashed to get me through a few years, and HH BIBs and OGD 114 are fairly cheap.

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1. I had the WTRB recently and will chime in with squire on that...that poor bottle didn't last over 2 hours with my crew! 2. I'm personally partial to the KCSB, 'cause its better balanced. P. S. This fox's ECBP journey has been more entertaining than any other bachelor party I've ever attended! Have the strippers got here yet?

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You like Bookers, but ECBP tastes like paint thinner?! :skep:. I could strip a nice vintage bedroom set with a bottle of bookers.

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EPIC is the only word to describe A) innumerable posts in the ECBP thread on the fruitless,hopeless, and ultimately pointless hunt and B) now FIVE pages on the fallout from the finally successful procurement and ironically disastrous result. And all of this entertainment was free. Thanks jbutler and FEF.

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EPIC is the only word to describe

We can only hope that he catches the Pappy bug so we can restart the saga!

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Some of these guys have already mentioned it but it does sound like you don't enjoy the woody, and maybe even earthy aspects. Have you had any experience with wine with similar results? There are wine selections that have heavier wood influences and ones with less. This way, you would take the alcohol volume out of the equation and figure out if it's the wood that you don't like. There are also wine that has certain earthiness to it that you can pick out as well.

The more experienced members can chime in on whether this is applicable but I drank more wine before venturing into bourbon. So, I tend to notice certain preferences to be similar.

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from experience.....we should specifically request the female ones

There's a story that goes with that experience I'm guessing ;-)

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yeah, it is pretty comical. disappointing, but comical.

dont worry about me hopping on the Pappy wagon, or Stagg, etc..... Anything over $50 doesnt even get considered....just my principle.

Some of these guys have already mentioned it but it does sound like you don't enjoy the woody, and maybe even earthy aspects. Have you had any experience with wine with similar results? There are wine selections that have heavier wood influences and ones with less. This way, you would take the alcohol volume out of the equation and figure out if it's the wood that you don't like. There are also wine that has certain earthiness to it that you can pick out as well.

The more experienced members can chime in on whether this is applicable but I drank more wine before venturing into bourbon. So, I tend to notice certain preferences to be similar.

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